Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 10 Monstrous Strength Pill Evolution! True Child Pill!

Chapter 10: Evolution of the Monstrous Strength Pill! True Child Pill!

For the outer disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, each person has their own tasks every day. Only by completing them on time can they obtain the cultivation resources provided by the sect, learn the sect's techniques and divine abilities, and ensure their livelihood.

Alchemy, forging, beast taming, array formation, talisman making, farming.

Every disciple needs to learn life skills to avoid being unable to support themselves after leaving the sect and returning to the secular world.

Of course, there are also those who don't learn anything and focus solely on cultivation, helping with various miscellaneous matters inside and outside the sect.

These people are usually inner disciples, but talented outer disciples can also apply to become one, avoiding the trivialities of daily life and only needing to go to the affairs hall to receive and complete corresponding tasks.

And An Muxi is one of them.

In fact, with her breakthrough to the Foundation Building stage at the age of eighteen, she has long been designated as an inner disciple, waiting for the next selection competition to enter with a legitimate identity.

For Chu Ming, a Fourth Grade alchemist can barely qualify to enter the inner sect, but his status is slightly lower.

As for the daily tasks of an alchemist, it is to submit a pill one grade lower than their own, with a quality of at least two lines.

One line is incomplete, two lines are ordinary, and three lines are considered perfect.


In the alchemy room, Chu Ming looked at the three Third Grade Tranquil Heart Pills in his hand, with three faint blue lines emitting a faint glow on their surface.

The Tranquil Heart Pill is a substitute for the Iceheart Pill, with the same effect but slightly lower efficacy.

With the enhancement of the "Wood Spirit Divine Soul," this burden of a task for him has now become effortless.

Even though the so-called pill furnace is already an ancient relic, under Chu Ming's precise control, only one batch of materials out of four has failed.

"I'll study something new with the remaining time."

After putting away the Tranquil Heart Pills, Chu Ming took out a bundle of old sheepskin scrolls tied with a red ribbon from his spatial bag.

Carefully opening it, he began to carefully examine the faint pen marks on it.

[Monstrous Strength Pill (Fourth Grade)]

[Effect: After taking this pill, the solidity of the physical body and the strength attribute will be greatly enhanced within one hour (1.5 times for one line, 3 times for two lines, 5 times for three lines).]

In addition to the effect, it also detailed the materials and refining methods required for the Monstrous Strength Pill, even marking the entire process and even referencing some well-known alchemy books at the end!

What kind of graduation thesis is this!

Chu Ming placed the prescription on the wooden table and gently sighed with a slightly sore brow.

"I really don't understand why I had to spend most of my wealth to buy such a Fourth Grade pill formula."

Usually, alchemists use public formulas, and it is rare to individually purchase one from the Sacred Alchemy Hall like this.

Not to mention the expensive price, if the practicality of the pill is not strong, it would be difficult to recover the investment even in the Late Stage, and one can only consume it themselves.

Obviously, the Monstrous Strength Pill, which can increase strength, is one of them. In the entire Immortal Cultivation World, if not unique, there are at least hundreds of pills with similar effects.

"Whatever, since I've bought it, I'll give it a try. The materials are just enough."

Chu Ming lit three incense sticks, paid his respects, and was about to start refining the pill when the familiar faint blue light curtain suddenly appeared again.

"Would you like to simulate the 'Monstrous Strength Pill formula'?"


After a moment of confusion, Chu Ming suddenly became excited.

Can even the pill formula be simulated?

Doesn't that mean I can improve it?

That's great!


After eagerly murmuring, Chu Ming was greeted with a flood of information in front of his eyes.

Since you were born, you have been hidden deep in the bookshelf by your master, never seeing the light of day.

You know that you are just a prescription created by your master on a whim, with no use to someone of his caliber.

You are unwilling and swear to train your strange strength to the extreme, hoping to help your master in some way!

The next day, you were abandoned by your master and sold to a young alchemy apprentice named Chu Ming, inadvertently entering his deep memories.

There, you overlook various peculiar buildings from the sky, smoking carriages, and strangely dressed people.

At this moment, you suddenly noticed a group of people in your world, dressed similarly to you, forming a circle with Law Weapons in hand.

In the center, there was a human who punched and kicked with extraordinary martial skills. The others dared not approach and even humbly served him tea and water.

Your eyes lit up as you transformed into human form and tried to imitate him. Suddenly, you realized that the medicinal pills were not only meant to be swallowed but also had the power to enhance oneself!

Afterward, you became his disciple and learned from him year after year. Before his death, he entrusted his name to you, hoping that you would carry on his legacy in your own world.

Simulation complete. As the "Monstrous Strength Pill Formula" is your personal item, you can only choose one reward.

Currently available entry: "True Child (Gold): Transforming pills into form, martial skills proudly between heaven and earth!"

"What the f*ck? Golden legend?"

Upon seeing the simulated entry in gold, Chu Ming was not only surprised but also somewhat excited.

Today is truly his lucky day!

Immediately, he excitedly added the entry to the "Monstrous Strength Pill Formula."

Congratulations, host! The "Monstrous Strength Pill Formula" has successfully evolved into the "True Child Pill Formula"!



Chu Ming widened his eyes and took a while to react.

So, his "True Child" meant this!?

"Well, well, I've really broadened my horizons..."

Looking at the pill formula shining with a golden title in his hand, Chu Ming lightly tapped his forehead and decided to refine one first.

The name sounds impressive, but he doesn't know its power...

Although the Monstrous Strength Pill has evolved, its grade and refining method have hardly changed, except for the addition of a strand of the master's divine soul in the ingredients.

"What is this thing for?"

Looking at the green fire ignited by his wooden spiritual power in the pill furnace, Chu Ming suddenly hesitated.

After all, separating a strand of divine soul would cause significant damage to a person's spiritual sea. Besides, isn't this something only used when refining one's own Law Weapon?

I just want to refine pills, why does it involve divine soul?

After much contemplation, Chu Ming sighed and finally closed his eyes, forcing his consciousness into his spiritual sea, enduring the pain in his brain as he forcibly separated a strand of divine soul.

Although his mental strength was already far higher than that of an ordinary Fourth Grade alchemist due to the enhancement of the wooden spirit and his attributes, this process was still extremely painful, causing sweat to cover his forehead.


Finally, Chu Ming threw the twisted silver droplet formed at his fingertips into the pill furnace, wiping the sweat off his forehead with relief.

I hope it doesn't fail, or it would be a huge loss!

Staring intently at the green flame in the pill furnace, Chu Ming focused all his attention and then heard a "crack" sound.


In his terrified gaze, in an instant, a brilliant burst of fire suddenly exploded in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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