Chapter 26: Hua Xiaoying

Hua Xiaoying trembled as she lifted her head. When she saw Chu Ming's gentle and familiar face, her bright eyes widened, and in the next second, she became flustered, frantically searching on her body as if looking for something.

"Let me help you up."

Chu Ming smiled and helped her up, his face full of concern.

"Are you okay? Why is your face so red?"

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiaoying quickly shook her head and moved away. This left Chu Ming puzzled, so he could only watch as she spread a piece of rice paper on her lap and began writing and drawing with an inkstone.

"Big brother, thank you for saving me once again. I'm fine, just feeling a bit hot."


Feeling the chilly autumn wind brushing against his skin, Chu Ming had some doubts in his heart but didn't think too much about it.

"That's good."

"Big brother, I didn't have a chance to ask last time, but can I ask for your name this time?"

Seeing Hua Xiaoying instantly write down her words, Chu Ming's expression froze for a moment, and he instinctively answered.

"Chu Ming, the Chu of suffering, the Ming of engraving."

"Then, big brother, you promised me last time that if we meet again, you'll come home with me."

You write so fast!

Looking at the rice paper slapped on his face, Chu Ming couldn't help but comment on his inner thoughts.

What's more, the handwriting is so fast and not sloppy at all. His speed is quite astonishing.


Seeing Hua Xiaoying's joyful smile because he agreed to go home with her, Chu Ming's heart warmed, and he chuckled lightly.

"You were announcing matters in the affairs hall of the sect, and it seems like you need a Warm Sun Pill?"

Hua Xiaoying widened her eyes and immediately nodded her head like a little chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes! The weather has turned cold recently, and my mother caught a cold, so we urgently need a Warm Sun Pill to warm her meridians."

"Is that so..."

Chu Ming supported his chin and pondered for a moment, then smiled and patted Hua Xiaoying's head.

"I don't have a Warm Heart Pill, but I can try to treat the cold."

After all, the Wood Spirit Power itself has the ability to nourish meridians and dispel cold. Treating such a minor illness is too simple.

"Really? Thank you, Brother Chu Ming!"

Hua Xiaoying blushed and quickly took a step back, bowing and thanking him with excitement on her face. This contrasting behavior made Chu Ming reveal a bitter smile.

"Do you dislike me? Why do you always keep your distance from me..."

"Because whenever Brother Chu Ming touches me, I feel hot all over and don't know what to do. I'm sorry."


Looking at Hua Xiaoying's tightly clenched hands and her shy and awkward appearance, Chu Ming's expression froze for a moment, then he suddenly realized.

Could it be because of the Natural Charm Body?

Is her constitution really that strong?

Just a touch caused her to have some strange reactions?

No wonder that Mrs. Xu kept rubbing against my arm and inexplicably showed deep admiration and affection...

So that's how it is!

"This is only an orange attribute. If it upgrades to a gold attribute..."

When his mind suddenly imagined himself being surrounded and pursued by countless men, Chu Ming couldn't help but shudder.

No, I have to quickly resolve the Natural Charm Body, or else something bad will happen sooner or later!

"Brother Chu Ming, my home is over there."

Feeling that Chu Ming seemed a bit sad, Hua Xiaoying placed her hand on her chest, took a deep breath, suppressed the heat in her heart, and pointed in a direction, holding a wooden basket as if she was about to leave.

"Let's go quickly."

"Can you wait for me for a moment?"

Chu Ming turned his head and softly said, looking towards the dark fields not far away.

"I have a companion... there she is."

Before his words fell, An Muxi slowly descended with a cold aura, causing ripples like water when her feet touched the ground.

So this is the strength of the Foundation Building realm...

Chu Ming felt a hint of envy and longing in his heart.

If Qi Refining is the increase in the quantity of spiritual power within the body, then Foundation Building is the qualitative transformation of spiritual power within the body.

Each layer of Qi Refining Tenth Layer is an expansion of the volume of the dantian, until the spiritual power within becomes dense enough to transform into liquid form, which is Foundation Building.

"Is it done?"

Chu Ming hurriedly approached, looking at the dark yellow crystal nucleus in An Muxi's hand with a smirk.

"It seems to have gone very smoothly."

"A mere Demonic Beast at the Qi Refining Seventh Layer, I didn't even pay attention to it."

An Muxi snorted lightly, arrogantly raising her chin. She casually put away the demon crystal and turned her gaze to Hua Xiaoying, who was timidly looking at her from not far away.


Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, first in a daze, then she suddenly turned her head and fiercely grabbed Chu Ming's ear.

"Chu Ming! I just went to deal with a Demonic Beast, and you're already getting involved with a girl?!"

"Sister, calm down!"

Chu Ming was also unsure where An Muxi's anger came from. He explained the situation with a helpless expression, finally causing her to release her hand.


An Muxi glanced at her reddened cheeks with embarrassment, twirling the ends of her hair as she forced an explanation for her inexplicable behavior.

"I was just worried that you would be deceived by someone, so I got a little angry."


She may act tough, but her whole body is soft. Why is she so stubborn?

Chu Ming rubbed his ear and secretly criticized her in his heart.

So she's being willful, huh?

One day, I'll make you lose that arrogance and make you completely submissive!

"Your name is Hua Xiaoying?"

After hearing about Hua Xiaoying's experience from Chu Ming, An Muxi slowly squatted in front of her, revealing her beautiful smile.

"Can you take me and Brother Chu Ming to your house?"

Hua Xiaoying nodded quickly and ran towards a distance with a basket in her arms.

An Muxi followed closely, which surprised Chu Ming a little.

"Sister, are you coming too? Weren't you in a hurry to handle your affairs?"

"I already said, I'm afraid you'll be deceived by someone."

An Muxi gave Chu Ming a disdainful look, her face slightly red with guilt.

She didn't know why she followed along either, she just felt uncomfortable with Chu Ming being with other girls!

I'm just protecting him, I don't have any other intentions!


The two arrived at a village in the northeast corner of Handyman Peak. They were greeted by a dilapidated grass hut surrounded by a wooden fence, with a lush variety of vegetables and fruits growing inside.

After arriving home, Hua Xiaoying first put the grains from the basket in her arms into the backyard kitchen, and then led the two inside to sit down.

Curiously looking around, Chu Ming's expression was slightly stunned.

Compared to the worn-out exterior, the interior of the house was surprisingly clean and tidy, although that might be due to the fact that there was only one table and two grass mats as furniture.

But An Muxi didn't mind, she sat cross-legged on it, observing her surroundings vigilantly. Chu Ming, on the other hand, casually accepted the two fruits handed to him by Hua Xiaoying, looking puzzled.

"What is this?"

"Seedless sweet melon."

Hua Xiaoying lowered her eyes, her expression filled with apology.

"Since there is no tea to entertain you, I had to pick two fruits from outside for you. I hope you don't mind."


The fruits were plump and resembled pears, with a golden surface without any spots, making them very appetizing.

But Chu Ming didn't eat them, feeling extremely surprised internally.

As an alchemist, he was familiar with the effects and age of various alchemy materials.

The fruit in front of him was commonly known as "seedless sweet melon" and scientifically called "snow pear." It had extremely high nutritional value and was the main ingredient for the Fasting Pill.

Of course, none of this was what surprised Chu Ming. What puzzled him was the age of this fruit.

A thirty-year-old snow pear?

Isn't this fruit older than this girl? How was it grown?

(End of this chapter)

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