Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

147. Chapter 146 Master’S Special Night Training [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 146 Master’s special night training [4k please subscribe! ]

Several hundred pieces?

Are you planning to engage in a modern nuclear war?

Seeing Chu Ming's confused look, Old Man Shengdan quickly explained.

"Elder Chu, you also know that our alchemy masters are good at everything, but our actual combat ability is not very good."

"If this core elixir is refined, I believe it will be very popular in the alchemist world."

"So, Palace Master, are you just selling it?"

Chu Ming held his chin and thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

"It's okay to help with the refining, but the risk factor of this thing is too high. The power of a nuclear elixir explosion is comparable to a full blow from a Core Formation monk, and it doesn't distinguish between friend and foe."

"If it is not controlled, I'm afraid it will cause disaster in the Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"It's okay. I will promulgate the palace rules when the time comes. Use nuclear elixirs with caution."

After hearing what Old Man Shengdan said, Chu Ming was really embarrassed to refuse.

"Okay then, this can be regarded as my contribution to the Holy Pill Palace."

"Don't worry, I will never miss out on your benefits."

Old Man Shengdan stretched out three fingers from his sleeves and chuckled.

"How about three hundred contribution points from one nuclear pill?"

"three hundred?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You know, ordinary Sixth Grade elixirs can only be exchanged for 150 contribution points at most.

Is this directly doubled for me?

How generous!

"make a deal!"

Chu Ming agreed immediately without hesitation.

No one can contribute too much.

"But I have to prepare the ingredients for the Explosive Pill."

"You are such a tough cock."

On the surface, Old Shengdan was stroking his beard and shaking his head helplessly, but inside he was extremely happy.

This kind of elixir, which can instantly enhance the alchemist's combat effectiveness, is a peerless treasure that cannot be exchanged for any amount of contribution points.

With it, the alchemists of the Holy Alchemy Palace will have an additional means of saving their lives, making other temples look at them with admiration.

"We have finished discussing the nuclear elixir matter. Shouldn't the Palace Master have anything else?"

Seeing that Chu Ming had the intention to leave, Old Man Shengdan did not force him to stay.

When we left the Holy Pill Hall, it was almost evening, the setting sun was gradually setting, and the spiritual mist was filled with a layer of light orange-yellow sunlight.

Chu Ming rushed home without stopping and opened the door of An Muxi's wing with excitement.

"Xi'er, look what good things I have brought back."


However, what surprised Chu Ming was that what greeted him was not Xi'er's sweet "Welcome back", but a shy scream.

Of course, there is also the perfect body in underwear, exposing the smooth and delicate white jade skin to the air.

"Why do you always like to barge in without knocking?"

After all, they are an old couple. After a moment of embarrassment, An Muxi did not do anything particularly extreme. She just pointed the old dress in her hand towards Chu Ming, and while his sight was blocked, she quickly took a nap with the black gauze sling. Put on your skirt.

Ever since Chu Ming gave her these "novel" underwear, she could no longer wear the same kind of bellybands and underwear she used to wear.

After all, compared to them, these underwear made of special silk are softer and smoother, and fit better against her delicate skin.

"Sorry, I was too excited."

Looking at An Muxi's slender legs stretching out from under the gauze skirt, even Chu Ming, who has admired and played with it many times, can't help but feel a little surprised every time she sees it.

If there is a list of intangible cultural heritage in this fairy world, then Xi'er's beautiful legs will definitely be included in it!

"Xi'er, look what good things I have brought."

Chu Ming smiled lightly and walked forward, taking An Muxi's little hand, pulling her to the edge of the couch, and placed the Tianyan Ice Soul Art on her plump thighs that were covered by the skirt.

"I remember that the Tianyan inner diameter you cultivated has broken through to Rank Nine, which is just right for you to practice it."

"Tianyan Ice Soul Art?!"

Even though he had never seen this book before, An Muxi could still distinguish it. His right hand subconsciously touched the ancient book cover covered with ice crystals, and his beautiful eyes were filled with joy and surprise.

"Shouldn't this technique be found only in the inner sect's library? Where did you get it?"


Chu Ming smiled proudly and immediately told An Muxi the content of her chat with Old Shengdan, causing her beautiful eyes to blink frequently with astonishing brilliance.

"Did he really agree to allow you to serve as the elder of the Holy Pill Hall? I thought it was just a joke."

