Senju's Naruto

Chapter 138

Kakudu whispered softly, and then did not have a weak heart, after all, he probably guessed this kind of thing just now, only to see that he naturally walked to the opposite side of the lark and slowly sat down.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or something, the lark always feels that he moved his butt slightly towards the golden bricks?

But how to say that he was also willing to sit down, which also made the lark feel more relieved and satisfied, so he saw the lark smile and said: “You guy reported himself early, I didn’t say who I was, but it seems that you didn’t seem to be much surprised?” ”

Kakuto didn’t start eating or drinking, but sat like that, looked at the lark and said softly: “It’s a little guess in my heart, but I didn’t expect it to really be you…”

Speaking of this, Kakuto looked around the room again, and then continued: “Is this a trap? ”

The lark did not answer anything directly, but picked up a vegetable leaf in the hot pot with chopsticks, and said: “Don’t sit still, eat, this thing is good, but I personally researched it, taste it…”

Jiaodu listened to this, stared at the lark in silence for a long time, and then slowly picked up a pair of delicate ivory chopsticks placed on the table, and then picked up a piece of meat from the hot pot, dipped his own oil dish, took off the black veil, revealed a slightly hideous mouth, and ate it.

Seeing this scene, the lark laughed a little and said, “If you want to talk about traps… Count it as, the money trap? What do you think? Pretty satisfying to you, right? ”

Kakuto chewed the slices of meat in his mouth twice and swallowed them before he responded, “This is indeed the most lethal trap for me…”

“Hahahaha, that’s good, that’s exactly what I need.” The lark laughed and spoke.

Listening to the lark’s words, Kakuto’s brows wrinkled slightly, and then he spoke: “Huh? Listening to what you mean by this, it seems that you don’t just want to make a simple deal with me? ”

620 Speaking of this, Kakuto turned his head and glanced at the golden brick wall again, and then continued: “And this is not forty million taels, but fifty million taels…”

“The eyesight is very strong, how can the average person estimate the value at a glance?” The lark first praised Kakuto with a smile.

Then he put down the chopsticks in his hand, took a cup of tea, took a sip, moistened his throat, and then looked at Jiaodu, and said softly: “That’s right, I really don’t just want to make a deal with you, to be honest, if you don’t report yourself, although these 40 million taels are more, it won’t let me appear in this short book street in person, let alone waste my two days… Ah, no, it’s been four days back and forth. ”

Jiaodu heard the lark’s words, his eyelids drooped slightly, and then he spoke: “… That is, you are here not because of the deal between us, but because of me? ”

The corner of the lark’s mouth grinned, and after revealing a bright smile, he spoke: “That’s right, Jiaodu, I came for you this time!” ”

Kakuto was silent for a moment, and then he spoke: “Is it because of the incident four years ago, did you come to me for revenge?” ”

When he said this, the chopsticks in his hand were also put down by him, and the muscles on his body were slightly tightened, and he secretly raised his vigilance.

Don’t look at him after entering the door, the Thousand Hand Skylark this guy greeted him with a smile, and the two were sitting here eating and drinking, but in essence, this does not change the fact that he and the Thousand Hand Skylark are indeed not very familiar, so he does not know the temper of the Thousand Hand Skylark very well, let alone change the fact that the two of them once had an old grudge!

So after hearing these words of the Thousand Hand Skylark, Kakuto naturally had to be vigilant in his heart!

The lark did not directly deny anything, but stared at the horns and fell silent, and this originally harmonious atmosphere gradually became depressed along with this silence.

When the boiled hot pot was bubbling and white smoke, and the atmosphere gradually changed from depressed to tense, the lark suddenly laughed, and the situation was broken in an instant.

“Hahahahaha, revenge, hahaha, this word is used very well, since you used the words ‘revenge’ instead of ending grudges, it means one thing, Kakuto… In your heart, you don’t have any hatred for me, but you think I should have hatred for you,” the lark asked with a laugh.

Kakuto looked at the lark and said softly, “Isn’t it different?” Four years ago in the Valley of the Bug King in the Land of Taki, you almost died at my hands, and on any level, this is also a life-and-death feud…”

“You were killed once on the spot by my uncle between the pillars, didn’t you feel any grudges?” The lark asked with a smile.

As if Kakuto didn’t care about these things at all, he spoke: “As a ninja, I should have made these preparations before I struck, and dying once is not too heavy a loss for me. ”

Listening to Jiaodu’s words, the corners of the lark’s mouth rose a little again, there was no need to really delve into whether his words were true or false, because there was no meaning, at this moment, he sat in front of him, and saying these words was the most important thing, because it represented the attitude of this guy in Jiaodu now!

