Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

50. Chapter 50 Senior Sister’S Compromise

Chapter 50: Sister's Compromise


An Muxi couldn't help but imagine certain scenes in her mind, and her face immediately turned crimson. She angrily opened Chu Ming's right hand.

"How is this possible! It's so dirty, and yet you..."

"I've taken a bath," Chu Ming earnestly pleaded.

"Just this once, not as a precedent! Besides, you agreed to fulfill one of my requests earlier," An Muxi said.


Seeing Chu Ming's eyes filled with anticipation, An Muxi softened once again, her right hand clutching her left arm in inner turmoil.

Indeed, she had unconsciously agreed earlier due to being overwhelmed by her emotions, but he couldn't make such an outrageous request!

To make me do that kind of thing!

That kind of thing.

That kind of thing...

An Muxi blushed, feeling extremely shy, but in the end, she compromised.


An Muxi's face suddenly turned red, and she slapped Chu Ming's thigh with both hands.

"Cough... Chu Ming! You!"

"Sorry, sorry," Chu Ming adjusted his posture and quickly apologized with folded hands.

"This should be considered as part of the cultivation between partners, right?"

"Hmph," An Muxi withdrew her fierce gaze, rinsed her mouth with spiritual energy turned into water, pursed her lips, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

And... her cultivation actually increased?

She had already reached the peak of the Foundation Building Second Layer. How was this possible?

"Shall we continue?"


After locking eyes with Chu Ming's passionate gaze for a moment, An Muxi immediately understood his meaning. She suddenly broke free from his embrace, her cheeks blushing as she scolded.

"I'm only here to collect the impurities of partner cultivation. I didn't say anything about doing anything else!"

"Then let's continue collecting," Chu Ming chuckled lightly, his gaze burning, and he gently coaxed with a soft tone.

"We are partners. We have done everything we should do. What's left is just this final step, right?"

"But that's not allowed!"

No matter how Chu Ming tried to persuade her, An Muxi, though soft-hearted, firmly held her bottom line and refused to be crossed. In the end, he could only sigh disappointedly.


Chu Ming didn't consider himself a scumbag, so he wouldn't force a girl in this matter.


Seeing Chu Ming's gloomy appearance, An Muxi hesitated for a moment before taking the initiative to hold his hands with her own, slightly shy.

"We still don't know each other well. Can we talk about this later?"

"Of course, no problem."

Chu Ming tightly held An Muxi's fair and tender hand, his expression suddenly becoming serious.

"So, Senior Sister, can you tell me why you are working so hard to cultivate?"


Upon hearing this, An Muxi hesitated for a long time, then let out a soft sigh before speaking in a low voice.

"I want to save my mother."

"Your mother?"


An Muxi clenched the hem of her skirt with her left hand, raised her head, and gazed out of the window into the night, her expression distant as if lost in deep memories.

"I was originally a princess of the An Kingdom. My father was the former emperor of the An Kingdom, and my mother was a member of the fox demon clan."

"When it was discovered and exposed that my mother was a fox demon, my father was accused by his officials, and the people launched a rebellion and coup."

"In order to stabilize the country amidst internal and external troubles, my father had no choice but to abdicate and let my uncle take the throne. He himself voluntarily requested to be stationed at the border as a prince in exchange for my mother's life."

"With my mother's help, I managed to escape during the chaos, but she was imprisoned, and Muqing's whereabouts are also unknown..."


Seeing Chu Ming's confused expression, An Muxi explained softly.

"An Muqing is my twin sister. She also inherited the Natural Charm Body from our mother, and now her whereabouts are unknown."

Upon hearing An Muxi's words, Chu Ming furrowed his brows slightly, his expression becoming more serious.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to resolve family affairs, let alone royal affairs.

But one thing can be confirmed: fox demons are even more detested by people than he had imagined, to the point where everyone is against them.

Why is that?

Could it be that they commit evil deeds like rat demons?

"So as long as I work hard to cultivate, I will eventually be able to save my mother and father! And find out where my sister is!"

An Muxi's eyes were unusually determined, which moved Chu Ming and after a moment of contemplation, he said in a firm voice.

"If Senior Sister needs it, I will do my best to help."


An Muxi trembled slightly, surprised, and turned her head to look at Chu Ming, her face filled with confusion.

You see, anyone would avoid getting involved in such troublesome matters, so why would he insist on getting involved?

"After all, we are 'dao companions'!"

Chu Ming shrugged, his expression calm as he chuckled lightly.

"If that's the case, your mother is still my mother-in-law, so it's my duty as a son-in-law to save her, right?"


An Muxi was momentarily speechless, her eyes filled with complex and tender emotions. This made Chu Ming feel a little embarrassed as he pinched his nose and jokingly said,

"Are you touched? If Senior Sister doesn't know how to repay me, you can always offer yourself as a reward."


An Muxi pouted, firmly rejecting Chu Ming's proposal, but her lips couldn't help but curl up slightly.

She could clearly feel that Chu Ming was shy because of his offer to help her!

She never expected that he would have such a day...

An Muxi suddenly felt much better after being teased in various ways today. She leaned down, fiercely kissed Chu Ming's cheek, and then smiled as she walked away.

"This is a reward from Senior Sister. Accept it with gratitude."

Thanks to [我会永远想你], [昊天无上Supreme玉皇], [白翼羽墨], [绥言], [桉一], [书友尾号6344] for the support! Thanks to [墨兮兮兮兮], [丶青衣扰白雪], [黑色的墨染上安详], [只有彻底投入黑暗], [书友尾号1629], [弯弯明月也不及我美], [二心丿无可奈何], [书友尾号9866] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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