Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

124. Chapter 124 The Sister-In-Law Was Injured, And The Skin-To-Skin Contact Was Exposed [6K Please

Chapter 124 The sister-in-law is injured, and the skin-to-skin relationship is revealed [6k please subscribe! ]

"Foundation Building Second Layer?"

Old Sheng Ling's eyelids trembled slightly, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, making him look more kind and kind.

"How can such a weak little guy be contaminated with a divine thing like the Divine Essence? Although it's only a little bit, it can be considered a huge fairy fate."

"Robbing him? It's inappropriate. It really damages his identity. What's more, his spiritual power is stronger than that of his fellow practitioners. He should be a disciple trained by the five major sects."

"Now the Northern Territory is in trouble internally and externally. If conflicts arise again at this time, I am afraid that we will dig our own graves."

"But if his alchemy talent is good, maybe we can find an opportunity to get closer and win over him."

After the old man Sheng Ling calmed down, he stopped looking at Chu Ming and began to look in other directions. This made the person he was looking at breathe a long sigh of relief, and the tense nerves in his body relaxed.

Why is this old man staring at me?

Chu Ming frowned, and after a little thought, he came up with a rough answer.

It's just that I am a disciple of Heavenly Evolution Sect, and he doesn't like me.

But judging from the look just now, it was more of amusement and slightly surprised doubt.

The only thing that can surprise such a person is the essence of God...

"it is as expected."

Chu Ming rubbed his sore eyebrows and sighed again, with a bitter smile on his face.

After absorbing the essence of the God of Wealth, he expected that such magical objects would be noticed, spied on and coveted by some people, but he didn't expect to be targeted so quickly!

"But this is a matter of course. You can't just hide somewhere and be a coward, right?"

"After all, if you grab something like immortality, people will naturally be greedy, but the difference is whether it shows on your face or not."

Although it was a bit reckless to absorb the essence of the God of Wealth, Chu Ming did not regret it.

They all have two eyes and one head, who is afraid of whom?

After the old man Sheng Ling talked quietly for a while, the opening ceremony finally ended, and Chu Ming had a rough understanding of the rules of the alchemy competition.

The entire alchemy competition is divided into preliminary rounds, qualifying rounds and finals.

Only alchemists who have passed the three stages of the preliminary round can compete with other alchemists in alchemy skills in the finals, and finally go to the alchemist dojo in the finals, where they will refine the elixir in front of many people and be selected by the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect. The referee comes out to make a decision.

"Isn't it obvious that this is an inside job?!"

Chu Ming was queuing up at the north side of the Danshi Dojo to hand over the Qi Condensation Pills needed for the Rank One stage of the preliminary round. He couldn't help but complain in his heart when he was bored.

Good guys, the referees are selected by you Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, so it’s not you who has the final say on who wins and who loses?

Should I use my head to compete with you guys for first place?

"Let's just get into the top ten and complete the sect's mission."

Chu Ming carefully considered the possibility of winning the first place, and when it was his turn, he handed over the identity plate and Qi Condensation Pill to the steward of Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect at the same time.

The other person was a middle-aged man with a skinny build and a pointed mouth.

After he saw the identity plate handed over by Chu Ming, the smile on his face instantly solidified. He raised his head and looked at the handsome young man in front of him, and then fixed his gaze on the Qi Condensation Pill in his hand for a long time. Full of deep doubts.

"Did you refine this?"

"Yeah, didn't you mark it?"

Chu Ming wrote lightly

"With two pill lines, you should be able to pass the test, right?"


The thin monkey steward stared at the Qi Condensation Pill in his hand for a long time with a gloomy face, as if he wanted to find some loopholes that did not comply with the rules, but no matter the level of Core Condensation or the rich spiritual power emanating from the inside out, All of which mean that it is an elixir of excellent quality and effectiveness.

Except for appearance, of course.

Why is this happening?

The thin monkey manager scratched his head suspiciously, his facial features tangled together.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the alchemy materials arranged for disciples participating in the Heavenly Evolution Sect above be a pile of "rotten leaves"?

Why can he refine such a good Qi Condensation Pill!

Although the material is too inferior, there are still some black spots and impurities on the surface that have not been removed, but no matter what, it is a real second-line elixir, which is more than enough to pass the Rank One stage of the preliminary round!

" passed."

Under the watchful eyes of many alchemists behind Chu Ming, the thin monkey steward did not dare to do anything shady openly, and could only frown and feel unwilling.

However, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and the solemnity in his eyes disappeared instantly. A slightly sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he immediately returned Chu Ming's identity plate to him.

"This is your Rank Two mission."

"As a qualified alchemist, it is fundamental to identify and search for various alchemy materials, so please look for the Red Flame Flower, Nine-Colored Cordyceps and Morning Dew."


