Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

100. Chapter 100 The Road [Three-In-One 6K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 100: Journey [Triple Combo 6k, Please Subscribe!]

"Sister, believe me, I really didn't do that to you," Chu Ming explained softly. At this moment, he finally understood why An Muxi felt so wronged.

Originally, they had agreed to wait until they reached Huacheng before taking their relationship further. But you broke that boundary while I was unconscious in this deep mountain cave?

Who should I reason with about this?

Chu Ming felt embarrassed and momentarily at a loss for words. In the end, it was An Muxi who broke the silence. With pink cheeks and misty eyes, she looked a bit shy and reproachful.

"You said I misunderstood you last time, and that only when we have physical contact... does it count as taking our relationship further?"

"But this time, we were still wearing clothes."

Chu Ming's face showed a bitter expression. Then he pinched An Muxi's blushing cheek and said seriously,

"Sister, it seems I need to educate you on some basic knowledge that the Joyous Union Heart Sutra doesn't explicitly mention."

Basic knowledge?

An Muxi looked confused. She listened as Chu Ming leaned in and whispered something in her ear. In an instant, her eyes widened, her cheeks turned red, and she quickly moved her hands to push him away, like a startled rabbit.

An Muxi felt flustered and her mind was in chaos. She blushed and tried to argue, but her shyness prevented her from speaking a complete sentence. Finally, as if summoning all her courage, she protested in a soft voice.

"No! You can't do that! If you do, I will... I will die!"


Chu Ming looked puzzled, while An Muxi covered her blushing face with her hands and murmured softly.


Chu Ming was initially stunned, but then his expression became clear, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He moved closer and whispered in An Muxi's ear, like a devil tempting her.

"Sister, are you really uncomfortable?"

"If you were uncomfortable, you wouldn't have that expression on your face, not to mention you can't wear your stockings and underwear anymore."

"You know, when our relationship goes further, it will be even more wonderful than this time."

An Muxi's face turned even redder as she heard this. In her shy and curious eyes, a hint of anticipation emerged.

Will it really be more wonderful than just now?

If what Chu Ming said is true, she is starting to look forward to their trip to the Flower Peak...


What am I thinking?

An Muxi, you really lack the reserve of a girl!

An Muxi sobbed and buried her head in her knees again. Chu Ming's affection for her grew even stronger as he witnessed this adorable behavior. The tenderness in his heart seemed to overflow, and he couldn't help but ask softly.

"Sister, can I hold you while we sleep?"


An Muxi suddenly raised her face and pointed to the soft cushion she had prepared on the other side, blushing and shy.

"You sleep there tonight, and don't cross this bonfire!"


Seeing Chu Ming's disappointed expression, An Muxi glared at him with annoyance.

"It's all because you bullied me just now! Go to sleep, we have to hit the road early tomorrow!"

After saying that, An Muxi sat cross-legged, placed her hands on her lower abdomen, and began to practice her cultivation technique, closing her eyes and nurturing her spirit.

Chu Ming sighed heavily when he saw this and followed her example, immersing his consciousness in his lower abdomen, carefully sensing the changes in his body.

After experiencing the Ice Dragon Transformation in the Seven Transformations of the Dragon, he clearly felt that his resistance to cold had increased, and even the qi in his body had become more abundant.

However, he also worried about the hidden ferocity in his heart.

Indeed, that Black Dragon guy was an exception. Most of the Dragon Race were cruel and sinister Demonic Beasts that brought destruction.

Chu Ming used his spiritual power to cleanse his state of mind, and when he gradually calmed down, a strong sense of drowsiness swept over him from all directions.

A night passed without words, until the next morning.

The sun rose in the east, and the first light of dawn shone through the snow at the entrance of the cave, melting the tiny ice crystals and evaporating them.


Chu Ming murmured and opened his sleepy eyes, his hazy consciousness filled with the confusion that comes with just waking up.


Didn't I replace sleep with meditation?

Why am I still asleep?

Indeed, this method doesn't suit me...

However, just as Chu Ming was about to sit up with his hands on the cushion, he suddenly felt a soft weight on his body.


He was momentarily stunned, and his half-awake consciousness slowly awakened. His bewildered pupils gradually focused on the beautiful sleeping face in front of him.

At some point, An Muxi fell asleep on top of him, with a grass mat covering her back. Her original ponytail had come undone, and a few strands of hair were stuck to the side of her face and the corner of her mouth, adding a touch of laziness and charm to her originally elegant temperament.

