Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

7.Chapter 7 Senior Sister Teaches Skills

Chapter 7: Senior Sister Passing on Techniques

No, it's possible that even Spirit Treasures could be made from a part of a Spirit Essence Object.

Chu Ming squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought.

However, there are two points that can be confirmed.

First, my identity as a master is extraordinary.

After all, including the inner sect, Heavenly Evolution Sect has very few Spirit Treasures, most of which are Ninth Grade and below Law Weapons.

If we think about it this way, her strength in the Soul Formation Realm might also be false.

On the path of cultivation, there are the Ninth Layer of the Nine Heavens, the Nine Realms, and the Nine Unified Harmonies.

Qi Refining, Foundation Building, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Soul Formation, Returning to Void, Body Integration, Mahayana, Transcending Tribulation.

Each realm has a Ninth Layer, ultimately leading to becoming a True Immortal.

If it's only the Soul Formation Realm, it's not easy to possess a Spirit Treasure amidst so many greedy gazes.

The second point is that my simulated system is limited by the quality of the items.

"Perhaps the system doesn't want me to know too much, so as not to attract trouble?"

If that's the case, it really... I'm so frustrated!

Just as Chu Ming's thoughts were wandering, An Muxi suddenly came to him and reached out her right hand.

"Give it back to me."


Chu Ming, whose train of thought was interrupted, came back to his senses, looking puzzled.

"What should I give back to you?"

"The silk stockings!"

An Muxi's face turned slightly red with embarrassment, gritting her teeth.

"You must have used them up, so give them back to me!"

"Senior Sister is really thrifty."

Chu Ming smirked and teased, "Are you planning to take back the ones you've used?"

"You shameless!"

An Muxi was so angry that she was about to draw her own sword. Her full chest kept rising and falling, but then she had a second thought.

He's right!

Just the thought of it made An Muxi feel uncomfortable all over. She closed her eyes, forcibly suppressing the annoyance in her heart, took a few deep breaths, and then walked quickly towards the Dream Essence Platform with a light hum.

Seeing that Chu Ming didn't follow, she paused for a moment, turned her head, and said coldly, "Since you gave me an Iceheart Pill, I won't argue with you this time. Come up and practice together, so as not to waste time."


Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised.

He thought An Muxi would dislike him because of what happened last night.

It turns out she's just a stubborn person!

If this were in the past, the tsundere attribute might have been quite popular, but now it's already out of fashion.

But one exciting thing is that if you can conquer the tsundere and smooth out their arrogance...

Then what's left is only the "dere"!

Just the thought of the usually cold An Muxi curling up in his arms, acting coquettish and turning the tables, made Chu Ming's heart race.

"What are you thinking? Hurry up and come up!"

An Muxi's indifferent voice brought Chu Ming back to his senses. Immediately, she sat cross-legged on the jade platform, forming seals with her hands at her dantian.

Then, a cold aura surged around her, causing the spiritual energy in the hall to gather into a vortex centered around the jade platform.

Chu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked on, feeling envious.

"Senior Sister, can you teach me the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture?"

The Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture, the foundational technique of Heavenly Evolution Sect.

It doesn't require one's spiritual roots or aptitude, anyone can learn it. Not only does it improve cultivation speed, but it also has the function of prolonging life every year.

However, according to the rules of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, only disciples with Middle Grade spiritual roots are allowed to cultivate this technique. Otherwise, if they are discovered, they will be pursued and brought back by the enforcers of the Law Enforcement Hall.

After all, your Low Grade spiritual roots are useless even if you learn it. It would be embarrassing to go out.

In the past, Chu Ming was unable to learn it because his talent was not enough, which led to slow progress in his cultivation. He could only focus on alchemy through his proficiency in soul condensation.

Now that his spiritual roots have improved, it is natural to learn it and have more means and paths.

"Do you want to learn the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture?"

An Muxi suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Chu Ming, who was sitting opposite her with a serious expression, her expression unusually indifferent.

"Don't you know the rules of the Heavenly Evolution Sect? Low Grade spiritual roots are not allowed to learn the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture."

"But I have Middle Grade spiritual roots."

Chu Ming smiled slightly and took out a "testing talisman" and stuck it on his wrist.

The next second, it turned into a burning blue flame, and the constantly surging flames made An Muxi widen her eyes.

"Middle Grade wood spiritual roots? How did you suddenly improve?!"

"I ate a heaven and earth treasure and unintentionally improved."

Chu Ming smirked, attempting to deceive her, but instead of dispelling An Muxi's concerns, it made her even more puzzled.

Although there are indeed heaven and earth treasures that can improve the quality of spiritual roots, can a poor alchemist like him afford it?

She always felt that her junior brother had suddenly changed a lot overnight.

In the past, he was humble and gentle, not good with words, and stayed in the alchemy room every day. Apart from greeting their master, he was rarely seen.

But through their conversation last night, she discovered that he was actually a hidden pervert who liked to collect her worn socks!

Not only that, his talent had also made great progress.

Not only did he break through to become a Fourth Grade alchemist, but his spiritual roots had also improved, and he even possessed the Natural Charm Body?!

An Muxi couldn't figure it out, but she didn't suspect too much. After all, everyone has their own secrets they don't want others to know. So after thinking for a moment, she nodded.

"Alright, I'll teach you."

Publicly, Chu Ming was her junior brother, so it made sense for her to pass on the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture to him.

Privately, they were both on the same line, facing the trouble of the Natural Charm Body together, and there was no harm in strengthening their strength.

After making up her mind, An Muxi stopped speaking and lightly tapped the golden bell on her left wrist. Two thin protective gloves fell onto her skirt.

"Later, our palms will touch each other, and I will guide you through the circulation of the Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture a few times. Once you are familiar with it, you can practice it on your own every day."

Seeing An Muxi's arms covered in ice blue and her jade hands, Chu Ming suddenly felt a little awkward.

Although he had long known that his senior sister kept men at a distance, he didn't expect that even during the transmission of techniques, physical contact was not allowed?

Isn't this cleanliness a bit too much?

"Sister, what you're doing hurts your junior brother's heart."

Chu Ming covered his chest with a pained expression, while An Muxi just gave him a disdainful look and blushed slightly.

"It's not what you think... You know I have the Natural Charm Body. Once I have contact with men, things can easily go wrong."

What could possibly go wrong?

I had physical contact with our master earlier and nothing happened. Can I get pregnant just by shaking hands?

Chu Ming shrugged, then sighed lightly and reached out his hands, interlocking his fingers with An Muxi's.

"What are you doing?!"

An Muxi suddenly withdrew her hands like a startled bird, her face blushing, which confused Chu Ming.

"Isn't it a handshake?"

"It's palm-to-palm contact!"

An Muxi pursed her lips, glared at Chu Ming with embarrassment and anger, and then actively placed her hands against his palms.

In an instant, a cold chill condensed between the two.

Chu Ming quickly closed his eyes and followed An Muxi's guidance, using his spiritual power to circulate the Qi in a strange but extremely comfortable way, dividing it into five strands of rotating vortices.

You can refine Qi like this too?

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised, and at this moment, the familiar light screen suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Do you want to simulate the "Ice Silk Gloves"?]

(End of this chapter)

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