Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

Chapter 80 Hua Xiaoying Requests To Form A Team

Chapter 80: Hua Xiaoying Requests to Team Up

[In the mind of the beggar old man dressed in tattered clothes, you were created as a means of self-defense against other bullies.]

[Year after year, day after day, you were trained by him to perfection, but you lacked a bit of soul.]

[One year, during a heavy rainstorm, while the beggar old man was taking shelter in a mountain temple, a group of vicious wild dogs suddenly surrounded him and attacked him ferociously.]

[The beggar old man, weakened by hunger, struggled to fight off the dogs. Just when he was about to give up hope, a flash of insight illuminated his mind, and his originally murky yellow pupils became clear.]

[He wielded a wooden stick with agility, using the "Tripping, Chopping, Entangling, Stabbing, Picking, Guiding, Sealing, and Turning" eight techniques, giving you a new soul.]

[In the end, he killed all the wild dogs, then turned around and knelt before the smiling bronze Buddha statue in the mountain temple, lowered his bamboo hat, and left in the rain, wrapped in a raincoat.]

[As his figure gradually disappeared into the misty rain, the mountain temple slowly faded away like a mirage, and the bodies of the wild dogs vanished without a trace, as if they had never existed...]

[The following year, in this blood-soaked world, the Beggar Gang emerged, and you were listed as their top martial art.]

[Simulation complete. Since "Life-Sustaining Staff Technique" is a martial art you have already practiced, you can only choose Reward 1 (Item Acquisition Entry).]

[Currently available entries to add:]

["Eight Dog-Beating Techniques (Gold)": Derived from the "Tripping, Chopping, Entangling, Stabbing, Picking, Guiding, Sealing, and Turning" eight techniques, this staff technique condenses wood attribute spiritual power. When perfected, it can shatter the void and bring down the sun, moon, and stars!]

[When the opponent is shorter than you, the power of the staff technique is increased by 10%.]

[When the opponent is good at roaring, the power of the staff technique is increased by 20%.]

[When the opponent has a hot temper, the power of the staff technique is increased by 30%.]

[When the opponent walks on all fours, the power of the staff technique is increased by 40%.]

[When the opponent is a human and belongs to the zodiac sign of the dog, the power of the staff technique is increased by 50%, and your agility is increased by 20%.]

"A gold entry?"

Chu Ming suddenly opened his eyes, filled with astonishment.

Suddenly, the "Life-Sustaining Staff Technique" that was originally imprinted in his mind began to evolve and transform in a subtle way.

A gray figure waved a virtual staff, and amidst the flickering staff shadows, the sound of breaking through the air was like thunder, shaking Chu Ming's soul for a long time.

This "Life-Sustaining Staff Technique" had actually evolved into the "Dog-Beating Staff Technique?"

"No, it doesn't seem like a staff technique. Instead, it seems more like a way to subdue the opponent in combat..."

Chu Ming quickly jumped off the bed and left the room, arriving at the open space where he often sparred with True Child Pill. He closed his eyes slightly, holding the dragon bone in his hand and instinctively practiced the "Life-Sustaining Staff Technique" following the figure in his mind.

After about half an incense stick's worth of time, he stood still in place, took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and the exhaustion in his body did not diminish his excitement.

Around him, the originally flat ground was filled with countless deep trenches, and even the nearby dense forest had fallen many ancient trees, causing the birds to angrily fly away into the distance.

This staff technique had some substance to it!

"Not bad, not bad."

Chu Ming clenched his fists tightly, and at this moment, a petite figure wearing a green dress quickly ran over from a distance, her crossed arms still holding a towel.


Looking at Hua Xiaoying's cute, rosy face, Chu Ming took the towel she handed over, his expression filled with surprise.

"Why are you here?"

"I happened to see Brother Chu Ming practicing martial arts when I came back from the fields, so I brought a towel for you."

Faced with Hua Xiaoying's thoughtful gesture, Chu Ming wiped his face with the towel and smiled gently.

"Xiaoying, thank you."

