Senju's Naruto

Chapter 130

After disposing of all these things that should be dealt with, and arranging things, the lark also asked about some recent situations and roughly understood the current situation.

“That is, Naruto-sama, you are ready to go to the front?” The lark asked softly.

“Well, the combat troops on the front line have been arranged, the military strength has also increased on the Yunyin Village side, the ‘mission’ on your side has also been completed very well, the fleet of the Water Country has been opened, and they are about to go to war with the Land of Earth, so the time is ripe, I, as the Hokage, the war has begun, naturally I want to go to the front line to supervise the battle and command!” Senjuma nodded and said so.

Then he looked at the lark and the others, smiled and said, “What about you? Any ideas no? ”

When the lark heard this, he raised his eyebrows, smiled and said: “We are ready to take a break, after all, these two consecutive high-intensity tasks, the body can withstand it, and the spirit can’t stand it…”

Speaking of this, the lark’s expression was also slightly sad, and he said: “And this time we folded two subordinates, and we have to arrange their aftermath…”

Listening to the lark’s words, Senjuma also nodded and said: “Regarding the pension, we will use the fastest speed to dial down…”

“Well, this is also the fate of ninjas, and we have all been prepared for a long time.” The lark said with a forced smile.

“Since you guys want to take a break, let’s take a vacation first, when it is time for you to play, I will give you an order, okay, all disband, go back and see, Ozuna is talking about you every day this ‘lark brother’, and your grandma Mito also misses you very much, by the way, go see the rope tree, you haven’t seen him yet, have you?” Senju smiled and spoke.

“I’m just about to leave, okay, there’s nothing else to arrange, we’ll take a vacation first.” The lark said with a smile.

Then the three of them handed over the ghost lamp cold moon to the mountain to Kiyono in the mountains, and then quickly left the Hokage office, and did not say any unnecessary nonsense, each of them wanted to go home quickly to rest and report safety, so they quickly disbanded and went back to their respective homes.

As soon as he stepped into the mansion of the Senju family, the lark had already seen the figure of Ozunate, waiting for him, and it seemed that he also got the news that he had returned, and after seeing him, the little niko was also happy, and the ‘pedaling’ under his feet spun rapidly, and as soon as he slipped the smoke, he ran to the lark, and suddenly flew up and hugged him.

The lark also smiled and opened his arms, and in the next second, Ozuna’s hand crashed directly into his arms, and the force made the lark take two steps back.

“Oh my God, are we Tsunade-hime this month out of sight, and heavier again?” The lark asked with a smile as he held Kozuna’s hand.

After hearing the lark’s words, Ozuna also said very shyly: “Every time I think about you, Brother Skylark, I will go to eat some snacks, maybe I really get a little fat… But that’s just a little bit !!! ”

“Hahahaha, you’re such a clever ghost…” said the lark as he held Ozuna and walked towards the inner courtyard of the Senju family’s mansion.

“Brother Skylark, where have you been for more than a month.?” Ozuna asked curiously as he wrapped his arms around Skylark’s neck.

“Isn’t this going to war? You Brother Skylark and I have a difficult task, we went to the territory of the Land of Tang and fought with those bastards in Yunyin Village who wanted to invade us…” the lark said with a smile, without mentioning the matter of the Land of Water in his words.

This is a ninja, even if they sometimes make great achievements, they can’t get anything, so are the larks, the members of their dark squad, and the entire Konoha Hidden Village doesn’t know how many such unsung heroes there are.

“So did you win?” Kozuna-te-e quickly asked.

“Isn’t that of course? I’m an invincible Thousand Hands Skylark, hahahaha, go, let’s see Grandma Mito, and the little rope tree to go, Tsunade-hime, you little niko didn’t bully your brother? The lark said with a big laugh, and then took Ozuna and went to Uzumaki Mito with him.

Early the next morning, the lark climbed up very numbly, lazy, feeling that his spirit was much better, and the fatigue of more than a month had also dissipated, not for anything else, on the one hand, the lark itself has a strong physical fitness, on the other hand, it is also because of this peace of mind to sleep a good night’s sleep.

After getting up and tidying up the bed and everything, and casually eating some pastries that had been prepared in the room, the lark couldn’t wait to leave his cabin and walk towards the research room that Ye had given him.

When I came back yesterday, the lark also went to see his brother Rope Tree that he had seen, but there was nothing to say, little one’ Strong’, although not as talented as the lark, but in the end it is also dripping with the blood of the Senju clan, but in less than two months, he is still a small baby, he doesn’t understand anything, the lark teased him for a while, he was sleepy to sleep, therefore, the lark did not continue to disturb the little baby, and then talked a lot of topics with Uzumaki Mito, and only came back to rest after eating the night.

This morning, he was going to the research room, also because the lark also held a lot of curiosity in his heart, he did not go to the country of water this time for nothing, and the corpse of the Kaguya clan may be his biggest gain!!!