And this is what the lark wants! That’s all! As long as Kakuto is not hostile to him now, that is enough.

“Hahahaha, it’s good, I like an open-minded guy like you!” The lark laughed and spoke.

Kakuto heard the lark’s words, and he also felt a little funny, to say that he is open-minded, although he is not a narrow-minded person, but he is not too open, if he changes to an ordinary guy and kills him once, you see that he does not find an opportunity to snatch the man’s heart away.

There is only the Thousand Hand Skylark, this guy who makes him bow down in terms of earning power, and even faintly admires, can make him really let go of the little thing of ‘one heart’.

“Since you have no grudge against me, it is very good to say, frankly speaking, I have not looked for you during the past four years, what are you looking for? I really want to find you out of anger, clean you up or something, but this matter so far, I am not so persistent, on the one hand, because I cleaned up the culprit… (babd) Don’t show such a surprised expression, how? I cleaned up that bastard of the ghost lamp cold moon, do you think it’s incredible? The lark looked at Kakuto’s slightly surprised expression, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile.

Kakuto did not hide anything, but opened his mouth and said: “I also wanted to find Ghost Lantern Leng Yue to make trouble, but their Ghost Lantern clan still has some status in the country of water, and he is the younger brother of the second-generation Meshui Ying, so I haven’t found any time for a long time, and now I suddenly heard what you said, I am naturally a little surprised…”

“He’s the younger brother of the second-generation Meizukage, what’s wrong? I’m the grandson of the first Hokage and the second Hokage, didn’t I meet a ruthless person like you at the beginning? Want to kill me? Just as the so-called people are floating in the rivers and lakes, how can they not be knifed, everyone is a ninja, even on weekdays, when you start your hand, no one will look at anyone behind you and show mercy, otherwise you are looking for death, right? The lark smiled and said very casually.

Then without waiting for the horn to say anything, the lark continued: “In short, after some planning, the guy from the ghost lamp cold moon was captured alive by me, so my mood is also very happy, this matter of the year, I don’t have to deal with you, the guy who is employed, it’s time to turn the page, if you don’t believe it, think about it yourself, if I want to clean you up, this time your ‘send to the door’ behavior… Do you really think you can sit here and eat with me? ”

Jiaodu heard the lark’s words, although he felt that the lark was a little too confident, but after thinking about it, this guy even captured the second generation of Mushui Ying’s own brother like Ghost Lantern Leng Yue silently alive, and his own behavior of ‘sending to the door’, if he had the intention to plan it, it would indeed be difficult for him to please.

After thinking a little, Kakuto spoke: “Since you are not simply for trading, and this is not for those old things back then… In this way, it means that this time, you came to see me specifically because it was useful to me? In other words… Do you want to hire me? ”

Speaking of this, Kakuto looked in the direction of the doorway, and then spoke: “As a high-ranking member of the dark department of Konoha Hidden Village, there should be no shortage of masters who can do some dirty work like me… So I’m wondering now, what exactly are you trying to do? ”

“Don’t think of people so darkly, what dirty work? I walk right, sit up straight, where have I done any dirty work? The lark said with some dissatisfaction.

When he said this, he didn’t think at all that he was buying corpses with people on the black market, even the rebels of Konoha’s ally Takigashi Village, let alone that he had blown up people’s daimyo in the Land of Water not long ago, as if he really hadn’t done any dirty work.

After a slight pause, the lark spoke: “But you are right, I came to you, there is indeed something, Kakuto, I need you!” ”

Kakuto listened to these words, and suddenly a vicious chill came from his spine, and the lark looked at his somewhat shocked expression, and also quickly said: “Don’t misunderstand, I am the one who needs you to be me… Ahhh, no, I mean I paid for it… Ahem, it doesn’t mean that, in short, ah, by the way, you do it with me? Well? It’s not that dry, it’s the meaning of the subordinates! ”

When the lark’s words fell, Jiaodu’s heart was also cold, and he always felt that he had really entered some Longtan tiger’s den, and this chrysanthemum was faintly unsafe.

But in the end, he also understood what the lark meant, and then asked: “As one of the high-ranking members of Konoha Hidden Village, you actually want to buy the rebel on my ally’s side?” Is it suitable? ”

“What is appropriate or inappropriate? Maybe it’s hard for you to do this kind of thing yourself, but I want to whitewash your identity, that is, a matter of words…” said the lark very domineeringly.

However, Kakuto did not doubt whether he had this ability, and after a little silence, Kakuto glanced at the gold bricks on the wall, and said softly: “My price is very high…”

When the lark heard this, the corners of his mouth grinned, revealing a bright smile, and said: “Coincidentally, I think talent is priceless, and the extra 10 million taels should be a meeting gift for you, hahahaha.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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