"No need to thank me, it's what I should do," Hua Xiaoying sweetly smiled, then cautiously looked around, finding no one nearby, and blushing, she raised her notebook again.

"Chu Ming, I also prepared a basin of bathwater for you. Would you like to use it to wash away the sweat on your body?"


Chu Ming raised an eyebrow and handed a handkerchief to Hua Xiaoying, gently patting her head with a faint warmth in his heart.

"It's so nice to have you, Xiaoying, it's like having a little sister!"


Hua Xiaoying was initially happy and excited, but when she heard Chu Ming mention that she was like his sister, her heart suddenly felt disappointed.

Am I just Chu Ming's sister?

Well, I often call him Chu Ming brother...

Seeing Hua Xiaoying's low spirits, Chu Ming thought that he had mentioned something sad about her family, so he squatted down and pinched her face, speaking softly.

"There's actually something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time... How about being my sister? Then we'll be a family!"

Chu Ming felt that his proposal was perfect, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

This should fill the void in her heart about her family, right?

The next scene should be:

"Xiaoying was stunned at first, then her beautiful eyes became misty with tears, and the hot tears slid down her tender cheeks. She threw herself into his arms, sobbing with deep emotion."

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Chu Ming looked at Hua Xiaoying with a smile, but his smile gradually stiffened when she shook her head to reject his proposal.


Wait a minute!

Xiaoying rejected my proposal?


This development is not right!

"Xiaoying, you don't want to?" Chu Ming asked in surprise, but Hua Xiaoying gave the same answer, except this time her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were filled with shyness and determination.

"I don't want to be Chu Ming's sister, I just want to be his personal maid and serve him for a lifetime!"


Chu Ming was first stunned, then he smiled helplessly with a touch of emotion.

Xiaoying, actually these two things are not contradictory!

Who said a sister can't serve her brother for a lifetime?

Although Chu Ming thought so in his heart, he didn't have the heart to say it out loud. After coughing lightly, he spoke softly.

"Xiaoying, you don't have to lower your status like this, it makes our relationship seem too unfamiliar."

"Don't you want to be closer to me?"


Hua Xiaoying tilted her head and thought carefully, then wrote and drew on a small notebook before raising it up again.

"Can I write that you're Brother Chu in the future?"

What's the difference with one more word or one less word?

Chu Ming couldn't help but complain in his heart, but in the end, he nodded with a gentle smile.

However, this one-word change made Hua Xiaoying's heart beat wildly, and in the depths of her eyes as she looked at Chu Ming, there was a strong love that only she could perceive.

Brother Chu, Xiaoying is actually a naughty girl~

Can I join you and Sister-in-law?

Thank you to [关灰路豆子] [书友尾号7474] [殇囄] [犹老朽] [国内最帅的崽] [非酋逆天改命] [西风凉凉] [书友尾号2914] [书友尾号0878] [七个小婆娘] [书友尾号5518] [乙酰水杨酸少年] [书友尾号9601] [这个名字被我占用了] [幻昼墨] [想人陪的清姬] [问余潇潇] [惜梦令] [白翼墨羽] [岳楼] [书友尾号5518] [书友尾号8784] [当归不将离] [樱下花火] [www——com] [书友尾号1578] [眰恦i] [书友尾号5411] [书友尾号0687] [Sword筠心] [白发浪侍] [薄荷味的夏] [古见同学大胜利] [宇智波令仪] [破剑茶寮寮主疯不觉] [虚实之间无我无相] for the support!

Thank you to [书友尾号8950] [亡灵爱好者] [羡貂] [你当我三岁吗] [坤坤开坦克] [书友尾号7307] [书友尾号9445] [终焉时代] [Transcendent Level绿毛虫] [书友尾号9671] [书友尾号8308] [书友尾号3294] [回眸生丶天] [七笔写下一个狂] [682069] [书友尾号0996] [书友尾号9984] [当归不将离] [提摩西时间] [书友尾号6500] [路外人] [秋风起意未寒] [月合疏影] [闲随心] [戍望] for the monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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