Senju's Naruto

Chapter 116

Two days later, Skylark and the others had appeared not far from the capital of the Water Country, and on the way they bought some messy things, pretended to be merchants, set up a small caravan, and prepared to blend into the city.

At this time, the lark was chatting with the owner of another small caravan next to him.

“I see you guys like this, you shouldn’t be a local person, right?” The caravan boss asked the lark with a smile.

The lark also looked very casual, smiled and said: “We are actually from the country of waves, we say that we are here to trade, in fact, it is also considered a flight, anyway, we don’t plan to go back, alas… It’s hard to put into words. ”

Listening to the lark’s words, the caravan boss was also stunned for a moment, and then spoke: “The country of waves, I have been there a few times in my early years, don’t blame me for not being good, to be honest, there is really no way out and future in that place, you can make up your mind to leave there, it can be regarded as a right choice, our country of water is still very good.” ”

“Hahaha, yes, I originally wanted to go to the Land of Fire, but thinking about the environment of the Land of Water seems to be more suitable, similar to hometown, we are here, if only we could settle here, although the family road is in the middle, but I still have some brothers to follow, how to say that I have to find a good way out for them, can’t always follow me to suffer ah…” The lark smiled again and said.

The boss of the caravan looked back at the guys who were escorting the goods behind the lark, and then said with a smile: “I see that they are all capable, with their help, it should not be a big problem for you to settle in the country of water, but how come there are still a few with injuries?” 10″

The lark glanced back, and then said with some sadness: “Alas, this road is dangerous, the way of the world is not as good as before, when I came, I met some water bandits, if it weren’t for their desperate protection of me, maybe I would have gone to Huangquan…”

After hearing the lark’s words, the boss of the caravan also seemed to have found a ‘confidant’, and said: “If you want to talk about water bandits, it’s really not a thing, I almost died in the hands of those bastards twice, fortunately, my family is quite rich, and I bought my life with money, and I don’t know when these bandits will be cleaned up!!! ”

The lark chatted with him a lot, and also took some information from his mouth, and even the two made an agreement, if the lark could not find a place to ‘stay’ in the capital of the water country, then go to him and do business together.

After all, in the eyes of the businessman, the lark group are all capable strong men and young men, and they have experience in fighting water bandits, so if they all come to him, it will be safer for him to do business in the future, right? Maybe you can still find those water bandits to take revenge.

“Okay, then if we can’t find any way in the capital, I’ll go to the Chamber of Commerce to find you.” The lark said with a smile.

Then soon, they arrived near the capital, it seems that this merchant seems to have a bit of face in the city class of the capital, and casually said to the guard that the lark is a nephew outside their house, so let the lark go in with him, and also save some bribery trouble, after all, they can’t get the documents of the country of water, in this case, the small merchants in the field will pay some money, bribe the doorman or something, this is not a serious matter, it can even be said to be ‘ Unspoken rules’ too.

The lark also knows what the boss of this caravan means, that is, he is giving him ‘showing his ability’, so that the lark knows that he will not suffer a loss if he follows him.

After entering the city, the two groups said goodbye to each other and went their separate ways.

Only then did Uchiha Kagami smile and say: “Skylark, let me say, your negotiation skills are a must, you can get acquainted with people wherever you go, and save some trouble.” ”

“Let’s all learn a little, as ninjas, we can’t just fight and kill… Okay, first find a hotel to live in, and then move easily to see the situation in this capital, and the injured should also quickly recuperate, recover from the injury as soon as possible, and then the main thing is the main thing. The lark smiled and said.

At the same time, in the Mist Hidden Village of the Land of Water, in the Water Shadow Office of the Water Shadow Building, the second-generation Mei Water Shadow Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon’s expression was slightly gloomy at this time, and he was listening to the report of the person in front of him, if the lark was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it, and the guy who was reporting was the one who had the old lamp Cold Moon with him!

“I just went to personally confirm that Bai Quan Shangren had a knife wound that was fatal enough, it should be considered that his life was great, so he could survive by luck, pretending to fake his death, and brought back this information.” Ghost said softly.

“Hmm… Tell him to rest and recuperate, don’t be too sad… Alas, the people of the Intelligence Department also returned, and there was indeed a scene of mess there, not a single mouth, and at the same time no trace, there was no way to indicate who attacked the Shiraizumi Shinobi’s squad…” said Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon with a somewhat unkind expression.

And Ghost Lantern Leng Yue didn’t think much about it at all, “Brother… Lord Mizukage, there is no need to investigate anything more at all, it is normal that they did not leave any traces, for Baiquan he was lucky, he was stabbed in the heart and did not die, then we can’t find anything, so I see, what Baiquan said is very credible, that damn Yanyin Village is ghosting! ”

“There is no tangible evidence…” Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon said here, and he also stopped speaking, this kind of thing is not uncommon, where will there be any evidence? In other words, if he sent people to the country of earth to make ghosts, he would not leave any evidence.

