Senju's Naruto

Chapter 112

Two days later, on a path in the territory of the Land of Water that few people usually walk, Skylark and the others were gathering together at this time.

Now they have already discarded and burned all the smelly fish and rotten shrimp they bought from the Land of Waves after successfully mixing into the Land of Water, and they have all changed into unknown black clothes, and there is no mark on their bodies.

Near the feet of the lark, there were some corpses of ninjas who had been killed, and the scene was very bloody, and it looked like they had just finished the battle.

“No one was hurt, right?” The lark’s figure wearing a miserable white mask asked.

“Report captain, all members are unscathed!” Uchiha Kagami also looked completely unable to see who it was at this time, and quickly replied.

“Hmph, sure enough, the quality and strength of these ninjas in the Land of Water cannot be compared with us, it is really not interesting at all, if I want to see, Lord Tsuchikage does not need to be so careful, just start a war directly, and engage in assassinations, disrupt the country of Water…” said Qimu Shuomao with a pretending opening and snorted coldly.

At this moment, the lark also quickly interrupted him, and also pretended to be a little annoyed and said: “Shut up! This mission is extraordinary, if anyone dares to mention these tasks again, I will be the first to kill that guy first, and also, the second generation of Lord Mu has his own “six two zero” calculation, we are also qualified to discuss something, just do our own thing! ”

When Qimu Shuomao heard this, he also quickly spoke: “Yes, captain!” I know it’s wrong! ”

“Do you need to clean this battlefield?” Uchiha Kagami asked.

The lark pretended to think for a while, and then said: “No need, we didn’t reveal our identities anyway, time does not wait for anyone, it is better to go to the capital of this water country as soon as possible… Don’t delay things, let’s go! ”

As soon as his words fell, the whole figure quickly disappeared from here using the teleportation technique, and then the rest of the people such as Qimu Shuomao, Uchiha Kagami and others also disappeared with a few clicks.

After a long time, in the pile of dead people, a corpse with a knife in the heart of the chest suddenly moved, and then a guy with a ninja brace in the Mist Shadow Village on his head gasped sharply, covered the wound near his heart, and looked at these dead companions around him, his expression first saddened, and then became gloomy.

“The Land of Earth… Iwain Village, you have to quickly report this matter to the second generation Mesui Kage-sama! He muttered a little weakly, and then quickly bandaged his wounds, and without even cleaning up the corpse of his companion, he stumbled away quickly.

After his figure walked away, in the depths of the dense forest on the left side of the path, Hinata Hinata slowly relaxed his eyes, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and whispered: “The first step plan… Succeed! ”

After that, he followed the originally planned route and chased them out in the direction where the larks left.

At the same time, the lark and the others were also hiding in this dense forest, talking about something.

“I said Shuomao, the action just now, the focus is on your hands, if you really kill people with a shake of your hands, our play just now will be in vain…” said the lark while drinking water.

Qimu Shuomao smiled very confidently and said: “Don’t worry, Minister, the knife I just now was 100% grazed into that guy’s heart, at most it will give him a serious injury, and it will definitely not let him die, and it is difficult to see that I did this on purpose, under normal circumstances, I will only think that he survived by luck.” ”

“If that guy dies, we’ll have to kill another batch, it’s really a crime…” said Uchiha Kagami with a smile.

“Even if that guy isn’t dead, we’re going to kill another batch… Not far ahead, but the clan land of the Kaguya clan, if they don’t let a few people die, how can this matter be taken seriously? The lark said with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

The rest of the people don’t seem to be surprised, that is, the ‘drama’ that has been arranged before, killing more will inevitably expose what horses’ feet, killing less, and may not be ignored, so this killing two waves of people is the best choice, among which there are some people with higher status, it will be even better, and the first wave just now, and then the Kaguya family behind it, is the second wave!

“I really don’t understand, the Kaguya clan also has some status in the Land of Water and the Mist Shadow Village, why does this clan live in such a remote place?” Qimu Shuomao asked with some doubt.

Uchiha Kagami spoke: “It is said that Kaguya is a violent temper and difficult to get along with, so that’s why it is like this, right?” ”

The lark’s eyes also fluctuated slightly, but he didn’t speak, just thinking about something.

To say that this Kaguya clan does have some status in the Mist Hidden Village and the Country of Water, and this will have a higher status in the future, they have moved from this remote place to the vicinity of Mist Yin Village, but in the later four generations of Mizukage Yakura reign, their Mist Yin Village became the ‘Land of Blood Mist’ to hunt down and kill the ability of the Blood Succession Limit Realm everywhere, plus the Kaguya clan itself is more irritable, so they set off an armed coup, and finally the whole clan was destroyed, and they lived a ‘Kaguya-kunmaru’, and they were fooled away by the guy Orochimaru.