"What is this..." Chu Ming surprisedly removed the grass mat, then smiled slightly after understanding, his expression showing a hint of helplessness.

She had refused to let me hold her while sleeping, but ended up sneaking over at night.

"Wake up, sister, the sun is shining on your butt." Chu Ming pinched An Muxi's delicate cheek, but she frowned and waved her hand, turning her head in another direction, muttering unconsciously.

"So annoying, just like Chu Ming..."

What, do you find me annoying!

Feeling An Muxi's soft body, Chu Ming's lips curled up, and he quietly loosened her clothes and untied her belt...

"Sister, remember to take off your clothes when you sleep."


An Muxi suddenly opened her sleepy eyes, her hazy beautiful eyes blinked frequently before quickly regaining clarity. She then stared at Chu Ming's mischievous face for a moment, squirming and trying to break free from his embrace.

"Chu Ming, you want to do something bad again! Let go of me!"

"Sister, it was you who took the initiative to throw yourself into my arms while I was asleep. And now you want to run away?"

"I didn't..."

An Muxi's face turned red, but then she realized that Chu Ming was holding her on his side, and his legs were pressing against hers in an overly intimate manner!

"No? Then it must have been a bear demon in the deep mountains who threw the sleeping you onto me, and thoughtfully covered you with a grass mat."

Listening to Chu Ming's teasing tone, An Muxi angrily used her right elbow to hit his stomach hard, causing him to cry out in pain and complain.

"Sister, you're so heartless!"

"Hmph, serves you right."

After An Muxi snorted, she stopped struggling and her lips slightly curved upwards, unable to suppress the joy in her heart, quietly enjoying the warmth of Chu Ming's embrace.

However, her honest body couldn't help but defend her shameful behavior.

"I was just tired from practicing last night, and when I saw you sleeping soundly next to me, I thoughtfully wanted to cover you with a grass mat. But then I fell into a deep sleep and ended up sleeping next to you."

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault."

Chu Ming chuckled, took a deep breath, and smelled the fragrance of An Muxi's hair, his inner desires surging.


After covering her mouth and whispering in surprise, she shyly and coquettishly muttered some words.

"You naughty thing! You want to do something bad again!"

"Sister, I am a normal young man with youthful vigor, and I also have the Natural Charm Body constitution. Moreover, I am holding such a beautiful woman like you in my arms. I can't suppress my desires."

Hearing Chu Ming's helplessness in his words, An Muxi pouted shyly, tacitly allowing him to act recklessly. She even took the initiative to press her body against him, twisting her waist and dancing her hips, making her originally graceful body curve even more "S-shaped".


Seemingly aware of An Muxi's active cooperation, Chu Ming was surprised and excited at the same time. He leaned close to her ear and smirked.

"Sister, you are truly a pride of heaven, the object of admiration for many male disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect. You learn everything so quickly."

An Muxi's voice became sweet and soft, and her watery eyes gradually filled with peach-colored hearts. They surged out instantly when Chu Ming lightly bit her earlobe.

Just as she turned her head to look at her beloved lover, he suddenly held her cheek and captured her cherry lips from behind.

An Muxi, with her waist bent and her red lips offered, couldn't move and could only make a whimpering sound. Her seductive eyes became blurred, and she quickly fell into this somewhat fierce and gentle embrace...

The beautiful morning came quickly and stayed late. It wasn't until the sun had risen for a long time that the two hurriedly packed their belongings and continued on their journey.

In mid-air, An Muxi stood on a sword, her eyelids drooping, and her hands tightly grasping the hem of her dress. Her blushing face didn't fade for a long time.

However, Chu Ming had thick skin and found various topics to chat about, so as not to let the atmosphere become awkward.

"Sister, look at that fat bird! It can actually keep up with our speed!"

"Sister, look over there, there are cultivators flying on their swords and it seems like they're going to fight when they land. Shall we go and join the fun?"


After saying so much, An Muxi still ignored him. Chu Ming could only helplessly lift her tender face and make her raise her head, looking into her shy eyes.

"Sister, our behavior is very common and normal between partners. You don't have to feel shy!"

"It's not because of that..."

An Muxi tightly held down her skirt, which was almost lifted by the howling wind, and stammered.

"I... I forgot to bring a second pair of silk stockings..."


Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, then lowered his head to glance at An Muxi's exposed delicate legs, suddenly realizing.

Immediately, he quickly summoned the protective shield of the Dior Spirit Sword, blocking the wind, and An Muxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, sister. I didn't notice this."

After sincerely apologizing, Chu Ming took out a map and pointed to a certain place with a light smile.

