Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

55. Chapter 55 Taoist Couple Registration

Chapter 55: Registering as Dao Companions

"Cough, cough!"

An Muxi coughed lightly a few times, rinsed her mouth, wiped the corners of her mouth, and blushed with embarrassment and anger.

"Just this once, don't let it happen again!"


Chu Ming's face was serious, but he didn't seem to care about it in his heart.

After all, once you start something, it's hard to turn back... Just like cross-dressing, zero times or countless times.

It's the same with this kind of thing. Once you get addicted, you'll kneel down and look up at me pitifully in no time.

"Chu Ming, control the flying speed of the spiritual sword, we've wasted too much time on the way."



The Moon God Temple is located at the foot of the main peak on the left side. It is square in shape and resembles various buildings in the Forbidden City. The red eaves outside are hung with lanterns, creating a festive atmosphere.

However, there weren't many people inside the temple, only dozens of couples registering with the Moon God Temple.

This is understandable. After all, the path of cultivation is inherently lonely, and any unexpected event can separate Dao companions forever.

Therefore, even though the Heavenly Evolution Sect offers generous rewards for disciples who become Dao companions, many people choose to seal their hearts and cultivate alone, walking outside the mortal world.

"What should we do?"

As soon as they entered the gate of the temple, Chu Ming curiously looked around, and then An Muxi pulled him to the person in charge to register their information.

"Please give me the impurities from your cultivation as Dao companions."

The person in charge was an old man over a hundred years old, bald with a white beard. His calm and angry appearance seemed quite majestic.

He took the bed sheet handed over by Chu Ming and carefully examined it, making An Muxi's cheeks blush.

I really don't understand what the Moon God Temple wants to do with this.

No wonder no one... Who could come up with such a rule?

"Is there anything wrong?"

"What about the fallen petals?"

The person in charge looked at Chu Ming indifferently and said such dirty words in a serious tone, which shocked An Muxi.

"My wife has a special constitution, so..."

Chu Ming quietly placed a middle-grade spirit stone in the person in charge's hand, causing the person to raise his eyebrows. He discreetly put it away and took out a heart-shaped bronze token, then impatiently waved his hand.

"Alright, you have completed the registration as Dao companions. Take this token and enter the Clear Dragon Spring."

"Thank you."

Chu Ming smiled lightly and then hurriedly left with An Muxi, feeling relieved in his heart.

This old man looks like a stern and impartial person, but unexpectedly, he is quite smooth in handling things.



Just when I praised you, why did you suddenly change your attitude?

Chu Ming turned back somewhat nervously, and the person in charge walked out from behind the desk, revealing a forced smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"We have a 'Competing for the Embroidered Ball' competition specifically for new Dao companion couples. It is rumored that the first place will receive the Moon God's blessing and be bestowed with the title of 'First Dao Companions.' The future path will be longer and more blissful, and they will even receive a exquisite gift. Do you want to participate?"


Does this competition have any meaning?

What I care about most now is when I can enter the Clear Dragon Spring and see my senior sister in a swimsuit... No, I mean, enter the Clear Dragon Spring to improve my cultivation.

Chu Ming sighed lightly and was about to refuse, but An Muxi suddenly nodded and agreed.

"Okay, we'll participate."


Chu Ming turned his face in astonishment and looked at An Muxi with a puzzled expression.

The usually non-competitive senior sister would actually participate in such a boring competition?

What is she thinking?

"Alright, then please follow me."

The steward led the two of them towards the interior of the Matchmaker Temple. After passing through a long corridor, they were greeted by an extremely spacious... Martial Dao platform?


Chu Ming was momentarily speechless, unsure of how to comment on why there would be a place specifically for fighting inside the Matchmaker Temple.

Could it be that martial arts competitions for marriage were popular here too?

Or perhaps they were hosting the number one Martial Dao event?

"In this way, the opponent is determined."

The old man pointed towards two figures not far away, his expression filled with anticipation.

"Only they signed up as new Dao companions this week, so let's settle the victory or defeat with one match."

Upon hearing this, Chu Ming followed the direction the old man pointed and his pupils suddenly contracted.


"Brother Chu!?"

Seeing an old friend, Chu Ming took a step forward and patted Xu Shuai's shoulder hard, causing him to tear up and sway his paper fan weakly.

"Brother Chu, you're so heavy-handed... It seems you've been well recently."

"I never expected someone like you to have a Dao companion!"

"Brother Chu, your words are hurtful..."

"Sorry, sorry."

Chu Ming coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment and jokingly said, "What? Are you also interested in the title of 'First Dao Companion'?"


Xu Shuai let out a heavy sigh, looking slightly resentful and helpless as he looked ahead.

"My wife is more competitive and likes these empty reputations. I can't do anything about it."

"Your wife?"

Following Xu Shuai's gaze, Chu Ming discovered that An Muxi, who had been standing by his side, had disappeared and was now glaring at a cute girl of similar height, wearing a red dress and a bun on her head...

Wait a minute!

Something seems off.

A girl?

Looking at the cute, young face, Chu Ming suddenly seemed to realize something and took several steps back from Xu Shuai in horror, his eyes filled with disdain.

"Xu Xiong, I thought you were a righteous and upright person, but I never expected you to be a lolicon!"

"You've misunderstood."

Xu Shuai waved his hand and hurriedly explained, "Hong Ling is already over a hundred years old, she just looks young."

"Hmm... Huh!?"

Looking at the little girl standing opposite An Muxi, whose height only reached her waist, Chu Ming's cheek twitched involuntarily.

Thanks to [Zhang Yiji] for the reward!

Thanks to [Xu Yixiu], [Bai Yi Moyu], [Reader with the last four digits 2079], [Reader with the last four digits 9552], [White Silk Scarf ha], [Ning Mo], [Reader with the last four digits 2035], [EC Youth], [Akl_], [Visky], [Ci Ci], [Chill_Mugen], [Reader with the last four digits 1643] for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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