Senior Sister, Please Help Me Practice

92. Chapter 92 The Young Woman Falls In Love (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 92: The Devotion of a Young Wife (Please Subscribe!)

In the early morning, amidst the pale mist, the clouds were swirling. Even though it was already deep winter, there was still the fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds, as if it were early spring.

On a huge rock at the back of Elixir Peak, Chu Ming sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his hands forming seals at his dantian. The Heavenly Evolution Inner Scripture within his body continued to circulate, filling his limbs with spiritual energy.

His breathing was steady, his distracting thoughts dispersed, not even noticing the birds that were walking on his head.


After a while, with a deep breath, the birds fluttered away into the distance, and Chu Ming slowly opened his deep and profound eyes, exhaling a breath of turbid air.

"The spiritual energy on Elixir Peak is still abundant!"

Chu Ming brought up his personal panel and looked at his cultivation level of Qi Refining Realm Seventh Layer Late Stage, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

In the past, he used to complain about why the protagonist stayed in the Qi Refining Realm for so long, but now he realized that there were some reasons for it.

First of all, in the entire Immortal Cultivation World, Qi Refining Realm cultivators accounted for ninety-nine percent, or at least around ninety percent.

Most ordinary people could only cultivate up to the Second Layer of Qi Refining Realm, and those with a bit of talent could reach the Third Layer at most.

This resulted in encountering more people and events in the Qi Refining Realm, with opportunities and dangers coexisting.

Secondly, and most importantly, the physique and dantian were very weak in the early stages, and there was always a risk of exploding when consuming high-quality natural treasures.

Once the cultivation level increased, he could take pills to level up.

"If I think about it this way, I am invincible in the Qi Refining Realm, surpassing ninety percent of the people in this Immortal Cultivation World, right?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Chu Ming's eyes, and his confidence suddenly grew.

After pondering for a while, he realized that he seemed to be able to walk sideways in the Immortal Cultivation World.

I'm so strong!

"Well, then I'll reward myself with a day off."

Chu Ming stretched lazily and jumped down from the huge rock, his hands behind his head, leisurely walking towards his mansion.

"Since I'm leaving tomorrow to participate in the alchemy competition, I should first explain everything to Xiaoying to avoid any accidents."

Chu Ming silently contemplated the things he needed to handle today. However, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of his mansion, he noticed a group of carriages parked on the small road in front of the gate.

The leader was a maid dressed as a servant girl, wearing a simple white dress. She was communicating with Hua Xiaoying using pen and paper.


Chu Ming looked slightly stunned, and when Hua Xiaoying noticed his arrival, she quickly ran over and raised a small notebook.

"Brother Chu, you finally came back. Someone is looking for you. They claim to be from the Xu family and have specially brought a small gift to express their gratitude."

Xu family?


Chu Ming looked at the pretty maid standing not far away and suddenly realized why she looked so familiar.

Isn't she the personal maid next to Xu Wanshu?

"Master Chu."

Seeing Chu Ming's arrival, the maid quickly came forward and bowed, her eyelids slightly lowered, her tone humble.

"My name is Xiaohong. I have been ordered by Madam to bring some small gifts to express our gratitude. If you don't mind..."

Before she could finish speaking, she felt a dizzy spell and her consciousness became hazy. Her flushed face became unusually hot, and she unconsciously reached out her hands towards Chu Ming, her eyes filled with hearts.

Not good!

Chu Ming inwardly cursed and quickly said to Hua Xiaoying in a deep voice.

"Xiaoying, give her a Tranquil Heart Pill!"

Upon hearing this, Hua Xiaoying quickly stepped forward and stood between Xiaohong and Chu Ming, reaching out and stuffing a Tranquil Heart Pill into her mouth.

After a while, the fiery heat in Xiaohong's eyes gradually subsided. She looked around in confusion, her face turning red, and quickly took a step back, kneeling down and bowing deeply, trembling as she spoke.

"I have been disrespectful. I attempted to do something inappropriate to Master Chu just now. I deserve to die a thousand deaths!"

"It's not your fault, it's just that I'm too charming, sigh!" Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Perhaps he had to find a way to suppress the "charm" passive effect of the "Chaos Yin-Yang Body" through special means.

It's too powerful for ordinary people!

If he were to go out, wouldn't he be instantly surrounded by admirers?

Who knows, there might even be some monsters and demons approaching...