"The Lord of the First Palace shouldn't break his promise, right?"

Chu Ming stroked An Muxi's smooth and delicate white legs, then stood up with a chuckle.

"Xi'er, you can study the Tianyan Ice Soul Art tonight, and I won't disturb you."


An Muxi naturally understood what Chu Ming meant by "disturbing". She nodded with a blushing face and suddenly pulled his sleeve.

"By the way, Master said that you should go to the main hall of Floating Jade Peak to find her tonight. She will give you special training alone."

"Special training?"

Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly unnaturally.

Isn't it meant to train me in that aspect?

Master, she really doesn’t intend to let me go even for a day.

"I see."

Chu Ming kneaded his sore waist without leaving any trace, but An Muxi didn't notice anything at all. His heart was always filled with the joy of obtaining the Tianyan Ice Soul Art.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Late at night.

Floating Jade Peak, the mountain hall was dark.

After Chu Ming walked in, a row of weak spiritual lights lit up on both sides of the hall.

At this time, Wu Zuirao, who was sitting cross-legged on the Dream Essence Platform with his eyes closed and Nurturing Spirit, heard his call and opened his deep phoenix eyes slightly, and said in an indifferent tone.

"Ming'er, are you here? Just sit down and practice when you are here."


Facing such an "abnormal" master, Chu Ming couldn't help but look confused.

According to Master's impatient temperament, wouldn't she have usually pounced on me and nibbled me by this time?

Why are you so calm tonight?

Isn't this the kind of special training I imagined?

Chu Ming was a little confused and asked tentatively.

"Master, why did you come to see this disciple tonight?"

"Humph, think for yourself."

Wu Zuirao snorted, her mouth pouting and her cheeks bulging out, not to mention how resentful she was, which made Chu Ming full of questions.


Still jealous?

"Master, can you tell me the reason why you are in a bad mood?"

Seeing Chu Ming bowing to him so respectfully, Wu Zuirao's expression became even more resentful, he cut Chu Ming in half and then said in disgust.

"Ming'er, why are you so respectful to me?"

"Of course because you are my master."

Chu Ming raised his head and whispered softly without knowing why.

"Isn't it right for a disciple to be respectful to his master?"

"But I don't want you to be so respectful to me!"

Wu Zuirao, who was usually charming and voluptuous, seemed to be drunk tonight, turning into a coquettish posture like a little girl, with soft and coquettish hints in her blurred charming eyes.

"We have already broken through the taboo between master and disciple. It still feels a little awkward for you to treat me like this."

"You usually tease and bully Muxi so much, how come you become so obedient and honest in front of me?"

Your cultivation level can kill me with just one slap. I have to be honest even if I'm not honest!

Chu Ming couldn't help but feel helpless, but after figuring out what made Wu Zuirao "angry", his inner thoughts gradually became more active.

It turns out that Master thought I was too respectful to her and created a sense of distance between her and her.

But this is not something I can force to change!

If I do something indecent and offend you, I don't know how I'll die.

Seeing Chu Ming's tangled look, Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, patting the Mengmui platform beside her and motioning for him to sit over.

"Ming'er, come to my teacher. I will give you a special training so that you can let go of your vigilance towards me."


Chu Ming was a little confused, but still followed Wu Zuirao's instructions and sat down next to her carefully.

However, before her butt was hot from sitting, her whole soft and delicate body was wrapped around him like a beautiful snake, and she also touched a piece of rice paper on his muscular chest.

"This is special training content designed for teachers. Take a look, Ming'er."

Special training content?

Chu Ming's eyes couldn't help but widen as he looked at the beautiful handwriting on the rice paper.

[Special training sitcom one. ]

[Introduction: Master has a number of direct disciples, but he has a bad attitude towards his junior disciple who has lost all his talents. Not only does he not give him training resources, he often sends him out to perform dangerous sect tasks, which is euphemistically called the mountain test. Refining. ]

[Late one night, the junior brother accidentally discovered the identity of the master as a fox demon, and used this as a threat to cultivate with her. He took the beautiful master into his arms and indulged in pleasure in the solemn mountain hall, improving his cultivation at the same time. Revenge will eventually be repaid. ]

[Master: Wu Zuirao. ]

[Junior brother: Chu Ming. ]


After reading the contents on the rice paper, there were so many things at once that Chu Ming didn’t know where to start.

