Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

190. Chapter 187 Lei Zhenyu’S Special Training For His Sister-In-Law [4K Please Subscribe! ]

Chapter 187 Lei Zhenyu’s special training for sister-in-law [4k please subscribe! ]

Is Muqing’s skin so delicate?

Looking down at An Muqing, who was huddled in his arms and panting, Chu Ming was filled with surprise.

You must know that Sugu is not like other cultivation methods on the Hehuan Heart Sutra. A little carelessness may cause unbearable bruises.

Therefore, this method generally requires the use of external medicine to make the skin delicate.

But for An Muqing, Chu Ming was shocked to find that he could achieve stockings without the above method.

It turns out that women's skin can be so delicate?

It’s simply Supreme Grade!

"How is it? Can this kind of cultivation method still hold up?"

Chu Ming gently pushed away the sweat-adhered hair from An Muqing's face, revealing her perfect rosy face, with an expression full of care and tenderness.

"I'm too tired today, let's take a rest."


Chu Ming originally thought that An Muqing would be exhausted physically and mentally after being manipulated by her for this period of time, but she twisted her delicate body, raised her blurred beautiful eyes and said coquettishly.

"Brother-in-law, you haven't tasted my sister-in-law yet!"


Chu Ming was slightly stunned. He turned back to look out the window at the dim blue sky that was about to dawn, and couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"Next time, it's almost dawn. If your master finds me sleeping in your wing, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to recuperate in your sect."


Hearing this, An Muqing pouted slightly with a resentful expression, and then he snorted and broke away from Chu Ming's arms, got into the bed and took off his uniform, saying coquettishly.

"Bad guy! He will play tricks on me!"


When Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, An Muqing threw out the pleated skirt full of scratches.

He was just about to put it away for next time, but when he saw the conspicuous deep marks, his puzzled expression turned into realization.

So that’s it!

No wonder he looked so dissatisfied just now and even invited me to taste it even in the morning.

Of course, we can't blame her, after all, the practice method of Sugu is indeed a bit too torturous.

Chu Ming held his chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly he excitedly snapped his fingers as if he thought of something, took out a thunder jade from the space bag and threw it into the bed.

"What's this?"

An Muqing stuck out his head in confusion and looked at Chu Ming with the oval and crystal clear Lei Zhenyu.

"You gave it to me?"


Since he didn't prepare a second pair of controllable socks, Chu Ming could only use Lei Zhenyu instead, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile that was not a smile.

"Wearing it can exercise your spiritual sea and physical body's endurance at all times."

"So magical?

An Muqing stared at Lei Zhenyu for a long time with her beautiful eyes widened, and then compared her beautiful swan neck for a while, her expression couldn't help but be confused.

"You don't have a pendant rope here either. Where should I put it on?"

"you should……"

Chu Ming chuckled, then leaned over and whispered softly in An Muqing's ear. These words directly caused her expression to go from stunned to full of horror, and then her dimples turned red, and even gradually spread to the base of her ears and neck. The whole person looked like a cooked prawn, with steam rising vaguely from the top of his head.

"You bastard!"

Finally, An Muqing could no longer suppress the shame and anger in his heart, so he beat Chu Ming's chest with pink fists and cursed in a sweet voice.

"Pervert! Pervert!"

"No wonder sister, she wanted me to stay away from you in the first place. You are indeed a scoundrel with dirty thoughts!"

"Then you're still like this."

Although An Muqing's beatings are less powerful, they can't bear it many times!

In the end, Chu Ming could only hold her white wrists tightly with both hands to control her, looking extremely helpless.

"What I said is true! It's up to you to wear it or not, the choice is yours."

"I saw that you couldn't help but want to practice so early in the morning, so I came up with this impossible method."


After hearing Chu Ming's words, An Muqing gradually stopped his willful and coquettish behavior. He bit his soft lips and blushed shyly, his eyes wandering, as if he was really thinking about the possibility of wearing it.

Do you want to take it with you?

He felt comfortable after being tortured like that by Chu Ming just now, but he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Perhaps as he said, this Lei Zhenyu can enhance the resistance of his spiritual sea and physical body.

"All right."