Chu Ming quickly stepped forward and helped Xiao Hong up, his smile gentle as he changed the subject.

"How is the Xu family's business recently?"

"It's very good."

Seeing that Chu Ming didn't blame her for her rudeness, Xiao Hong felt a faint touch of gratitude in her heart and eagerly spoke.

"Thanks to the 'Qi Condensation Pill' and 'Ice Heart Pill' made by Young Master Chu, our Hundred Treasures Pavilion, which had been quiet for a long time, has seen a resurgence in business!"

"Many people have come to buy, including even the outer sect steward of the Heavenly Evolution Sect!"

"Because the quality of the two pills you made is too high, they have become very popular. We had to resort to auctions, but still couldn't meet the demand."

Is the business really that hot?

Chu Ming couldn't help but be surprised, for a moment not knowing what to say.

Even ordinary Fifth Grade pills made casually are so popular, proving that high-level alchemists in the Heavenly Evolution Sect are truly rare!

Why not develop alchemy then?

I wonder what those elders in charge of the Heavenly Evolution Sect are thinking. Are they only focused on cultivation and not managing the sect?

"Of course, all of this is thanks to Young Master Chu. Our Xu family is only helping to sell the pills."

Xiao Hong handed the bill to Chu Ming in a sensible manner.

"During this week, our Xu family auctioned off twenty 'Qi Condensation Pills' and twenty 'Ice Heart Pills', averaging about six Middle Grade Spirit Stones per pill, for a total of 243 Middle Grade Spirit Stones. Please have a look."

"So high?"

Chu Ming casually glanced at the bill and handed it back, then immediately asked in confusion.

According to what you wrote on it, are you planning to give me all 243 Middle Grade Spirit Stones? Aren't you taking a cut for yourselves?

"Madam said that being able to earn so much money is all thanks to Young Master Chu's grace. Our Xu family is just helping, and we dare not have any expectations."



This is the first time I've seen a consignment merchant not taking a cut!

No wonder they can control seventy percent of the industry in the northern market. They're really shrewd in their calculations.

They would rather give up this not insignificant amount of money and owe me a favor, betting that I'm not a heartless and ungrateful person.

If they continue like this, they will only earn more through favors.

Chu Ming touched his nose and smiled helplessly. He didn't feel any anger at being calculated, but instead couldn't help but admire it.

This Xu Wanshu really knows how to do business. She really won against me!

"I've made about twenty more 'Qi Condensation Pills' and 'Ice Heart Pills' during this period. Take them and sell them for me before I leave."

"Okay, Young Master Chu."

Seeing that Chu Ming was willing to continue cooperating, Xiao Hong breathed a sigh of relief and expressed her gratitude.

"There is one more thing I need to inform Young Master Chu about."

"Thanks to your connections, the managers of the northern market have indeed taken action against the Wang family."

"They confiscated most of the illegal goods sold by the Wang family, closed down some of their shops on the grounds of unfair competition, and unconditionally returned the deeds they cheated from us."


Chu Ming raised an eyebrow, his expression slightly surprised.

This efficiency is quite fast!

Just a few days ago, when I mentioned it to Sacred Pill Elder, I didn't expect him to arrange for someone to resolve this so quickly.


"But it seems like you have something else on your mind?"

Looking at Xiaohong's hesitant and conflicted expression, Chu Ming calmly said.

"There's no need to hide, just say it."

"This time, Madam has repeatedly warned me to be cautious, but there is one thing that I can't keep to myself."

Xiaohong anxiously lowered her eyelids and sighed, revealing a worried expression.

"Although the Wang family returned the land deeds of some of our properties, our family master has exported these land deeds!"

"I can't control that."

Chu Ming listened and shrugged, indicating that he also had no solution.

After all, true gamblers never turn back. They only sink deeper and deeper into it. Even if they lose their entire fortune, they think it's just bad luck.

In summary, gambling addicts are doomed!

"I understand, but I can't bear to see Madam suffer like this."

Xiaohong's eyes turned slightly red, and she tearfully complained.

"Our family master gambles at the gambling house and gets drunk at the Miao Nu Fang every day, only returning home late at night. And he takes out his anger on Madam."

"Not only does he use foul language, but sometimes he even resorts to violence! If it weren't for us servants stopping him, Madam might have..."

"Tsk, let your Madam divorce him!"

Chu Ming clicked his tongue and frowned dissatisfied.