"We have already left the range of the Heavenly Evolution Sect and entered the territory of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect. How about we find a town to rest for a while later and buy you a pair of silk stockings?"


An Muxi obediently nodded in agreement. After all, if she didn't wear silk stockings, she would have to constantly worry about exposing herself. It's estimated that even during dangerous battles, she would be distracted.

"Since that's the case, let's fly a little longer and wait until we reach the next big city before deciding," Chu Ming said with a smile, then suddenly stopped controlling the Dior Spirit Sword as if sensing something, staring intently ahead with a slightly furrowed brow.

In the partially obscured sky, five or six young boys and girls were flying on their swords, slowly drifting towards them.

They were all dressed in thick, fiery red armor, with gold borders covering the sleeves and collar. On the left chest, there was an embroidered phoenix engulfed in brilliant flames.

The pattern for boys was a phoenix, and for girls, it was a phoenix. Chu Ming couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Truly worthy of a major sect, they even figured out which one was the male and which one was the female in the phoenix!

"Hello, fellow Daoists. We are disciples of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect," one of the handsome young boys said, stepping forward and bowing slightly, softly explaining their purpose.

"The reason we are stopping you is that we want to collect an airspace management fee for passing through our Blazing Fire Immortal Sect's territory."

Airspace management fee?

Chu Ming was surprised for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Isn't this just a toll fee?

Is it true? Do you have to pay when flying on a sword through someone else's territory?

"Um... is this fee reasonable?" Chu Ming asked in surprise.

"This is a rule that has been passed down in our sect since ancient times," the young boy said, clearly anticipating Chu Ming's question, explaining in a low voice.

"Because our Blazing Fire Immortal Sect is located in the center of the Northern Territory, there are often fellow Daoists flying on swords in the air, and when there are many people and the speed is fast, it is easy to cause sword collision accidents, leading to hostility and fighting."

"To avoid such incidents, we generally collect a certain airspace management fee and give you an 'Air Flying Token'."

"It is more sensitive than a person's divine sense. Once it detects fellow Daoists with the same 'Air Flying Token' in the vicinity, it will remind you to change your flying route to avoid collision."

After speaking, the young boy took out two orange-gold waist tokens and stared at Chu Ming, saying softly, "One Middle Grade spirit stone each."


The price is not expensive, and the reason is reasonable. The other party's temperament is also relatively humble and polite...

Chu Ming's slightly furrowed brow immediately relaxed, and just as he was about to casually pay, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he asked tentatively, "I want to ask, can this price be discounted?"


Seeing the confused expression on the young boy's face, Chu Ming explained with a light smile, "We are disciples sent by the Heavenly Evolution Sect to participate in the alchemy competition at the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect."

"I see!"

The young boy suddenly realized, then directly threw the token in his hand to Chu Ming and stepped aside.

"Then you may go, on behalf of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect, we welcome your arrival."


Is it that easy to talk?

Chu Ming was a little surprised as he took the token. It seems that the villains who jump out every day to gain experience won't appear frequently!

"Thank you," Chu Ming said with a smile, and with An Muxi, they flew over the people of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect. Just as they were about to leave, they were suddenly called back.

"Fellow Daoists, if you want to rest in our Blazing Fire Immortal Sect's territory, there is something I need to remind you of."

"Recently, there have been more people from the Joyful Path in our territory, so please be careful."

Joyful Path?

Chu Ming turned around, his brow furrowing slightly, about to say something, but was pulled by An Muxi's sleeve. Her gentle voice was like a snowbird in the snow.

"I understand, thank you for the reminder."

After bidding farewell politely, the two continued to fly within the territory of the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect. Along the way, Chu Ming couldn't help but ask An Muxi about his doubts.

"Sister, what is this Joyful Path?"

"A group of people with strange methods, always looking for trouble for no reason," An Muxi explained with a more serious expression.

"They claim to be a sect, but they don't look like a righteous sect. From time to time, they steal and cause trouble, making people furious."

"Although they can be considered an evil cult, they haven't done any major crimes. At most, they use their mouths to make you half-dead with anger."

"And their actions all have one common characteristic, which is joy!"


Seeing Chu Ming's confused expression, An Muxi pointed her index finger at her cheek, pondered for a moment, and continued to explain.

"You should know about the Seven Emotions, right? They cultivate the 'Joy Path.' Do you understand what I mean?"

"All their actions are to find things that make them happy in order to improve their cultivation."


Chu Ming suddenly realized, his cheeks twitching involuntarily.

