Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 24 You Just Like Big Ones, Right?

Chapter 24: You like big ones, don't you?!


Chu Ming turned his head, his face full of surprise.

What's going on here?

Of course, along with those cold words, there was also a strong spiritual power fluctuation unique to Foundation Building.

In an instant, everyone saw a deep blue wave surge outward from An Muxi as the center, and their inner fear was no less than the astonishment they felt when they learned that Chu Ming was a Fourth Grade alchemist.

This girl is actually at the Foundation Building stage?

Although it is rare for an eighteen-year-old to be a Fourth Grade alchemist, there have been rumors in the past, and they were only known as alchemy cultivators.

But to reach the Foundation Building stage at such a young age, she is definitely a genius!

Seeing this, the people in the stands immediately restrained their restless hearts and dispersed.

If Chu Ming were still alone, they would have the intention to curry favor.

But now, he not only has a partner, but also such a genius.

This proves that Chu Ming has a backing!

If they continue to approach and entangle him without understanding the situation, they will probably incur the disgust and resentment of the forces behind him.

Therefore, even Xu Wanshu, who was determined to win Chu Ming, could only step aside and quickly draw a line after An Muxi showed her arrogance, bowing in salute.

"This servant was blind and didn't know that Young Master Chu had such a beautiful Celestial Immortal-like partner. Please forgive me, Young Master."

"What kind of offense is this..."

Chu Ming was about to explain helplessly when he heard a coquettish voice in his ear.

"Husband, let's go~"


Looking at An Muxi's extremely embarrassed and blushing face, Chu Ming suddenly felt a little light-headed.

A woman who acts coquettishly is not lethal, but a woman who is usually cold suddenly acting coquettishly can be lethal!

How did she even call me husband...


Chu Ming coughed lightly and was about to leave with An Muxi, but suddenly remembered that he hadn't completed his assessment yet!

Coincidentally, at this moment, the steward also hurriedly rushed over, holding a black-golden robe in his hand, exquisitely made, with the mark of the Sacred Alchemy Hall on the back—a pill that falls between heaven and earth like a sun.

"Chu Ming! Wait a moment!"

Seeing that Chu Ming intended to leave, the steward hurriedly stopped him and stuffed everything in his hands into his arms, smiling happily.

"Congratulations on successfully passing the assessment to become a Fourth Grade alchemist. From now on, you will be a steward of our Sacred Alchemy Hall!"

"This robe is the official attire of the Sacred Alchemy Hall's stewards. Remember to wear it when necessary. There is also a Fourth Grade alchemist's token, as well as the steward's waist badge and manual, which record the rewards and punishments for stewards and monthly benefits."


Chu Ming put the clothes into his spatial bag and looked surprised as he weighed the golden token in his hand.

You should know that stewards of the Sacred Alchemy Hall have many benefits!

Not only can they borrow a high-level alchemy room for free, but they also get an 80% discount when purchasing pills from the Sacred Alchemy Hall. They may even receive a piece of land exclusively for farming, becoming a true landlord!

This is equivalent to directly passing the examination!

Of course, the most important thing is that stewards of the Sacred Alchemy Hall can be exempted from daily alchemy tasks, only needing to go to the affairs hall once a week to receive tasks assigned by the Sacred Alchemy Hall.

Not only can they receive rewards, but they can also earn contributions. It's simply killing two birds with one stone!

"Thank you."

Chu Ming excitedly put away the things and was about to ask where he could receive his land when An Muxi suddenly dragged him out of the Sacred Alchemy Hall.

"Was it fun?"

After leaving the crowded place, she finally let go of Chu Ming's right arm, her expression resentful.

"That woman is very beautiful, isn't she?"

"Not even one-tenth as beautiful as Senior Sister."

Is this jealousy?

Chu Ming secretly chuckled in his heart, but his expression remained sincere, genuine, and serious. There was no trace of joking, which left An Muxi's original questioning stuck in her throat. After a while, she blushed and let out a soft hum.

"Hmph! I won't believe a word you say! Just a moment ago, you were enjoying it as that foxy woman leaned against you."

"That's because..."

Chu Ming awkwardly scratched his cheek and subconsciously glanced at An Muxi's chest. With her keen perception, she instantly noticed this act of stealing a glance and immediately crossed her arms, blushing.

"Pervert! Where are you looking? I bet you like big ones, don't you?"

"Well... yours aren't small either, Senior Sister."

Chu Ming didn't deny it, muttering under his breath. Then he once again used his skill of diverting the topic and looked up and down at An Muxi before expressing his surprise.

"Senior Sister, why did you change your clothes today?"

Compared to An Muxi's usual white dress, she was now wearing a pure black outfit. Even her originally loose three thousand strands of hair were tied into a single ponytail with a black ribbon.

She had lost some of her usual softness and gained a solemn air, exuding a heroic female swordsman temperament.

"It's all because of you."

An Muxi glared at Chu Ming with annoyance, then slightly lifted her skirt, revealing her legs in black silk stockings.

"You gave me black stockings. If I wore them with a white outfit, wouldn't it be a joke?"

"Ah, I see..."

This statement hit Chu Ming's blind spot of knowledge, leaving him puzzled.

So, cultivators also care about clothing coordination?

Truly eye-opening!

"Of course, there are other reasons."

An Muxi turned her head and spoke in a serious tone.

"I'm going to the Affairs Hall to pick up some tasks. Are you coming?"

"Of course."

Chu Ming tossed the steward badge in his hand and chuckled.

"After all, this thing isn't free."

"That's true."

So, the two of them arrived at the Affairs Hall located on the west side of the main peak.

Unlike the bustling atmosphere in other halls, the Affairs Hall was more solemn. Although there were many people, they were huddled in small groups, quietly discussing the tasks they wanted to pick up. After reporting to the stewards, they hurriedly left.

Chu Ming scanned the various tasks before him with interest, paying particular attention to those posted by the Sacred Alchemy Hall, such as:

- Elder Wang from Ling Sword Peak urgently needs Sun Ascending Pills with two marks or above and Six-Flavor Rehmannia Pills. Materials must be provided. Reward: 2,000 contribution points and an additional wedding invitation. Don't ask why, accepting this task means earning!

Chu Ming's cheek twitched slightly. Although he had some complaints, this task still piqued his interest.

After all, both pills were Fourth Grade, and the formulas were public. The only challenge was the complex manufacturing process, requiring a high level of soul control.

"It's time-consuming and labor-intensive. I'll take it when I have time."

Chu Ming sighed lightly and glanced at An Muxi beside him, only to find that she had already picked up a task during this time.

- Demonic Beasts have appeared at the foot of Handyman Peak in the northern market, causing havoc in the fields. Disciples of the Heavenly Evolution Sect are requested to solve the problem promptly. Reward: 300 contribution points.

So little!

Chu Ming's first reaction was that this was too stingy!

Wasn't capturing Demonic Beasts worth more?

"Because these contribution points are exchanged based on the rewards provided by the task posters, and a portion of spirit stones is deducted as well."

"People living in the northern market of Handyman Peak are very poor."

An Muxi's indifferent voice made Chu Ming tremble, suddenly realizing.

So that's how it is!

At this moment, a task caught his attention.

- One Warm Sun Pill for treating wind-cold. Reward: 10 contribution points. If accepting, please contact Hua Xiaoying from Handyman Peak in the northern market.

(End of this chapter)

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