After hearing what Shouhou said, Chu Ming couldn't help but frown and looked at him with confusion.

"you sure?"


The thin monkey manager chuckled, crossed his hands to support his chin, and explained in an official manner.

"Originally, the Rank Two stage of the preliminary round was for contestants to search for alchemy materials within the bounds of Hanhai City."

"We are the alchemist Sacred Land here. Almost all the alchemy materials on the market can be purchased. You can't do such a simple task, right?"


The corners of Chu Ming's mouth twitched unnaturally. If he hadn't been in the Vast Ocean Alchemy Sect, he might have just slapped the old man in front of him to death!

Within the scope of Hanhai City, where can I find for you the Red Flame Flower that can only be found in the Blazing Fire Immortal Sect!

And the nine-color cordyceps.

I really want to open your little eyes and let you see the world, but it's winter now! This thing has the same properties as Cordyceps sinensis, it can only be a bug in winter!

There are also alchemy materials like Chenxilu that I have never heard of...

Chu Ming clenched his fists tightly, and his slightly narrowed eyes flashed with a strong sense of coldness. After releasing his restrained aura, the thin monkey steward couldn't help but tremble all over. His original arrogant temperament instantly calmed down a little, and his expression was calm. He asked with an awkward smile.

"Well...actually these alchemy materials are easy to find."


Chu Ming sneered twice, picked up his identity plate and quickly left the alchemy dojo. While his expression returned to his usual indifference, the corners of his mouth subconsciously raised a proud arc.

I, Chu Ming, am not someone who just runs away from trouble.

No matter how rare these alchemy materials are, it is not a big deal to me!

Finally, the day flies by...

"I'm sorry, sir, we don't have Red Flame Flowers or Nine-Colored Cordyceps here, but we do have a lot of Nine-Colored Cordyceps. Do you need them?"

"No, thank you."

After Chu Ming came out of the unknown number of grocery stores he entered, he looked at the setting sun gradually setting in the west and couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems like it's really a big deal. I've searched all over Hanhai City and still can't find it. There's no point in wandering around like this."

"Maybe we can only think of some unconventional methods, such as robbing?"

As soon as this thought popped up in his mind, Chu Ming quickly shook his head and drove it away.

I am an honest and good person, and I can't do such a thing as a robber.

"But what can we do? The deadline for submitting materials is tomorrow."

Chu Ming bit her thumbnail, her brain spinning rapidly, and she looked around anxiously. Then her eyes were fixed on the continuous mountains outside Hanhai City, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Since there isn’t one in the city, go and look for it outside the city!

Hanhai City was originally built here because of the rich natural resources and treasures in the surrounding mountains!

"I hope I have good luck this time."

Chu Ming hurriedly left Hanhai City from the North City Gate. After passing through a short dusty trail, he finally arrived at the entrance to the mountain.

"This place is so big..."

Chu Ming stood on the top of the tree, looking at the thousands of ravines and rocks in front of him, and the continuous mountains covered by the lush dense forest. His original excitement suddenly fell to the bottom.

"In such a large place, all the alchemy materials on the periphery have been collected. If you want to find those spiritual grasses and flowers, you may have to go deep into the mountains and forests."

Muttering to himself and then sighing, Chu Ming floated down from the tree, and immediately patted the dust on his white clothes. When his legs were strong and he was about to run into the dense forest, he was tripped by a small vine that appeared inexplicably under his feet. All of a sudden, he fell down and gnawed on the mud.


After Chu Ming got up from the ground, holding his forehead, his expression was not only not unhappy at all, but also showed a hint of excitement and excitement.

Ever since he obtained the essence of the God of Wealth, he would be tripped by strange things that appeared on the road every once in a while.

Either it's a space bag that "no one wants", or it's a gold bar or silver dollar that someone else "accidentally" dropped.

"Could it be that this time..."

Chu Ming hurriedly followed the vines that tripped him and walked into the dense forest on the right. After about a few sticks of incense, he saw a group of red flowers exuding scorching heat, with huge petals swaying slightly. Small dots of flames spread like sparks.

"Could this be the Red Flame Flower?"

Chu Ming was ecstatic and hurriedly touched the hot petals with her hands, then frowned solemnly.

"This is not the Red Flame Flower. The petals of the Red Flame Flower have a rough surface, but the petals of these flowers have a smooth surface. They should be Ningyan Flowers."

After sighing in frustration, Chu Ming sat on the ground leaning on the tree trunk, and couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart.

I thought that the God of Wealth's Essence could lead me to find those heavenly and earthly treasures, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be an unexpected mistake.


Just when Chu Ming stood up and was about to leave, the whiteness among the Ningyan flowers made him narrow his eyes slightly, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is……"

He quickly came to take a closer look, and when he saw a snow-white spiritual grass swaying slightly in the fiery red, Chu Ming was immediately overjoyed.

