Senju's Naruto

Chapter 122

The second generation Metokage Wu, he and the ghost lamp Phantom Moon, the second-generation Meshui Kage, have been entangled in grudges since the Warring States period, although the two respect each other, but they are also the kind of opponents who never die.

Why did he use these bandages to tie himself tightly all day now, is it because when he was young, he fought with the bastard of Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon, and was burned by Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon’s trick ‘Steaming Dangerous Threat’, and the large area of burns on the whole person’s body were all scars, destroying all his handsome and handsome image?

This special disfigured feud is strange if he doesn’t think about the ghost lamp and moon, but later, due to the establishment of the Shinobi Village by the five major powers, the great god between the thousand hand pillars suppressed everyone’s relationship, so that the goal of ‘peace’ was achieved.

Therefore, he had no good way to find Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon to take revenge, and then after both sides took the position of ‘Shadow’, no one was idle, and they had to find a stubble for each other or something, so Yanyin Village and Wuyin Village were also in blood debt.

Now it’s good, he has no one to sit at home, the pot comes from the sky, and the war is inevitable to break out, although he is a little angry that he was used by someone, and for no reason he bears the title of killing the name of the country of water, but this is also in line with Wu’s wishes, and he can really fight with the bastard of Ghost Lantern Phantom Moon again, this time, it will not be casual, you have to kill the bastard!

Thinking of this, Wu opened his mouth and said: “Onoki, go back and get ready, I will announce that the village is in a state of combat readiness!” ”

Hearing his master’s words, Onoki was already ready, and quickly spoke: “Yes, Second Daime-sama!” ”

At the same time, in the territory of the country of water, lark and others have been hiding for several days, although the country of water has entered the eve of the outbreak of the war, but it seems that these murderers of the daimyo have not relaxed their investigation at all, even if the village of fog is already gathering combat troops, but there are still a large number of ninjas in the whole territory of the country of water to hunt down larks and these guys of ‘Iwahide Village’.

Of course, during this period, Skylark and others also conducted some intelligence counter-investigations, basically confirming that their operation was a perfect success, and the daimyofu of the country of water has strongly condemned this act of destroying relations between the two countries in the country of earth, and unilaterally ~ declared war.

Just wait for the daimyo’s family members to return from abroad, and then pick a good day to arrange the funeral for the daimyo, and then follow the whole army to attack.

In a dense forest, larks and others are also together at this time, most of them are dirty, after all, these days back and forth are hiding, and it is impossible to go out and do something, let alone live in a hotel, take a bath and rest or something, all running around in the mountains and fields.

“I can’t wait to go to the front line of Yu no Kuni now, seriously, not to participate in some war, but to soak in the hot spring and rest, my nerves are too tight, and my head has been a little trance recently…” said the lark leaning against a tree, a little weakly.

Uchiha Kagami’s state was not much better, he was also sitting on the ground, leaning against a large stone behind him, his body was full of dirty dust, listening to the lark’s words, he nodded and said: “That’s right… I was thinking about completing the mission and going back to the war quickly, but now I think that if I can get out of the Land of Water alive, then Naruto-sama will forgive us and give us some vacation… I want to sleep in…”

Hinata Hinata sat cross-legged on the ground while fumbling from his ninja bag, took out a small bottle, opened it, looked at it, and said with some helplessness: “Half a year’s stock of eye drops, since I left the village until now, it has only been a month, and it is almost exhausted…”

While saying these words with some emotion, Hinata raised his head and began to drip the potion into his eyes, ready to relieve his fatigue.

In fact, who is the hardest and most tired person these days? It’s not the lark, it’s not the rest of the squad members such as Uchiha Kagami and Kiki Shuo, but the guy Hinata.

The ninjas of the country of water are like hunting dogs, searching for them everywhere, they naturally can’t run around like headless flies, they have to be responsible for ‘opening the way with white eyes’, bypassing all kinds of tracking and searching, and finding the right direction, heading to the sea, so as to leave the country of water.

This requires that Hinata’s white eyes must be used often and even, and each time it is used for a long time, although this is the organ naturally grown in his body, it is also very physically exhausting, Chakra and mental, so that Hinata, this dead and serious child sometimes thinks, and they bastards fight here, it’s a big deal or something, why? Because it’s so tiring to run!

Looking at Hinata’s originally pure eyes, the corners of his eyes were a little red at this time, and they were covered with blood, and the hearts of the lark and the others were also very distressed for him.

At this moment, Qimu Shuomao’s figure came from not far away, carrying several fat hares, and it seemed that they had also peeled their skins and disposed of their internal organs.