"Sister, do some of them enjoy deceiving others?"

"How do you know?"

An Muxi looked back in surprise.

"For 'Xixiu' with profound cultivation, ordinary things cannot satisfy their inner joy. So they target the high-ranking members of various sects."

"For example, they deceive them by claiming that there is a treasure appearing somewhere, or they dig up their secrets and expose them in front of many people, while hiding in the dark to watch the excitement, and so on."

"It turns out to be like this!"

Chu Ming rubbed his sore brow and couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"It's troublesome to deal with this group of people."

"It is indeed troublesome, but it has nothing to do with us."

An Muxi took the initiative to hold Chu Ming's hand and comforted him with a gentle smile.

"They generally dislike pessimistic and world-weary people the most, and they often play tricks on such people. I guess they won't come looking for us."

"That would be best."

Chu Ming showed a bitter smile and firmly remembered the three words "Le Tian Xing" in his heart.

In this way, the two of them traveled for a whole day until the sunset gradually fell from the sky, and they finally found a bustling town to rest.

"It's quite lively here."

Chu Ming held An Muxi's hand and strolled along the main road of the town, which was covered in deep orange. Listening to the secular shouts around him, his heart couldn't help but become a little peaceful.

"Sister, should we find an inn to rest for the night?"

Chu Ming turned his head and asked, then suddenly noticed that An Muxi was staring eagerly at a nearby vendor selling sugar-coated haws, almost drooling.

"Do you want to eat?"

Chu Ming asked with a light laugh. An Muxi nodded frantically in response, shaking his hand and acting spoiled.

"I want to eat, go buy it for me~"

"Alright, alright."

Chu Ming couldn't help but smile, he held An Muxi's hand and stopped the vendor selling sugar-coated haws, and directly bought the straw stick filled with sugar-coated haws from his hand with a silver ingot.

"Why did you buy so many?!"

An Muxi looked surprised, took the sugar-coated haw stick handed to him by Chu Ming, and quickly puffed up his cheeks like a hamster. He held two strings in his hand, chewing hard while speaking unclearly.

Note: The translation assumes that "喜修" is a term related to cultivation or spiritual practice, and "乐天行" is a name or title.

"How can this work? It's such a waste."

"No worries, there are plenty of people over there who want it."

Chu Ming noticed a large group of children wearing tattered clothes gathering at the corner of a nearby alley. They were peering out, their eyes fixed on the candied hawthorn skewers in his hand, occasionally wiping the drool from the corners of their mouths.

"You can share it among yourselves."

Chu Ming walked over, crouched down, and handed the straw stick to the eldest boy, speaking gently.

"Remember, everyone should get a share."

"Thank... thank you, big brother!"

After a brief moment of shyness, the little boy wiped his dirty hands on his clothes, took the straw stick with excitement, and led the other children into the alley, cheering and jumping.

"I didn't expect you to be willing to take care of these children from poor families."

An Muxi came up behind Chu Ming, her eyes filled with tenderness and warmth as she looked at his back.

"Thank you, Chu Ming."

"It's just a small gesture."

Chu Ming turned around and smiled, but was surprised when An Muxi handed him a candied hawthorn skewer, her face filled with anticipation.

"You haven't eaten yet? Try it, it's delicious!"

"Well... you go ahead and take a bite, then I'll eat."

Chu Ming held the candied hawthorn skewer and gestured for An Muxi to take a bite. He then leaned in and snatched the red fruit from her mouth, staring at her slightly open lips in surprise, chewing with a smile.

"Mmm, it does taste really good!"

"You dare to steal my food!"

An Muxi pouted angrily, stood on her tiptoes, and cupped Chu Ming's cheeks with both hands, trying to take back the red fruit that belonged to her.

When the sweet sugar residue tickled her lips, she suddenly came to her senses. Her face blushed as she tried to break free, but Chu Ming tightly embraced her waist with his right arm and led her into the dim alley.

After half an incense stick's worth of time, their lips parted.

An Muxi breathed slightly, her misty eyes filled with water, and her soft and tender lips were covered in the sweet residue of melted sugar, making one unable to resist the desire to kiss them again.

"Do you still want to eat?"

Chu Ming held An Muxi's wrists tightly with his left hand, raised them above her head, pressed her against the wall, and gently wiped away the sugar residue from the corner of her mouth with his right hand, his eyes flashing with a hint of heat.

"If you want to eat, I have plenty here."

"I don't want to eat... mmm!"

"But I want to eat you."

(End of this chapter)

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