An Muqing didn't know why he listened to Chu Ming's instigation. He knew that his request was extremely excessive, but he finally got back under the quilt obediently.

Do you agree?

Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, and even couldn't believe that the person changing clothes rustling under the quilt was An Muqing.

Muqing has a fiery and arrogant temper. He thought it would take some effort to persuade her to agree to his excessive request, but he didn't expect that he agreed so easily?

Sure enough, the more arrogant a girl is, the more obedient she will be after being educated.

Chu Ming couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and after An Muqing poked his crimson face out of the quilt, he chuckled and joked.

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Hmm... not bad."

An Muqing said shyly, but soon took a deep breath to calm his restless mood, and then secretly cursed.

This is no big deal.

"Hmph, I thought it was so powerful, but this is what happened?"

"I don't feel that the resistance of the spiritual sea and the physical body has increased either. Are you lying to me?"

An Muqing snorted and glanced at Chu Ming with a disdainful expression. The provocative look in his eyes made him couldn't help but curl up a smirk on his lips.

Lie to you?

You will know later whether I lied to you or not.

"Let's go, let's go find Master..."

An Muqing pulled Chu Ming off the bed, and within a few steps of walking out, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, her delicate body softened like a thunder touch, and she couldn't help but moan.


"What's wrong?"

Chu Ming hurriedly stepped forward to steady An Muqing's shaking body, pretending to be worried.

"Is it uncomfortable there?"

"You pervert!"

An Muqing held Chu Ming's arm tightly, and after her swaying slender legs slowly stabilized, she stared at him with an expression of utter embarrassment.

So this is the function of Lei Zhenyu?

No wonder it can improve the resistance of my spiritual sea and physical body. Under such constant torture, if the spiritual sea has no resistance, who can withstand it?

An Muqing pursed her lips, and her stubborn look without saying a word made Chu Ming feel a little distressed. He touched her head tenderly and asked softly.

"How about we stop cultivating the strength of the sea of ​​spirit and the physical body?"

"don't want!"

As if his competitive spirit was inspired by Chu Ming's words, An Muqing raised his crimson face, stood on tiptoes and leaned down next to his ear and said fiercely.

"That's it? This can't help me increase the strength of my spiritual sea and physical body much?"

? ? ?

Looking at An Muqing's provocative and arrogant face, Chu Ming couldn't help but smile and admired in his heart.

What a tough talk...

"Then let's go see your master."

Chu Ming said with a smile, which made An Muqing blink his beautiful eyes in confusion, and his expression suddenly became clear.


He must be planning to tease me when I go to see Master!

"Um...I suddenly thought that Master might have something else to do, or we should not go."

An Muqing looked panicked, and immediately held Chu Ming's arm and shook it, complaining coquettishly.

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong~"

"Is this wrong?"

Chu Ming pinched An Muqing's nose with a doting look on her face, but then her expression changed, and she leaned down and whispered in her ear like a devil.

"But I'm not going to forgive you."

"Today I have to train your spiritual strength and physical strength. If I don't let you **, I won't be named Chu!"

Hearing this, An Muqing trembled violently again before he could recover from the shock. He hugged Chu Ming's arms tightly to prevent him from collapsing to the ground, biting the corners of his lips and feeling regretful.


Why do you want to provoke Chu Ming?

Now that's good, today I was assigned to be taught a complete mess by him.

But...why don't I hate this way of cultivation?

It was clear that all he had to do was return Lei Zhenyu to Chu Ming, but in the end he had to accept his special training...

An Muqing's face became even redder, and at this moment, an elegant voice suddenly floated from outside the wing.

"Muqing, why didn't you come to see me today?"

As a group of colorful butterflies floated past the door, Zizi Jin suddenly stood there with an elegant posture. His indifferent eyes swept over An Muqing, whose cheeks were rosy, and finally settled on Chu who shouldn't be there. Ming could not help but frown slightly, and his tone became slightly colder.

"Why are you here?"

"Sect Master, because Muqing was injured yesterday, I came here this morning to see if her health has improved."


Xuzijin looked slightly stunned, then glanced at the messy bed behind the two of them, and couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart.

Do you think I'm stupid?

