Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 57 The True Meaning Of Being A Drama Queen

Chapter 57: The True Essence of a Drama Queen

An Muxi panicked instantly and hurriedly ran to Chu Ming's side, lifting him up and repeatedly checking his injuries.

His face was dirty, his eyes tightly closed, his breath erratic. His once pristine white clothes were now tattered, giving him the appearance of being injured.

How could he be injured like this!

An Muxi held Chu Ming tightly in her arms, her cold gaze shifting to a nearby location, filled with a strong intent to kill.

Who could have beaten up my Chu Ming like this!

Over there, Yu Hongling was also holding onto a figure in panic. Recognizing his identity, An Muxi's pupils contracted.

Xu Shuai?

At the outer gate of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, An Muxi, who considered herself superior to others with her Foundation Building cultivation, couldn't help but pay attention to three other cultivators who were about to reach Foundation Building.

And Xu Shuai, who practiced the Mourning Path, was one of them.

Compared to various martial arts and the cultivation of Law Weapons, although cultivators who focused on cultivating emotions like Xu Shuai lacked direct combat power, they could be quite troublesome in certain aspects due to their unorthodox methods.

So, Chu Ming was injured by him...

An Muxi clenched her right fist, her lips trembling as she was about to say something, but Chu Ming's weak voice stopped her.

"Sister, I managed to snatch the embroidered ball for you... Unfortunately, there's only half of it..."

Why does he still care about the embroidered ball at a time like this!

An Muxi took the half of the embroidered ball that Chu Ming handed over, tightly holding his trembling right hand with concern on her face.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

"My leg hurts..."

Upon hearing this, An Muxi quickly covered Chu Ming's knee with her hand, using her spiritual power and divine sense to examine his legs. She found no external injuries.

Could it be an internal injury?

But that doesn't make sense!

Through the feedback from her spiritual power, An Muxi realized that Chu Ming's legs were intact, even stronger than an average person's due to his training, showing no signs of injury.

"Your legs are really injured?"

An Muxi asked, and Chu Ming's eyelids twitched as he weakly opened his eyes.

"Maybe it's not my legs... It's my arm."

"I've already checked your arm, and it's perfectly fine."

"Then it must be my waist, my waist hurts!"


After some pulling and tugging, the clever An Muxi seemed to understand something, staring at Chu Ming's face and saying each word.

"Chu Ming, don't lie to me. I'm not stupid."

"Sister, how could I... Ouch!"

Before Chu Ming could finish speaking, An Muxi threw him to the ground and left the Matchmaker's Shrine angrily, holding the half of the embroidered ball.

Seeing this, Chu Ming realized that he couldn't hide his act of pretending to be sick anymore. He quickly chased after her, leaving the caretaker of the Matchmaker's Shrine standing alone in the dust raised by the breeze.

"Wait for me, Sister!"

Chu Ming finally caught up with An Muxi and held her right hand from behind, smiling as he accompanied her.

"Don't be angry, Sister. I just wanted to tease you and ease the tense atmosphere."

"But you shouldn't use getting injured to tease me!"

An Muxi shook off Chu Ming's hand, turned around, and with red-rimmed eyes and a tearful appearance, she looked particularly fragile.

"You have no idea how worried I was... I thought you... sob..."

"I'm sorry."

Seeing An Muxi covering her face with both hands, crying in such sadness, Chu Ming panicked and quickly hugged her, comforting her softly.

"I'm sorry, I won't do this again in the future."

"Mainly, I thought that competing for the embroidered ball wasn't worth you and Yu Hongling fighting each other, so I wanted you both to stop."

"Because she's annoying!"

An Muxi twitched her reddened nose and buried her face in Chu Ming's embrace, sobbing.

"Every time I do something, she always has to interfere, constantly mocking and even speaking ill of our master!"

"Well, she definitely deserves a beating!"

Chu Ming gently patted An Muxi's head and chuckled.

"Since there was no winner this time, I will defeat her for you in the internal sect competition two months later!"

"That's impossible."

An Muxi raised her head and spoke with a firm voice.

"She has already reached the Foundation Building stage, and with her Innate High Grade Fire Spirit Root and the Dark Flame Decision, I might not be able to subdue her in a short period of time."

"Foundation Building stage?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

"Does that mean both of them, as a couple, have reached the Foundation Building stage?"

"Xu Shuai has also reached the Foundation Building stage?"

An Muxi left Chu Ming's embrace, her brows furrowed.

"In that case, there might be some variables in the ranking of the internal sect competition..."

"Didn't they say that the top one thousand can enter the internal sect?"

Seeing Chu Ming's indifferent smile, An Muxi rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Do you really not understand or are you pretending not to? Although the top one thousand can enter the internal sect, the treatment is different."

"Among the ordinary disciples and core disciples, it is divided equally. Among the core disciples, there are those who are personally chosen by the elders of the Heavenly Evolution Sect."

"Based on these identities, the cultivation resources enjoyed within the sect are also different. The higher the ranking, the easier it is to receive the full support of the Heavenly Evolution Sect!"

"Is that so?"

Chu Ming didn't really care, after all, he was naturally lazy, and as long as he joined the internal sect, he would be satisfied.

As for those resources, he didn't think they would be better than his own simulation system.

The most important thing was that all resources had to be earned through strength, and with his cheat, the best way for him was to lie low, accumulate strength, and make a breakthrough at the right time.

So he wasn't very willing to stand out in the internal sect competition.

However, An Muxi seemed eager to try, with a determined look as if she wanted to compete for the first place.

"Let's go to Clear Dragon Spring quickly!"

Seemingly inspired by Yu Hongling's sudden increase in strength, An Muxi pulled Chu Ming and walked towards a cave on the back mountain of the main peak. The three characters "Clear Dragon Spring" were carved on the top of the cave entrance.

Is the spring inside the mountain?

Chu Ming was puzzled and woke up the duty officer of the Heavenly Evolution Sect who was sleeping soundly on the table on the right side of the cave entrance.

"Brother, is this Clear Dragon Spring?"

"Ha... yes."

The duty officer yawned, rubbing his sleepy eyes with a tired expression on his face. However, when he saw An Muxi, his whole body trembled and he instantly became alert.

"Sister Muxi?"


Chu Ming narrowed his eyes and blocked the duty officer's line of sight, continuously tapping the heart-shaped bronze plaque on the table.

"We should be able to enter with this plaque, right?"


Seeing the bronze plaque in Chu Ming's hand, the duty officer couldn't believe it and repeatedly checked it. After a while, he asked in shock.

"Are you Sister Muxi's Dao companion?"


As soon as Chu Ming finished speaking, the duty officer slumped onto the chair as if he had lost his soul, staring into the distance and muttering to himself, his pupils dilated.

"Sister Muxi has a Dao companion? Impossible, impossible... she is an innocent and pure flower, how could she have a Dao companion..."

"Hey? Brother? Are you okay?"

Chu Ming waved his hand in front of the duty officer, who still had a look of despair. Unable to help it, Chu Ming silently mourned for three seconds in his heart.

Another fanboy of Sister Muxi has lost his dream...

(End of this chapter)

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