Wu Zuirao, who had her delicate body clinging to him, was obviously very interested, holding his shoulders and smiling charmingly with excitement on her face.

"I know Ming'er that you respect me so much because you respect the teacher in your heart, so I plan to use this situation to temper your state of mind and help you practice."

Can this help me practice?

Even if I don't study well, you can't lie to me like this!

Chu Ming glanced at Wu Zuirao helplessly and saw that her eyes were full of anticipation and hope. She even took the initiative to hold her left arm and shake it, imitating An Muxi's coquettish way.

"Ming'er is acting with my teacher. It's so tiring to practice every day. You must know how to combine work and rest."

"Disciple knows."

Chu Ming was reluctant to pour cold water on Wu Zuirao's enthusiasm, sighing softly and then said softly.

"Master, in this situation, the disciple may be rude to you. I hope you won't be angry."

"Gee, I've been waiting for Ming'er to look like this for a long time, how could I be angry?"

Wu Zuirao covered her mouth and smiled charmingly, which relieved Chu Ming's inner worries a lot.

Since Master wants to play, then just play with her.

After being out with Xi'er for so long, it's time to spend some time with Master.

Chu Ming put the rice paper away, coughed slightly and scratched his cheek awkwardly.

"Master, what should we start from..."

"Traitor! How dare you peek at me practicing in the middle of the night!"

? ? ?

Before Chu Ming could recover, Wu Zuirao suddenly had stern eyes and a cold tone, and grabbed Chu Ming's neck with one hand. Although he didn't use any force, the terrifying power was enough to shock him.


Is this the beginning?

It’s too sudden!

After all, I have a plan before I act in a movie.

Chu Ming complained in his heart. Seeing that Wu Zuirao had restrained his usual charming and enchanting posture and became serious, he suppressed the smile in his heart, coughed a few times and assumed his identity as "the villain's junior brother", and the corners of his mouth curled up. He smiled an evil smile.

"I have been watching your practice, Master, every day these past few days."

"I didn't expect that, as the peak seat of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, my true identity turned out to be a fox demon!"

"Hmph! Now that you know my secret, go to hell!"


Chu Ming quickly stopped Wu Zuirao's next move, stared into her phoenix eyes full of anger and murderous intent, and chuckled.

"Master, I can die, but it will be terrible if your secret is leaked."

"Dead men keep their mouths shut."

Wu Zuirao's eyes became colder, but Chu Ming talked without any panic.

"I have known your secret for a long time and told others. As long as they don't see me within three days, they will spread the news that you are a fox demon."


Wu Zuirao was shocked for a moment and then his expression was filled with anger, which made Chu Ming sigh inwardly.

This acting skill is enough to defeat many young talents.

After a long while, Wu Zuirao seemed to have been thinking for a long time, and finally reluctantly released his right hand from Chu Ming's neck and scolded him fiercely.

"Traitor! I taught you the skills and Divine Ability, but in the end you repaid me with kindness!"

"It was you first..."

Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, as if he had forgotten the background story of his "junior brother". He quickly took out the rice paper from his pocket and looked it up. The sight of him reading his memory silently made Wu Zuirao laugh out loud. Immediately, he coughed a few times and reentered the scene, cursing angrily with an expression of disgust.


"Master, it was you who first made things difficult for me."

After Chu Ming took back the rice paper, he walked directly in front of Wu Zuirao, gently caressed her delicate cheek with his right hand, and slowly leaned down next to her ear with a smirk on his face.

"Master, you don't want the secret of your fox demon to be spread, right?"


Wu Zuirao bit her red lips with her teeth, and grasped the hem of her skirt tightly with her fair hands, as if she had suffered humiliation but was extremely strong and entangled.

After a long period of hesitation, she hesitantly surrendered.

"How can you help me keep my secret?"

"what do you think?"

Chu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and his aggressive gaze slowly went down along Wu Zui Rao's snow-white swan jade neck. Also in his sight was his evil right hand.

After realizing that his collar was torn apart, Wu Zuirao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he protected his chest with his hands and said with a look of embarrassment.

"Traitor! What do you want to do!?"

"what do you think?"

Chu Ming licked her lips lightly, an evil glint flashed in her originally indifferent eyes, and her lustful eyes frequently wandered over Wu Zuirao's plump and plump body.

"Master and disciple please practice together."

(End of chapter)

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