Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

19. Chapter 19 Senior Sister, Why Don’T You Think About It?

Chapter 19: Senior Sister, why not consider it?

Seeing An Muxi's blushing face, as if she was desperately holding something back, Chu Ming reached out and picked up a few strands of her hair that were hanging in front of her chest, lightly sniffing them. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, and finally blew a breath of air.


Suddenly attacked by the damp and soft breath, coupled with the weakness in her legs, An Muxi almost couldn't stand steady. Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly as she let out a sigh filled with a damp breath. The scent of hay, infused with male hormones, lingered on her nose.

The smell on Junior Brother is so fragrant, I really want to be tightly held in his arms...

After a while, she suddenly woke up and quickly pushed Chu Ming away, crossing her arms and blushing.

"Chu Ming, have you gone crazy?! You actually want me to help you with that kind of thing?!"

"It's not just Senior Sister helping me, I can also help you. Let's talk about mutual assistance."

Chu Ming smirked, stopped manipulating the silk stockings, and his expression became slightly bitter.

"The only method I can think of that you might reluctantly accept is this, there is no other way."


An Muxi pursed her lips, her eyelids drooping slightly, as if she was caught in a struggle between heaven and earth.

Just after the eruption of the Natural Charm Body in the morning, she almost fell into temptation again tonight.

The intervals between each occurrence were getting shorter and shorter. If it wasn't resolved as soon as possible, her cultivation would definitely stagnate, or even regress!

But the Iceheart Pill had no effect anymore. Since things had come to this point, she could only solve it through the method Chu Ming mentioned.

But it's so embarrassing!

But if it's him...

Relaxing her clenched teeth, An Muxi closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and after a few chest movements, slowly opened her eyes again, her cheeks becoming slightly rosy.

"I want to confirm if what you said is true."


Does this mean... she agreed?

Chu Ming widened his eyes, and after a brief moment of daze, his expression turned ecstatic. He quickly suppressed the smile at the corners of his mouth and coughed a few times.

No, he couldn't show that he was too happy. What if he scared Senior Sister away?

"Of course."

Then, Chu Ming took out a small booklet from his pocket and handed it to An Muxi, immediately moving away after she took it.


An Muxi didn't understand, she picked up the booklet and blinked her beautiful eyes, then blinked again.

One second, two seconds...

"Chu Ming!"

Like a suddenly erupting volcano, An Muxi fiercely threw the booklet in her hand. Her usual coldness had long disappeared, and her embarrassed and angry appearance had a unique charm.

"Joyous Union Heart Sutra."

Even without looking at the content inside, just from the name, she could tell what was written in this booklet.

He actually gave me a Joyous Union Sect's dual cultivation technique?

"Don't throw it away, Senior Sister! This is my treasured possession that I've kept for many years."

Chu Ming hurriedly caught the flying booklet and explained earnestly.

"I know you might think I'm a pervert..."

"Remove the 'might'!"

An Muxi slammed the table, her eyes seemingly ready to devour him.

"You are!"

"Okay, okay, I am, I am."

Chu Ming quickly continued the conversation.

"But Senior Sister, think about it. We, who possess the Natural Charm Body, still have a need for this technique, right?"

"Not to mention that it's the Joyous Union Sect's heart sutra, the content recorded inside is more genuine than those other unorthodox methods. So I believe that the understanding of yin and yang harmony in it is correct!"

Looking at Chu Ming's serious expression, An Muxi's anger dissipated by more than half. She sat tiredly at the table, rubbing her sore eyebrows, and took a big gulp of tea.

Although she didn't want to accept it, as long as Natural Charm Body exists, she must face these embarrassing things that are difficult to talk about.

"Give me some time."

After a while, An Muxi sighed lightly and avoided eye contact.

"I... I'm not mentally prepared yet, let me think about it."


Chu Ming didn't want to pressure An Muxi too much. After all, if this sheep was scared away, it would be difficult to find another one.

"Can you give me the booklet you just mentioned?"

After a moment of silence between the two, An Muxi suddenly said hesitantly. Seeing Chu Ming's incredulous expression, she blushed slightly and explained.

"Don't misunderstand, I just want to understand the specific content of Yin and Yang harmony, so you don't just give me some random booklet to fool me!"

"Oh, okay."

Chu Ming pretended not to understand and handed the booklet, Joyous Union Heart Sutra, to An Muxi. After she took it, he suddenly asked.

"Sister, do you dislike me?"


Upon hearing this, An Muxi immediately asked in confusion.

"No, why would I dislike you?"

"It's nothing."

Chu Ming sighed in relief and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"I see that you resist Yin and Yang harmony so much and scold me every day, so..."

Shouldn't I scold you for those behaviors?

After seeing Chu Ming's confused and clueless expression, An Muxi realized that he seemed to be an innocent and inexperienced young man. She chuckled and patted his head with the booklet, playfully scolding him.

"If you're afraid that I'll dislike you, then don't act so frivolously. After all, I am your senior sister!"

"Because senior sister is special."

Upon hearing Chu Ming's explicit metaphorical confession, An Muxi clearly wasn't prepared. She stared blankly for a while before panicking, her expression becoming flustered.

"Uh... um..."

Stealing a glance at Chu Ming's sincere gaze and serious expression, she felt her cheeks suddenly become hot. She quickly stood up, without looking back, and hurriedly left the room.

"Don't say such things randomly! Go to bed early!"


Watching her figure disappear into the darkness of the night, Chu Ming smiled slightly. He closed the door and let out a sigh, his expression becoming more serious.

Originally, he didn't want his relationship with An Muxi to develop so quickly, but unfortunately, as long as the side effects of the Natural Charm Body exist, his heart will be tense.

It's like a time bomb, always present in his body, and it might explode at an inappropriate time and place.

The intense pain in his body is one thing, but being socially dead is truly maddening!

"There must be a way to completely eliminate it. I just haven't found it yet."

Chu Ming supported his chin and fell into deep thought.

If the outer sect's library doesn't have it, maybe the inner sect's library has a solution?

"I have another reason to enter the inner sect."

Chu Ming stretched lazily and his gaze became more determined.

Originally, he planned to enter the inner sect. After all, compared to the outer sect, the cultivation resources there are more abundant.

Not for anything else, just to enhance his own strength and live a little longer in this chaotic world.

"There are still three months left until the inner sect's grand competition. I have to work hard."

Laughing, Chu Ming walked towards the bed, his gaze fixed on one side of the pillow.

There lay neatly folded clothes, made of white silk, with an extremely soft texture.

"This is the direction a man should strive for!"

(End of this chapter)

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