Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 77 Dragon Bones As Swords

Chapter 77: Dragon Bone Sword


An Muxi took a deep breath and then opened her eyes, filled with intense pain and sorrow.

Under the influence of the Dream Essence Platform, she had a dream where her father died in battle, her mother committed suicide, and her sister's body was eventually found in the deep mountains.

Even though she knew after waking up that these things were all dreams, unreal and not true, her heart still ached, and her depressed emotions couldn't be calmed for a long time. Her mind couldn't help but start to fantasize.

What if these things were real?

Would these things happen in the future?

"Chu Ming..."

When people are most sad and helpless, they often think of the person they most want to rely on.

An Muxi, like a lost child, looked around anxiously, wanting to find that tall figure, craving his warm embrace to comfort her.

However, when she stepped off the Dream Essence Platform and her gaze froze, she found Chu Ming crouching in a corner with his head down.

"Chu Ming?"

An Muxi slowly approached him and crouched down as well. Most of her inner pain dissipated due to her worry, and she softly asked with concern.

"Chu Ming? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing... I just don't feel well."

Chu Ming forced a stiff smile and slowly stood up after taking a few deep breaths, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The master is really troublesome!

One day, he will have to take this little demon into his arms and ruthlessly torment her, not letting her do evil!

"Would you like to go back and rest?"

An Muxi mistakenly thought that Chu Ming had also dreamed of something unpleasant while practicing on the Dream Essence Platform, so she supported his shoulder and said softly.

"Do you want to take an Iceheart Pill? It might make you feel better."

"I'm fine."

Chu Ming shook his head gently and then suddenly asked with a serious expression.

"Sister, can you teach me swordsmanship?"


Seeing Chu Ming's serious look, An Muxi was first stunned, but then her heart was filled with joy. However, she still felt a bit puzzled.

"You want to practice swordsmanship?"

"Why? Can't I practice?"

Faced with Chu Ming's question, An Muxi sighed softly and said gently.

"It's not that you can't practice, but sword cultivation requires sufficient talent. As you know, the sword is the king of all weapons. Those without talent can only learn its form and not its essence. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I understand, I understand."

Chu Ming smiled slightly.

"But I still want to give it a try. If it doesn't work out, then I'll give up."


Seeing Chu Ming's persistence, An Muxi didn't know what to say to persuade him to give up.

Rather, she was looking forward to seeing what differences Chu Ming, who had achieved great accomplishments in alchemy, would have in sword cultivation.

"Since you want to practice swordsmanship, let me emphasize a few basic points first."

An Muxi's eyes instantly turned cold, her originally gentle demeanor suddenly changed, and her expression became solemn and dignified, as if she were a strict teacher. She emphasized in a firm voice.

"Firstly, you need to have a good sword."

"I've prepared that."

Chu Ming smiled slightly and then took out the dragon bone from his spatial bag, casually waving it a few times.

"Sister, what do you think of this?"


An Muxi widened her eyes, her red lips slightly parted, wanting to say something but hesitating to speak.

This bone is a sword?

Have you opened your eyes today? If you haven't, I really want to open your eyelids and let you take a good look. How can this thing be a sword?

"This is similar to the sword over there!"

An Muxi rubbed her sore forehead, her hands on her waist, and said angrily, "Put it away! Is this considered a sword?!"

"Come, let's go to the Affairs Hall now and pick a sword first, then we can discuss the matter of repairing the sword."

"Sister, there's no need to buy a sword, after all, who says a sword must look like a sword."

Chu Ming helplessly stroked the dragon bone, and a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, sister, how about I go to Hundred Refinements Peak and find someone to polish this bone into a sword?"


An Muxi looked puzzled, and at this moment, an untimely dragon roar suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Kid, dare you turn my dragon bone into a sword? I think you're asking for death!"

"What's going on?"

Chu Ming conveyed his thoughts to the dragon bone in his heart.

"Could it be that you can use this dragon bone when you reshape your body in the future? Besides, even if you can use it, isn't it cool to turn a rib into the shape of a sword? It won't affect your movements."


The black dragon fell silent, and in its mind, it was actually fantasizing about the scene described by Chu Ming.

Turning a rib into the shape of a sword?

Come to think of it, it does seem pretty cool!

However, after thinking it over, the black dragon still refused, with a very disdainful tone.

"No, how can I let you, a little kid, ruin my noble dragon bone?"

"Besides, do you really think there's a human who can polish my dragon bone? I'm afraid they can't even get a bit of bone powder!"


That seems to make sense!

This reminded Chu Ming, making him furrow his brows involuntarily.

If we consider the strength that the black dragon previously displayed when it fought against the higher-ups of the Heavenly Evolution Sect, ordinary people really wouldn't be able to polish its dragon bone.

What should we do?

Should we just watch this excellent Law Weapon go unused?

Seeing Chu Ming's conflicted expression, An Muxi carefully examined the dragon bone in his hand, a hint of surprise flashing in her eyes.

Obviously, this crystal-clear dragon bone is no ordinary object!

Where did Chu Ming get this thing?

But if it really isn't an ordinary object, it's not impossible to use it as a sword for repairing a sword...

After some thought, An Muxi walked up to Chu Ming and reached out her right hand, her voice solemn.

"Chu Ming, can you let me see the bone in your hand?"

"This is called a dragon bone! Not just a bone! You little girl, you dare to disrespect this dragon!"

Listening to the angry roar in his ear, Chu Ming sighed helplessly and handed over the dragon bone.

However, as soon as An Muxi held it, her face suddenly turned red, and the dragon bone fell to the ground with a crisp sound.


Chu Ming picked up the dragon bone in confusion, while An Muxi held her trembling right arm, her face full of horror.

"Why is this bone so heavy?"


Chu Ming looked puzzledly at the dragon bone in his hand, tried waving it a few times, but couldn't feel any weight, as if it were similar to a plastic rod.

Does this thing have weight?

On the contrary, An Muxi, with a face full of disbelief, stared at him as if she had seen a ghost, took it again, but still couldn't lift it.


Finally, Chu Ming realized the strangeness of the situation, and the proud voice of the black dragon sounded at the right time.

"Do you really think anyone can just take away my dragon bone so easily?"

"Kid, you can swing it so easily because I made it weightless for you. But for others, this dragon bone weighs millions of kilograms!"

(End of this chapter)

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