Senju's Naruto

Chapter 132

After some twists and turns, the corpses of each Kaguya clan were dismantled by Senju, and some of the bones at the ribs were cut off.

At this time, the bloodied lark and the thousand hands were sitting on the steps of the wall of this research room.

Holding a piece of broken bone in his hand, Qianshou frowned, and said with some doubt: “It shouldn’t be, it doesn’t make sense… There’s nothing too special about it… There was no reaction with people, why did your kid suddenly have the blood succession limit of the corpse bone vein? ”

The lark also smiled, leaned towards the side of the thousand hands, and said: “Second master, this…”

The moment the lark leaned over, he moved his butt to the side, distanced himself from the lark, and said at the same time: “You kid stay away from me, the smell of blood, don’t rub on my body, and, who knows if this guy of yours will suddenly explode some bone spurs, don’t hurt me, I’m going to the battlefield the day after tomorrow…”

The lark said with some displeasure: “How can you be a master like this?” Still dislike me? What bone spurs are not bone spurs? I just woke up from a coma just now, I didn’t master this body, and now I can control it, and that won’t happen! ”

“Everything is in case, there are too many strange places on this kid of yours, no one can be sure, so it’s better to be careful.” Senju still looked at the lark with a look of disgust and said.

The two argued a little before they could be considered to have revealed this matter, and then the lark spoke: “Second master, this is still a bit of a special place, the corpse I dissected, but the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, is it 10 because of the relatively pure bloodline?” ”

Senjuma shook his head and said: “You only recognize that guy as the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, but you don’t recognize that the guy whose head was cut off from his neck is his own son, the young patriarch of the Kaguya clan, if you want to talk about bloodline, they both have the same kind of blood flowing on their bodies, so your theory does not have any particularity.” ”

Speaking of this, Senju looked at the lark again, and continued: “If I want to see, it’s not that there is anything special about these Kaguya people, in the final analysis, or your kid’s own body is a little strange, but we can’t find out where this strange place is, just like your kid was afraid of water a few years ago, knowing that there was something wrong, but I don’t know where the root of this disease is!” ”

Listening to this, the lark also felt a lot of emotion in his heart, in the end, he was worthy of being a ‘forbidden inventor’ who pondered a lot of messy things, although his second master did not understand this situation, but still relied on his own wisdom, probably figured out some things.

If you change to someone in general, especially the enemy, maybe a thousand hands will unravel the special guy of the lark, and understand the situation in detail.

But the lark kid is his grandson, and he has been pondering for so many years, he has not studied the strange body of the lark, but in the end there is not much gain, so he did not think of uncutting the lark or anything at this time.

I saw that the thousand hands threw the broken bones in the hand casually, and threw them into the chest cavity of the corpse, and then he spoke: “If you really want to find a reason, I’m afraid it’s a very profound subject, without three or five months, it should be impossible, I will leave the day after tomorrow, so I don’t have that time, but fortunately, it’s not a bad thing in the end, the corpse and bone blood succession limit of the Kaguya clan is also very powerful, the famous ninja world, you somehow got it, then make good use of it and enhance your strength, as for this mystery.” , you yourself are the party, you go and study it yourself…”

Hearing this, the lark was a little surprised and said, “Then Second Master, you don’t care about me?” ”

“What do I care? How to manage? If you like, you lie on that operating table and I’ll undo you? Senju said without being angry.

The lark smiled a little embarrassed, and then said: “Then forget it, then forget it, look at the second master, your fluent technique just now, you haven’t done this kind of thing, I’m still very afraid, in case you come up and confiscate your hand, won’t I die a tragic death?” ”

“Hmph! You kid has a slippery tongue…” said Senju with a snort.

Then after a slight pause, he continued to say: “But the blood succession limit of this corpse, you kid better not be too swaggering, on the one hand, the explanation is not very clear, on the other hand… With an unexpected card at the bottom of the box, perhaps at a critical moment, it can change the situation… You kid is a smart person, I won’t say anything more to you. ”

The lark also has a touch of nonsense hanging from the corner of his mouth. ”

“Well, clean up here, it’s been hungry for a day, right? Your grandma Mito left you some food, go eat it, I just came to see what the hell your kid is doing, now I know, after a busy day, I am also a little tired, so I will go back to rest. Qianshou clapped his hands and stood up and spoke.