However, he finally spoke: “I’m afraid there will be some conspiracy here?” ”

“There must be a conspiracy, otherwise what are those bastards in the Land of Earth sending people to us for? Listening to Shiraizumi Shinobu say that their destination seems to be the capital and they are going to assassinate someone, I think it is necessary for us to pay attention to this situation, and even send some people to the capital to take precautions. Ghost Lantern Leng Yue said quickly.

Listening to his tone, it seemed that he had already decided that these things were sent by the Iwain Village of the Land of Earth.

“Assassination… Is it? There are many dignitaries living in the capital, and there are also guardians who are guarding there, which is not under our jurisdiction, if you send people, you have to send a lot of them… It’s also troublesome. Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon whispered softly.

However, at this time, neither of the two brothers thought about the daimyo, after all, there had been no killing of the daimyo for more than a hundred years, and in normal logical thinking, no one would kill the daimyo.

Thinking that they had been fighting secretly with the Land of Earth for so many years, he had never thought of killing the daimyo of the Land of Earth!

Just as Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon was thinking about how to deal with this matter, there was a knock on the door of his office, and then Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon said, “Come in…”

Then, a guy dressed like a member of the ‘dark department’ who looked like a lark walked in, and after seeing that there were only Mizukage-sama and his brother in the office, he didn’t shy away from anything, and directly spoke.

“Second Daime-sama, there is an important event that needs to be reported to you.” The ‘Dark Part’ ninja spoke.

Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon’s face sank, and instinctively had a hunch that something seemed to be in trouble again, so he spoke: “Say…”

“Two days ago, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan together with the young patriarch and the other three clansmen returned to the clan land of the Kaguya clan from Wuyin Village, and mysteriously disappeared halfway, through the investigation of our dark department, in the remote mountain head near about two kilometers away from the Kaguya clan land, some traces of the battle were found, and finally found some of the ‘bone slag’ of the Kaguya clan, after identification, it was the patriarch of the Kaguya clan… Therefore, we have reason to believe that the patriarch and young patriarch of the Kaguya clan and the other three members were killed or kidnapped two days ago. The Dark Division member spoke.

They don’t know about the lark, in fact, the unlucky guy who was cut off by Qimu Shuomao in the opening scene is not a real passerby, but the young patriarch of the Kaguya clan, that is to say, they killed all the two fathers and sons halfway, which is really a crime.

Listening to the report of this subordinate, the expression of the ghost lamp phantom moon was quite ugly, and the whole person was also full of a gloomy aura, as if he was about to kill someone if he didn’t agree with each other.

This Shiraizumi Shinobu squad… To put it in a bad way, if you die, you will die, if necessary, it can be suppressed, but the patriarch of the Kaguya clan died with his son, this is a big deal, originally the Kaguya clan is a group of irascible guys, on weekdays did not give him 620 trouble, if not to see that their combat effectiveness is very high, in case of a war, they can always be the first to play and be useful, Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon has long wanted to clean up these bastards.

Now that their boss has been killed with the second eldest together, those irascible guys will inevitably find the murderer to take revenge, this murderer is not easy to find, so who to say? In the end, it’s not to find him Lord Shui Ying to say?

Thinking of this, Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon opened his mouth and asked, “Apart from this, are there any other discoveries?” Who is the murderer? ”

“The scene was very clean, so there was no rest of the discovery…” the dark member also said with some helplessness.

As soon as his words fell, the ghost lamp Phantom Moon wanted to hit someone, what use do you want? Do you know to come and give me ‘mourning’?”

However, as a water shadow, he could not lose his temperament, so he calmed the anger in his heart a little, and said in a deep voice: “Go and investigate!” Go now! ”

“Yes!” The member of the dark department also quickly spoke, and then quickly left the place.

As soon as he left on his front foot, Ghost Lantern Leng Yue looked at the map of the Water Country hanging on the wall, thought a little, and said: “Brother, look here…”

“Huh?” Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon raised his eyebrows and looked at his younger brother with some doubt.

“Here, this is the place where the Shinobi Squad of Shiraizumi was attacked, and from this path I think about the direction of the capital city and continue to move forward… Here, you will walk near the clan land of the Kaguya clan… And a day passed between the attack on Shiraizumi Shangnin and Kaguya, and both attacks were crisp and neat, both without leaving traces, only Shiraizumi Shangnin survived by luck… Isn’t that strange? I think… These two things are most likely done by the people of Yanyin Village, who accidentally met the Kaguya clan who returned to the clan here, thus exposing their whereabouts, and in order to extinguish their mouths, they killed the Kaguya clan! Ghost Lantern Leng Yue quickly spoke.

Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon listened to these words, his eyes kept staring at the map, not knowing what he was thinking, and after a long time, he whispered: “The Land of Earth… Iwain Village… What do you want to do? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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