His face was also a little tired, walked over, smiled and said: “Good luck today, there are many hares around here, we can make up for it, Captain Ritian, you can eat more later, so that you can replenish your eyes…”

Hinata Hinata put away his eye drops as he spoke, “Okay, thank you so much, Shuomao.” ”

“What is not thankful, we are all our own people, you have provided us with such a great help, we naturally have to take care of you…” said Qimu Shuomao with a smile.

Then let Hinata continue to rest with his eyes closed, and the lark and the others also began to ‘cook’ these rabbits.

While lighting some bonfires, Uchiha Kagami said with a smile: “Your Qimu family is worthy of being from a top hunter, if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t know how long it would take to eat just by eating soldiers’ food pills in this barren mountain, I’m afraid we would vomit earlier…”

In order to avoid the spread of these fireworks, the lark randomly arranged some small enchantments around here, and when those fireworks floated near the enchantment, they would be absorbed by the enchantment and would not transmit any signals to the outside world.

“So I said, our dark squad, that’s really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon…” said the lark with a smile.

Qimu Shuomao said with a smile while inserting the rabbit into the wooden stick: “If you want to learn, I can also give you these hunting skills another day.” ”

“Then you have to teach well, don’t hide it, I’ll go back and really prepare to learn…” quipped Uchiha Kagami with a smile.

Talking and laughing, it didn’t take long for the lark and others to deal with these fat hares, and then divided them, everyone had half a hare in their hands to eat, with some dry food or something, it also had a special flavor, and you could fill your stomach casually.

Taking a bite of the hare meat with oil flowers, the outside is charred and tender, the lark chewed a few times, suddenly relaxed, leaned against the tree, and said: “Ah… Resurrected a little… These days, what I’m looking forward to most every day is what kind of game this guy Shuomao can bring back…”

·0 Ask for flowers···

“It’s really not easy to find happiness in pain…,” Hinata said with emotion as she ate rabbit meat.

Then several people began to say these nonsense words to relieve their tight nerves and pressure.

Seeing that everyone relaxed a little, the lark ate the last bit of rabbit meat in his hand, and stuffed half a cake in his hand, and then said in a vague manner: “Stretch film, stand at the door…”

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Kagami waved his hand and said: “Skylark, don’t test our hearing anymore, we are tired enough, you eat the contents of your mouth before talking…”

The lark smiled a little awkwardly, and then quickly unscrewed the water bottle, poured himself a mouthful, swallowed everything in his mouth into his stomach, and then said: “What, we have all escaped for several days, although there were a lot of troubles during this period, which delayed us a lot of time, but in the end, we crossed this mountain, even if we entered the sea, and when we came, we arranged for Mu Liang and these members to be responsible for preparing ships around this coast and picking us up from the country of water at any time, Presumably they’re ready…”

…….. 0

Listening to the lark’s words, the rest of the people showed some hopeful looks, and Qimu Shuomao said with a little excitement: “I can finally leave this damn place, after I go back, I hope to have a vacation…”

Listening to this, the lark smiled a little, and then said: “Me too, just now Kagami was still talking about these things, it was true that I didn’t think it through, and I thought about completing this mission, rushing back as soon as possible, and then participating in the war on the front line, but now I can also see that everyone is tired, after all, we are not robots, we can’t keep spinning, so I announce, as long as we return to the Land of Fire, I will personally give you a whole month off, without Naruto-sama’s special order, We are not involved in the execution of any tasks! Even if the guy from the day chop gives the order, I will block it for you! ”

Hearing the words of the lark, the rest of the people cheered, indeed, when performing this mission, they thought that they had to hurry back to fight the war, but now they all thought of hurrying back to rest and rest, in this case, going to the battlefield is not to kill the enemy, but to send heads.

“Okay, okay, listen to me finish…” The lark pressed his hand to silence everyone, and then he spoke again: “The country of water is an island country, so they also know very well that if we guys from ‘Yanyin Village’ want to leave here, they will inevitably go in the direction of the sea, so there must be a large number of people near this coastline, but fortunately, this coastline is long enough, they can’t be full, so I’m here to announce our next move…”

When the rest heard this, they all looked at the lark seriously, waiting for his next order.

“After crossing this mountain, everyone can see the sea, it will be reduced to zero, and we will transform collective action into individual action mode, and penetrate into the coastline separately, so that we can reduce the factors that we are found and exposed, and at the same time, I think this is also the safest way, think about it, they are now looking for people from ‘Yanyin Village’, and we… It’s from the Land of Fire, as long as everyone is natural, don’t show any too big horse’s feet, you can completely fool the past, understand? The lark said very seriously. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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