At the same time, the Kaguya clan also has a relatively long history, like the Hyuga clan, the Uchiha clan, and their Senju clan, they are all rare ‘descendants of gods’, and they also inherit the bloodline of the six immortals and their family in their bodies, and can use the blood succession limit called ‘corpse bone vein’.

“The white eyes of the Uchiha family and the white eyes of the Hyuga family, when I came into contact, I could feel some changes, I don’t know if it is because we belong to the same ‘bloodline’ in tracing its roots? Or is it just because I have the power of ‘Everyone’s Fruit’ in my body, as long as it is a special blood succession limit within this ‘human’ category, I can feel this change? Kaguya’s family… The corpse bone vein, the chakra eye and the white eye are all Konoha’s, everyone is a village person, I have no reason to do those ‘bad things’, I can only press it for the time being, but this corpse bone vein… You Kaguya clan have nothing to do with me, kill it, you can do experiments to see what the situation is. The lark thought to himself.

But then again, the blood succession limit of this corpse vein may not be like those two special eyes, what reaction can be with the lark, after all, these things, the lark has no way to study it carefully, so they can only gamble and see, anyway, their original plan is to kill a few people of the Kaguya clan, if there is a reaction, it is earned in vain, and if there is no reaction, it is not a loss, isn’t it?

“Okay, okay, why do you call them Kaguya clan living in this place? Does it have much to do with us? It’s better to say that this is just right, it is convenient for us to work…” The lark smiled, ending the topic of Kaguya’s family.

After chatting a little about the rest of the topics, Uchiha Kagami touched his chin and said, “Why hasn’t Ritian come back yet?” Shouldn’t it be that you guy is too heavy? ”

Qimu Shuomao said before to swear, but in the end this is also a very technical job, at this time, seeing that Hinata Ritian, who was hidden behind the rear, who was responsible for observing the situation, had not returned, he was also a little weak-hearted, only to see him speak: “Shouldn’t it, isn’t that guy himself weak and sick?” Did I really kill him with this knife? No, I also specially selected the person with the strongest body…”

The lark smiled for a moment, and then said: “Thank you for your blessing, it looks like we may want to let the innocent Water Country and Mist Hidden Village die more people again…”

This is the essence of ninjas, on the surface it seems to be a very good profession, but for the sake of the village, the country, and their relatives, friends and clansmen, which ninja must not have some innocent blood on his hands?

Just when Qimu Shuomao couldn’t sit still, Hinata’s figure finally came from this dense forest.0

He had just arrived at the Skylark side, and before he could sit down, Qimu Shuomao quickly asked, “Captain Ritian, that guy won’t be killed by me, right?” ”

Hinata Riten calmed his breathing a little, and then said with a smile: “Don’t worry, your technique is very good, this operation was a perfect success, after you left, that person waited patiently for a while, and then came back ‘resurrected’, and has returned in the direction of Mist Hidden Village, I think it won’t be long before the ‘ninja of the Land of Earth Country Iwahide Village invaded the Land of Water’, it should be known by the second generation of Mizukage.” ”

Hearing this, Qimu Shuomao breathed a sigh of relief, the worry on his original face was swept away, and said with a smile: “I just said that my knife was 100% wrong, Captain Jing, you still doubt me…”

“Hahahaha, powerful, I’m afraid that even if I have a chakra eye, I can’t be as accurate as you, your Qimu family’s knife technique is really worthy of the name!” Uchiha Kagami laughed and said.

“Okay, since this operation is successful, don’t praise each other, come every day, sit down and drink saliva, eat something to rest, although the battle just now is not too dangerous, but more or less 1.3 lost some physical strength and chakra, hurry up while everyone recovers now, let’s rest, but to kill a few ‘Blood Succession Limit’ ability people, I have already heard about the Kaguya clan.” The corpse bone vein’ ability is extremely powerful, and when you open your eyes, you all pay attention not to capsize in this gutter. The lark said with a smile, and at the same time reached out and handed Hinata a bottle of water.

“Although it’s true to say that we are going to kill some people from the Kaguya clan, how do we plan? Can’t they rush into the clan land of their Kaguya clan and kill all the people inside, right? That’s also too ferocious, and it doesn’t match our performance in this ‘Iwahide Village Secret Operation’…” asked Uchiha Kagami.

Hinata Hinata said after thinking about it: “Or do I use my white eyes to assist, see if they have anyone left and appeared in a remote place, if there is, I will send you a signal, and then you pretend to accidentally appear there and be discovered, can’t you kill him?” ”

“That’s right, just according to the method of daily life, since you have left a ‘living mouth’ before, don’t leave anything this time, after killing it, clean up the scene.” The lark said very ferociously.

Subsequently, the larks and their gang of guys who were ready to ‘kill and cross goods’ all quietly began to recuperate and recover their state. _

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