"This is actually the Nine-Colored Cordyceps?!"

"Why didn't it turn into a bug and burrow into the ground?"

Without thinking too much, Chu Ming carefully cut off the rhizome of the Nine-Colored Cordyceps and put it into the space bag. Suddenly, his expression suddenly dawned as if he had thought of something.

"Is it because the temperature around the Ningyan Flower is too high that the Nine-Colored Cordyceps mistakenly thought it was still summer, so it didn't turn into a bug?"

"What a coincidence!"

Chu Ming shook his head with a smile, feeling a secret joy in his heart.

This God of Wealth Essence that can change luck is really a good thing!

I scolded you too loudly in my mind before. I apologize to you. I'm sorry.

"If you can master this mysterious power of cause and effect, no wonder you casually wiped out several ancient races back then."

Chu Ming walked out of the dense forest with a thoughtful look on his face, and then hurried on to the mountains.

I have to let the God of Wealth guide me to find the other two plants before it gets dark, otherwise it will be too dangerous in the forest at night.

Just when Chu Ming was wondering why he hadn't tripped yet, a thick wave of spiritual energy spread out from the front in a crescent shape, cutting off countless ancient trees!


Chu Ming subconsciously jumped up with force on his calf. He was very frightened after he managed to avoid it, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

What a terrifying spiritual power fluctuation!

Is there someone fighting ahead?

Chu Ming found a towering old tree as a high point and stood on it with his hands behind his hands. He squinted his eyes slightly and looked forward. He found that large clouds suddenly gathered in the valley between the peaks, and the torrential rain was mixed with howling. The strong wind extinguished the blazing fire dragon that was a hundred miles long.

"These two are pretty good, and they don't forget to avoid forest fires when fighting."

Chu Ming watched the excitement with interest, but when he saw the red silhouette falling from mid-air, the smile on his face slowly stiffened and instantly turned into horror and disbelief.


she is not……

"Damn! Why is she here?!"

Without thinking about the reason, Chu Ming hurriedly held out the dragon bone with his right hand and cast the Ice Dragon Transformation instantly, stepping on countless tiny ice crystals and flying towards the valley.

When he arrived, the dark clouds covering the sky had disappeared, and the soaked girl in red dress was lying on the stone, her long fiery red hair stained on her pretty face, her breath was free, as if He looked like he had been seriously injured and passed out.

The moment Chu Ming saw her, he couldn't help frowning, and the original guess in his heart became completely certain.

Sure enough, it’s An Muqing!

"Hey! Are you okay?!"

Chu Ming quickly calmed down her cold breath and came to An Muqing's side. She half-hugged her in her arms to test her breathing. She breathed a sigh of relief after finding that she was still breathing.

Not dead, okay.

"According to what Xi'er said, shouldn't she be in the capital of Anguo now?"

"Why are you still staying in Hanhai City for so long? And you actually got into a fight with others in this wilderness and got injured."

Looking at An Muqing's frowning expression of pain, Chu Ming had thousands of questions in her heart, but she could only put them aside. He picked her up like a princess and quickly left this dangerous place.

Maybe the person who hurt An Muqing hasn't left yet, so he needs to run away quickly!

At this time, Chu Ming had already forgotten whether he could find all the ingredients for the elixir and pass the second round of tomorrow's preliminary round. After all, he did not dare to delay the matter of life and death.

After carrying An Muqing back to the small courtyard of the rented village, it was getting late and night had fallen, and the stars in the sky indicated that it would be good weather tomorrow.

But why is it raining heavily in only that valley today?

Chu Ming kicked open the wooden door of the master bedroom and carried An Muqing to the bedside. Only then did she suddenly realize that the red robe on her body had become tattered and covered with dust and mud. The white and tender jade skin was exposed to the air, and the fiery red bellyband could even be vaguely seen.

"Tsk, my skin is not as good as your sister's."

After carefully scanning An Muqing's naked and delicate body with an honest gaze, Chu Ming found that she did not suffer any particularly serious trauma. She immediately couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but after a while, she became entangled in her heart.

This dress is too dirty and wet. Will it be easy for her to catch a cold if she just lies on the bed like this?

Since she couldn't wear anything anyway, I might as well just strip her naked and cover her with a quilt. We were all part of the same family and there was nothing to avoid.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Ming took off An Muqing's torn and dirty red dress, leaving only a bellyband for her, and then gently placed it on the couch and covered her with a quilt.


Looking at her decadent face with her eyes still closed and her red lips pursed tightly, Chu Ming's tense nerves did not dare to relax, and her brows also furrowed.

What to do?

Although my wood-attribute spiritual power has a certain healing function, it can only be healed by touching it with my hands!

You can't touch her whole body while your sister-in-law is unconscious, right?

What if you rely on me!

