Senju's Naruto

Chapter 109

As Uchiha Kagami said, once the country of fire and the country of thunder go to war, if the rest of the major powers are still calm and nothing happens, it will be a little dangerous, maybe they have reached some agreement behind their backs, just wait for what flaws will be revealed on the side of Konoha Hidden Village, and they can strike together.

Konoha Hidden Village is obviously much stronger than Yunyin Village, so even if it is a dozen or two, this Hokage-sama is confident that he can win, but there are three big countries that are still in a stable state today.

Not to mention the country of wind, they have honestly hidden in the desert over the years to study the power of some tailed beasts, and at the same time are implementing reforms and taking the route of strengthening the army, and now there are no big results, so it is unlikely that the country of wind will participate in the war, and even if there is, he is not afraid.

But the country of water and the country of earth are different, these two countries are stronger than the country of wind, if they really reach any alliance with the country of thunder, then ~ it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, Senju needs to let the lark and them ‘confirm’ the situation in the country of water and the country of earth, if only these two could fight, then he would have no worries.

The task that this Hokage-sama gave to the lark was ostensibly to let him confirm the situation, but the meaning behind the scenes was already obvious, and the lark also understood it at the first time.

The large forces in Konoha Hidden Village are ready to deal with the war, and they may start to move at any time, is it really a simple way to confirm the movements of the Water Country? Non-existent, if it is really that simple, do you need the three elite dark squads of ‘second, third, and fourth’ to go out together? That’s too much to look down on the ‘business’ ability of the larks and these people, right?

Therefore, the hidden meaning behind this task is to let the lark go to the country of water to do things, even if he has no intention of starting a war with the country of earth, then he must provoke the war between these two countries to him.

It’s just that as a Hokage, Senju can’t be so clear in the mission, otherwise if this eagle falcon is intercepted halfway, and the mission information is circulated, if the country of water and the country of earth know, they should have no intention of doing something to the country of fire.

That’s right, the task they performed this time seems simple, but in fact, it is still a little difficult, that is, to let the two countries start a war, but fortunately, this country of water and the country of earth has been accumulating grudges for a long time, as long as the means are appropriate and done cleanly, there is still no problem.

Because of the mission, these dark teams of them could not swim in the hot springs as well as before, eat barbecue, three times five divided by two, a group of strong men quickly solved the whole sheep, and then each packed up their things, destroyed their traces, and began to quickly move towards the coastline of Yu no Kuni.

After studying on the map, the lark has already determined their itinerary this time, that is, take a boat from the coastline of the country of Yu to the poor country of waves, and then change their identity from the country of waves, sneak into the country of water, and finally to the country of water, and then arrange the next thing, in short, to intensify the contradiction between ‘water and soil’, let them quickly fight, so as to give a signal that the Senju can start a war.

Three days later, on the edge of a certain port in the Land of Waves, Skylark and the others had already changed their costumes in the Dark Division, and they played the role of merchants of the Land of Waves, buying some of their specialties from the Land of Waves and preparing to sell them in the Land of Water.

“Blind man, get this box of cargo on board…” said the lark, kicking a wooden box with his foot, and spoke to a blindfolded man in the distance.

That blindfolded guy is naturally Hinata, in fact, he is not very suitable for sneaking into the mission, after all, the big albinism-like eyes are too recognizable, but the lark can’t just leave him in the country of soup, and maybe this mission still needs his white eyes to open the way, so he disguised himself as a blind man with both eyes, and directly found a black cloth for him to blindfold his eyes.

“Vice… The blind cannot see things. Hinata said as she listened to the lark’s words.

“Hahaha, that’s right, the blind can’t see.” Uchiha Kagami smiled as he walked over and picked up the box of goods and sent it to the ship.

“It’s as if you really can’t see,” the lark muttered to himself.

If the white eye is a blood succession limit, and you can’t see anything with one, then what is the use of it?

So don’t look at this Hinata pretending to be like a real blind man, in fact, he knows better than anyone.

Soon, the lark and they filled the newly purchased ship with the specialties of the country of waves, and then a group of the dark ninjas of Konoha Hidden Village all entered the ship, adjusted the angle of the sails, and with the action of the lark, the merchant ship full of goods floated leisurely towards the country.

It wasn’t until he entered this sea that Hinata took the black cloth from his eyes, frowned, and asked, “Vice Minister, we will enter the Land of Water like this, and we will not be suspected.”

“What is the suspicion? My procedures are very complete, we all have a real identity of the merchant of the country of waves, even if we check, there is no problem, rest assured, as long as we do not show our horses’ feet, we will not be suspected. The lark said confidently.