"Don't tell me Madam Xu still has feelings for him."

"They have long been completely severed."

Xiaohong wiped away her tears helplessly.

"Madam has considered divorce, but if she does that, as a divorced woman, where will she have a place to stay in the future?"


Chu Ming rested his chin on his hand and pondered for a moment, then suddenly pointed at the long line of carriages behind Xiaohong with a puzzled expression.

"Forget about your Madam for now, what are these things for?"

"These are the small gifts Madam prepared for Lord Chu."

Although Xiaohong was a little confused by Chu Ming's sudden change of topic, she didn't dare to neglect it. She quickly lifted the curtain of the front carriage and showed him the full wooden boxes inside.

"They include various crystals, medicinal herbs, seeds for pill materials, Law Weapons, and martial arts techniques, as a small token of respect."

"All of these are for me?"

Chu Ming pointed at himself in surprise, but when he saw Xiaohong nod sincerely, a strange thought suddenly arose in his mind.

Could this Xu Wanshu be interested in me?

Bribing me with such generous gifts to make me owe her a bigger favor.

That way, I would have no reason not to help her solve her troubles and rescue her from the dangerous situation she's in...

Chu Ming looked at the three or four carriages behind Xiaohong, and his cheeks twitched slightly.

You call this a small gift?

This bet is too big!

Isn't she afraid that I'll take these things and do nothing?

Or is she already forced into a corner and can only hold onto me as a lifeline?

Chu Ming walked forward with complex emotions and opened the wooden boxes, only to find them filled with crystals.

After pondering for a moment, he turned his head and asked in a serious tone.

"Madam Xu gave me so many things. Doesn't your family master know about it?"


Xiao Hong stammered for a long time without saying a complete sentence. In the end, under Chu Ming's sharp scrutiny, she looked desolate and said, "Although Madam doesn't want me to say anything, I think it's necessary to inform you, Young Master Chu."

"Because the family master is the actual controller of our Xu family. Most of the assets are registered under his name, and Madam only helps with management and has no authority to mobilize funds."

"These things were secretly accumulated by Madam herself in recent years..."

"All of them?"

Chu Ming frowned slightly, then went to the second carriage, lifted the curtain and opened the wooden box. Inside, he found various gold and silver jewelry, silk fabrics, and some were even worn out and unusable.

Did she move the entire household to give it to me?


Chu Ming suddenly widened his eyes. At this moment, he finally realized Xu Wanshu's true intention.

Is she planning to suddenly move into my house one day in the future?

This is playing too big. She's not leaving herself any way out!

Chu Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly. He closed the wooden box, clapped his hands, and gently said to Xiao Hong, "I gratefully accept the first carriage. You can take the rest back later."


Upon hearing this, Xiao Hong's heart sank. She bit her lip in despair and remained silent.

Obviously, Chu Ming's meaning was already clear.

I only have a cooperative relationship with your Madam and don't want any emotional entanglements. I am also powerless in her household affairs. Please go ahead.

"Young Master Chu, please wait!"


Chu Ming turned around, about to pull the carriage into the mansion, but was stopped by Xiao Hong, who respectfully handed him a letter.

"This is a letter from my Madam to you. Can you take a look?"

A letter?

Chu Ming opened the envelope in confusion and glanced at the letter. His expression suddenly became serious. The letter, without any unnecessary emotions, conveyed only one tone.

Love and joy.

Wait a minute!

A seductive young woman, almost thirty years old, actually fell in love at first sight with a seventeen-year-old boy?

Is this a joke?

Do I have that much charm?

Chu Ming blushed, even someone as straightforward as him felt a bit embarrassed reading the sweet words between the lines. He quickly folded the letter and put it away.

He let out a sigh of relief and calmly said to Xiao Hong, "I understand."


Xiao Hong tightly held her skirt, wanting to speak but hesitated. Suddenly, Chu Ming interrupted her.

"Let me make it clear first. I can't make any promises to your Madam. These are just her wishful thinking."

"But I will help her solve all the troubles around her. Consider it as repaying a favor to your Madam."

Upon hearing the first part, Xiao Hong looked desolate. However, when Chu Ming mentioned helping her Madam out of trouble, her dim eyes suddenly brightened. She excitedly bowed and thanked him.

"Thank you so much, Young Master Chu! I will convey this good news to Madam!"

(End of this chapter)

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