Let her wake up first before talking about anything else.

After testing the temperature of An Muqing's forehead and finding that she had a slight fever, Chu Ming hurriedly took out the Bingxin Pills from her space bag, muttering to herself.

"I almost regard this Ice Heart Pill as a life-saving pill. I use it for everything."

Gently parting An Muqing's tight red lips and teeth, Chu Ming found that the Bingxinxin Pill was still in her mouth and could not turn into spiritual liquid, so she could only sigh softly and planned to use the old method to help feed the medicine.

This girl has a really tough mouth. What's going on if she can't take the pill?

Chu Ming knelt down next to An Muqing, holding her slightly cold and delicate cheeks with both hands and leaning forward slowly. The moment the four lips were about to touch, accompanied by a soft hum from her nose, she slowly He slowly opened his confused eyes.

"you're awake?!"

Chu Ming's eyes widened in surprise, and a smile subconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth because of the overjoyed feeling in his heart. He let out a long sigh of relief, and his warm breath hit An Muqing's face, which was only a few centimeters away. Her scattered pupils slowly focused, and she gradually woke up from the confused state where her mind was blank.


At this time, a piercing scream pierced the silent night sky.

The next second, before Chu Ming could react, he felt a punch on his cheek, and he was instantly knocked over in the corner.

"Why is it you again!"

An Muqing waved his fists in shame and anger, his eyebrows slightly raised, and he was about to sit up and take advantage of the situation to pursue him in anger, but suddenly he realized that the dress he was wearing was missing!


Another scream sounded, mixed with a strong sense of panic and shyness.

An Muqing covered the only remaining bellyband on his body with both arms, and glared at Chu Ming fiercely with gritted teeth. His face, which was still a little pale, instantly turned red with embarrassment. He opened and closed his red lips and uttered a few harsh words. The words contained a hint of crying.

"What did you do to me? I'm going to kill you!"

"I didn't do anything."

Chu Ming slowly sat up helplessly, covering her red cheeks. ,

"I saw that you were seriously injured and your expression was in pain. I was afraid that something might happen to you, but I just wanted to give you medicine."

"You can't swallow it yourself. I have no choice but to do this!"

Looking at Chu Ming's somewhat speechless expression, An Muxi quickly checked her body and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that nothing strange had been done to her. However, she still looked at him warily and covered herself tightly with the quilt. He said coldly after wrapping the package.

"What about the clothes I'm wearing?"

"Here, it's all rotted into strips of cloth."

Chu Ming pointed to the red cloth strips piled in the corner and whispered softly, unable to help but murmur in his heart.

After training for so long, I feel that my physical body is quite strong in resisting blows. Why does this girl’s punch hurt so much! ?

After the pain in her cheek gradually subsided, Chu Ming took a sneak peek at An Muqing and found that she was still pressing her red lips tightly without saying a word, staring straight at him with a warm and angry expression.

"I really didn't do anything to you."

Chu Ming raised his hands to express his innocence, and explained again in a speechless heart.

"I just helped you take off your clothes, and then you woke up just as I was about to feed you the elixir, do you understand?"


An Muqing snorted, her crimson face lowered with a resentful look that she didn't want to pay attention to.

Just listening to your side of the story can prove your innocence?

Who knows if you did anything disrespectful while undressing me.

But now that I think about it carefully, you saved me again...

An Muqing took a sneak peek at Chu Ming's delicate profile, then quickly glanced at her red cheeks, and a joyful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth that she didn't even notice.

Forget it, for the sake of you rescuing me from the valley, I have a lot of money, so I won’t bother with you about these things.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Seeing An Muqing's gloomy expression gradually softening, Chu Ming said with gentle concern.

"When I arrived at the valley, I found you lying unconscious on the pile of rocks. Did something happen?"


An Muqing closed his eyes slightly and scanned his body and Dantian with his consciousness, and then he said weakly with a slight frown on his eyebrows and a solemn face.

"Spiritual power is exhausted, and all internal organs are injured. It will take about two or three days of rest to fully recover."

"How can you still give me such a heavy punch after being injured like this?"

Chu Ming stroked his cheek and smiled helplessly, then took out Qi Gathering Pill and Bingxin Pill from the space bag and handed them to An Muqing and said softly.

"One can restore spiritual power, and the other can temporarily relieve pain in various parts of your body."

"Since you are awake, I won't feed you. You can eat them all yourself."


An Muqing thanked her softly with a blush on her cheeks. She took the elixir handed by Chu Ming and threw it into her mouth. Then she closed her eyes tightly and started to use her exercises to combine the power of the medicine and adjust her inner breath. After a long while, she could open her beautiful eyes and dark eyebrows. Lock tight.

The injuries inside my body are more serious than imagined!

There must be an urgent need for someone to help transmit spiritual power.

(End of chapter)

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