The country of Waves is a very corrupt place, the country can be said to be poor and poor, and the Three Peaks Group of the Skylark also happens to have some business here, so it is not too simple to shell out some money and get a ‘real’ identity from this corrupt country to cover or something.

Uchiha Kagami also found a box and sat down, blowing the sea breeze, and said with a smile: “Although there is nothing wrong with the identity, it still feels a little stupid, what are the specialties we buy?” Marine fish? Scallops? Well, it is indeed a specialty of the Land of Waves, but does the Water Country lack this thing? ”

“What do you care about him so much? It’s not really going to be a businessman, how? Do you still want to sell these goods for a profit? With this tight time, can’t I still ship you a batch of valuable goods from the Land of Fire? Let’s hurry to the country of water, after entering, there will be no more things, and it is only right to complete the task as soon as possible. The lark glanced at Uchiha Kagami and said with some displeasure.

In fact, he didn’t want to be so stupid, but this damn Wave Country really didn’t have anything else decent, otherwise they wouldn’t have messed up so badly.

After a little teasing of these things, except for some people who were in control of the boat, the rest of the people also gathered together and began to discuss this plan on how to go to the water country.

“Although Naruto-sama didn’t say it explicitly, this meaning should be clear to everyone, so I suggest that we don’t be stupid to really investigate something, and just give this matter to him as a ‘fact’ and you can retreat, maybe you can have time to go back and participate in the war.” Uchiha Kagami thought for a moment and spoke first.

Hinata, the dead man, also nodded, and then spoke: “That’s right, in view of the already unfriendly relationship between the Land of Water and the Land of Earth, we can plan a few attacks, kill some ninjas from the Mist Hidden Village, and then blame the Iwahide Village to provoke a conflict between the two sides…”

·0 Ask for flowers···

Although Qimu Shuomao is not a ‘leader’, but the lark and several of them are approachable guys, so the entire dark squad is very harmonious, and any opinions and doubts can be mentioned at any time.

Therefore, at this time, Qimu Shuomao was also sitting on a small wooden box, thought for a while and said: “If we really plan several assassinations, then we should choose some more special or influential ninjas, which will be more able to intensify the contradiction.” ”

After hearing this, Uchiha Kagami nodded and said, “That’s right, it’s better this way…”

After a slight pause, a fine light flashed in his eyes, and then he spoke: “By the way, Skylark, don’t you guy have some grudge with the Ghost Lantern clan of Wuyin Village?” What is it called? ”

“Ghost Lantern Cold Moon.” The corner of the lark’s mouth grinned, and he said with a smile.

“That’s right, Ghost Lantern Cold Moon, that guy is now rising tide, at this time he is the younger brother of the second generation of Meshui Ying, if we go over to kill this guy and arrange it cleverly, then the second-generation Meshui Ying Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon must not be mad?” Isn’t this war about to start? Uchiha Kagami said with some excitement.

…….. 0

“If he alone is not enough, we can kill a few more, then the Kaguya clan seems to have quite a status in the Mist Hidden Village, right?” We can also go and kill some. Hinata said such terrifying words with a serious face.

After listening to these people discuss so much, the lark clapped his hands and said: “A little quiet, how about listening to me?” ”

After the rest of the people looked at the lark, the lark said with a smile: “That’s right, I do have a grudge with that ghost lamp cold moon, that bastard almost didn’t kill me in the first place, if I have the opportunity to do him, I won’t let it go, but this mission is more important, we can’t be so procrastinating, it does make sense to carry out a few more attacks, but on the one hand, Naruto-sama is waiting for us there, so we don’t have a lot of time, on the other hand, this time or twice is enough, Once the number of such attacks and assassinations increases, it will inevitably reveal something strange, and we will be self-defeating, so…”

Listening to the lark’s words, the rest of the people nodded after thinking about it, and then Hinata Hinata said: “That’s true, it’s that I haven’t thought it out enough, so Vice Minister, what are your thoughts?” ”

There was an evil smile on the corner of the lark’s mouth, and then he spoke: “If I want to say, let’s do it in one step, make a big incident, and let the whole country of water follow the ‘shock’, this war will naturally come…”

After listening to it, Uchiha Kagami said with some doubt: “Big event? What do you mean? Skylark, are you trying to assassinate the second generation of Meizukage? ”

“That difficulty is too high, the ghost lamp phantom moon is not generally strong, and it is not proportional to the income, we can make a bigger one…” the lark raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Qimu Shuomao heard the meaning of the lark at this time, and said with a shocked expression: “Minister, you should not be the daimyo who wants to assassinate the country of water??? ”

As soon as Qimu Shuomao’s words fell, the rest of the members all looked at the lark with a stunned expression, and the lark said with a straight face: “What are you doing looking at me in surprise?” How? Are there any rules that dictate that we ninjas cannot kill daimyo? “_

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