Even though I have never experienced it, I have heard about this situation!

Is this the so-called separation is better than a new marriage?

But no matter how bad it is, you can't just think about this kind of thing from morning to night, right?

Hu Zijin's eyes looking at Chu Ming became colder and colder, and there was even a hint of resentment in his tone.

"You and Muqing are brother-in-law and sister-in-law. If she calls me master, you can do whatever she wants. There is no need to call me sect master. This seems too harsh."

"Yes, Master."

Under Hu Zijin's gentle but scrutinizing gaze, Chu Ming couldn't say anything rebellious and could only follow her wishes.

An Muqing seemed to notice that the atmosphere between the two was a little subtle, and quickly tried to smooth things over.


As she spoke, she walked up to Hu Zijin and hugged her arm, shaking her wildly and acting coquettishly.

"I woke up late today so I didn't look for you. Aren't you angry?"


Hu Zijin lowered his eyelids and sighed softly. Instead of directly exposing An Muqing's lies, he gently stroked her head and spoke softly.

"I am not angry."

"Hehe, I knew Master that you would not be angry with me because of such a trivial matter."

An Muqing smiled and was about to say something, but he trembled all over, biting his red lips tightly with his teeth. Such a forced endurance made Yu Zijin couldn't help but look puzzled.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"


An Muqing glanced at the expressionless Chu Ming behind him in shame. After taking a few deep breaths, in order to avoid being noticed by Hu Zijin, he quickly pushed her out of the wing.

"Master, if you have nothing to do, please go back first."

"I really have something to talk to you about."

Hu Zijin held An Muqing's hand, his expression suddenly serious.

"Muqing, the illusion of floating life is about to open. I hope you will explore it. Maybe you will get the inheritance from some experts and get some great opportunities, which will be more helpful for your future cultivation path."

"Of course I will plant the source of my spiritual consciousness in your body. If something unexpected happens, I can use the source of my spiritual consciousness to descend into the illusion of floating life and rescue you, so you can rest assured."


Although An Muqing promised in a low voice, it was obvious that her attention was not focused on what Yu Zijin said at this moment.

She held the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands, lowered her blushing face, and her voice was as sweet and delicate as a mosquito's fly.

"Master, I already know what you said. Please go back as soon as possible. I..."


Regarding An Muqing's ruthless behavior of driving him away, Hu Zijin glanced at Chu Ming with slightly narrowed eyes, and suddenly felt a sense of melancholy in his heart that "a female university is not allowed to stay".


This is because you have a lover and you have forgotten your master, right?

No matter how much you want to be together, you can't start early in the morning, right?

Besides, it's not like I don't know what you did at night.

Hu Zijin couldn't help but sigh again, touched An Muqing's head and said softly.

"Remember to take Chu Ming on a tour of our Blazing Fire Immortal Sect. If you need anything, come to me in the forbidden area."

"Okay, Master, please walk slowly."

Accompanied by a burst of flying colorful butterflies, Hu Zijin disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The moment she left, An Muqing could no longer suppress the fever of climbing in her heart. She collapsed directly on the ground and gasped for air. Her charming and crimson face was dripping with sweat, and her whole body seemed to have collapsed.

"How is it? How does it feel to practice the sea of ​​spirit and physical strength in front of your dear master?"

Chu Ming chuckled and squatted down, pinched the tip of An Muqing's delicate chin and asked her to raise her head slightly, staring into her misty and charming eyes and spoke softly.

"Tell yourself, what do you want?"

"I want my brother-in-law to educate me..."

An Muqing used the last of his strength to rush into Chu Ming's arms, pleading with a hint of crying.

"Brother-in-law, I want to practice the Hehuan Heart Sutra!"

"So Muqing, what's your favorite practice method in the Hehuan Heart Sutra?"

Facing Chu Ming's inquiry, An Muqing's intoxicated consciousness suddenly sobered up a little. After some thought, he slowly sat on the edge of the couch, raised his beautiful legs slightly and said softly.

"Brother-in-law, I want to use this method of cultivation."

"Sure enough, your sister's preferences are different."

Chu Ming took off all his clothes with a wave of his hand, and slowly approached with a smirk on his face...

(End of chapter)

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