Open the enchantment and door of this research room, as soon as I entered, I saw that many places have fallen on a thick layer of dust, it seems that since he left the village, his second master has not stepped in once, but I think it is also, this research room has been handed over to the lark, plus he is a Hokage-sama, he is very busy, how can he have time to wander around here?

Soon, the lark first cleaned up the room and cleaned up all the dust, before taking out the large scroll he had prepared, unsealing the scroll, and a small smoke instantly exploded on the ground, and when the smoke dispersed, several corpses of the Kaguya clan appeared on the ground.

Each corpse was tightly wrapped in the shroud, which is also a black technology, which can effectively seal the corpse, and the lark slowly untied the shroud, at this time, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, the body was just like when it was sealed, it was still so ‘fresh’, and even the blood on the body did not dry up.

Lifted the corpse to the operating table, and then the lark pressed his palm on the corpse again, unsurprisingly, sure enough, there was a restless feeling, which instantly spread throughout the lark’s body, and even made his bones a little itchy…

“Hiss… What a strange feeling…” the lark whispered.

Then he quickly checked the corpse and found that there was nothing too special in the rest of the place, and at the same time he was a little puzzled, this body was brought back, there were also changes, but the question was where to start? How do you start this first step? Can’t you take out all his bones, and then take out your own bones and exchange them with each other? That’s a little troublesome, not to mention that the diaphragm should not be diaphragm, this magnitude of bone replacement surgery, I can’t complete it alone, don’t you want to get the chicken kid out?

But if you get him out, he will definitely have to talk to himself, after all, he has only been killed by a hydrogen bomb once, and the lark has also mentally experienced that sour feeling.

“Let’s cut open the bones first,” the lark muttered after thinking.

Then he went to prepare the dismantling tools in this research room that were specially used to ‘divide the corpse’, and then put on a white coat, a mask and a hat, and even a pair of medical gloves for himself very formally.

After stripping off all the clothes on the corpse, the lark took a small cutter and cut it down the chest cavity of the corpse, and then, like stabbing a volcano, a large amount of dirty blood sprayed out directly along the small opening, almost did not pour the lark into a blood man, so that the entire operating table was full of blood, and a strong smell of blood also came to the face.

“I rely on, there is no reason, although I have not practiced it, but in theory, a dead person cannot spray blood like this?” The lark cursed incredulously.

In the next second, he understood what was going on, this matter has to be blamed on Hinata Hinata’s guy who shot lightly and heavily, he gave hundreds of soft punches to people before this corpse died, the bones of the whole body were shattered, the whole person turned into meat mud, and there was a strong pressure in the body, just like a balloon, the lark this knife down, it is equivalent to opening an opening for this balloon, and what messy things are sprayed out together…

“Niang Xipi’s…” The lark couldn’t manage so much, the strength in his hand increased, and a knife directly opened the corpse from the chest cavity to the lower abdomen, and then both hands picked it off, directly ripping off the belly.

Look inside, what kind of people there are, all of them are bloody mashed meat and broken bones…

“What a crime, the Hinata clan…” the lark muttered with some emotion, and then reached in and took out a small piece of broken bone.

As soon as this bone was held in his hand, the restless feeling on the lark’s body became even stronger, and it seemed that this close contact made his reaction even more intense…

Especially the two fingers that pinched this small piece of broken bone, there was a constant itching feeling on the knuckles, as if his bones wanted to break the flesh and blood and grow out to contact this broken bone.

The lark threw the small piece of broken bone in his hand into a tray, which slightly alleviated the change in his body: County.

“It’s really weird… But what to do at the end of the day? Can’t you let me eat it raw, can you? That’s disgusting, I don’t have a bottom line to this point…” thought the lark as he touched his chin.

Then he raised his hand again, looked at his two fingers, and whispered: “The closer you get, the more agitated you are… Could it be? ”

Thinking of this, the lark’s eyes also flashed a fierce look, and then he reached out and picked up a new scalpel, put his hand on the tray, the cold light in his hand flashed, a blood stain gushed out from his hand, and then the lark felt a pain, but his movements did not stop, the scalpel in his hand swung again, not long after, the lark, the ruthless guy, cut off all the flesh and blood on his index finger, revealing his bloody phalange…

Forced to endure this sharp pain, the lark also gently touched his finger bones to the small broken bone taken from the corpse of the patriarch of the Kaguya clan.

This time the touch, an unexpected change occurred in an instant, and I saw that the small piece of broken bone quickly changed into a jelly-like liquid, and then fused along the finger bones of the lark.

“What the hell? It’s really like this…” The lark said to himself with some surprise, and then before he could recall this feeling, there was a black in front of his eyes, and then the whole person directly passed out, fell straight on the floor of this research room, and the blood on the ground also quickly stained his white coat red. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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