When he reached the door, he stopped leaving, looked back at the lark and said: “By the way, if the information in this research room is contaminated by dirty blood, you should quickly copy a copy, next time there will be this kind of thing, don’t mess around here, get blood everywhere, how can you say that you are also a guy with no bad money, it should not be a problem to build a larger laboratory yourself, right?” How is the study of the technique of soil rebirth? Have you read the information? ”

The lark also stood up while saying with a smile: “Don’t worry, Second Master, I have already asked people to build the laboratory, it won’t be long before it can be used, as for the art of rebirth of dirt, I have a bold idea, this is preparing to deal with practice, maybe I can figure out a very good ninjutsu…”

Listening to the lark’s words, the expression between the thousand hands obviously became a lot more interested, after all, although the lark guy has not figured out many techniques, but each of them is very strange, and can always play an unexpected role.

However, at this time, it was already dark, and he was about to go to the battlefield, so Senjutsu did not ask more, but nodded and said: “It’s good to have an idea, then I’m looking forward to it, your new ninjutsu.” ”

“Don’t worry, you will open your eyes when the time comes, hahahaha.” The lark also laughed confidently and said.

Then Senju also nodded, did not talk nonsense with the lark, but turned and left the research room, ready to go back to rest and rest.

After the thousand hands left, the lark slowly raised his palm, and then the chakra in his body flowed slowly, and then his knuckles actually grew, breaking his muscles and skin, and a bone spur grew from the fingertips.

This scene is no different from the clansmen of the Kaguya clan, as if he was born with a thousand hands lark to control the blood succession limit of this corpse bone vein, anyway, the lark himself feels it, the blood succession limit of this corpse bone vein is really as he wishes, very convenient to control, there is no feeling of rustiness at all.

This made the lark even more sure that his abnormality was definitely brought about by the ‘Everyone’s Fruit’ who was previously thought to be a very pit, and only this peculiar ability can make sense, otherwise there is no way to explain it!

“Bone veins… Fruit for all… Oh, it’s really an amazing ability, it seems that I used to underestimate this ‘golden finger’…” the lark slowly withdrew the bone spurs in his fingertips and whispered softly.

In the past, when this did not have the ability to obtain the corpse vein, the lark may have expectations for the Renren Fruit, but the expectation is not very large, more just feel that this thing has brought a strong vitality to itself, maybe one day, through the growth of water milling, if the Renren Fruit awakens again, its vitality will become stronger, and the amount of Chakra is the same.

But at this time, it was different, he actually fused the corpse and bone blood succession limit of the Kaguya clan through this ability, and there was no abnormality at all, just like this blood succession limit was born, which gave the lark a big surprise.

If it weren’t for the fact that his second master was here just now, the lark couldn’t wait to jump up with excitement.

Because this means what 620? This means that the lark’s body is already full of possibilities!

The bones and veins have already arrived, then once there is an opportunity in the future, what white eyes… Will these things be far away?

It’s a little exciting to think about!

After calming down a little, the lark also suppressed the greed in his heart, and whispered: “Now is not the time, everyone is a village partner, I can’t do anything too much, otherwise I am too sorry for the name of the Thousand Hands clan, and it is even more insulting…”

The uncle of his own pillar and the second master of the Kuruma are both for the sake of Konoha Hidden Village, conscientious, and even do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives, they have enjoyed everything brought by the reputation of the Senju clan, naturally they can’t do those messy things so unrestrained, and ruin the reputation of the Senju clan.

Let’s go with the flow first, maybe those who should come, always have to come, white eyes not to mention, at least the possibility of obtaining the chakra eye is still very large.

Driving these thoughts out of his mind, the lark smiled and said beautifully: “The corpse bone vein, maybe it can really become a killer weapon that surprises, golden horn, silver horn… Maybe this thing will open the light on the two of you first, hahahaha. ”

After laughing, the lark turned around and went to clean up the blood hula cha room, and re-wrapped the five corpses of the Kaguya clan, and the lark did not choose to throw it away, although the biggest harvest ‘corpse blood succession limit’ has arrived, but this corpse is still very valuable to the lark, just as the lark just said to the thousand hands, he still has some very good ideas, want to rely on the theory of the art of rebirth with dirt, to study it, and the corpse of this Kaguya clan is the best material!

While resealing these corpses into the large scroll, the lark also said to himself: “While there is nothing going on recently, you can really think about it, and this best material is also available…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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