Senju's Naruto

Chapter 144

As if afraid that this set of fluent combined ninjutsu would not be able to kill all these enemies around him, Ape Flying Sun Chopper did not stop the movement in his hand at all, and the speed of the seal in his hand was so fast that he couldn’t even see it clearly, all of them were flower shadows.

“Shadow Doppelgänger Art!” Ape Flying Sun Chopper whispered softly again.

As the words of the ape flying sun chop fell, two figures exactly like him appeared outside the original triangular array, and then there was still no stopping posture, and a complex set of handprints quickly formed in the hands of the three ape flying sun choppers.

“Compound Ninjutsu Fire Flame Bomb!” The three apes shouted at the same time.

In the next second, a large number of burning small meteorites instantly appeared in the sky, and they continued to bombard the already messy surroundings, shaking the ground.

The art of fire flow earth flame bomb, originally one of the ape flying sun to slash the outnumbered bottom of the box, is the ninjutsu used to exchange the ‘small hydrogen bomb technique’ with the lark, extremely powerful, at this time three such techniques burst out at the same time, hard to turn the surrounding area into a scorched hellish scene.

The scorching breath made the ape flying sun’s vision become slightly distorted, which was exactly the scene when the air was heated to a certain extent.

did not waste any chakra, after releasing this set of ninjutsu, Ape Flying Sun “620” quickly lifted the shadow avatar technique and returned a wave of blue to himself.

Although it seems that a long time has passed, from the time the ape flying sun slashed out the shuriken to now, in fact, it is only a few moments, in the case of no reaction at all, fully showing his name as a ‘genius ninja’, and ten people want to surround him Ape flying sun slash? It’s still too small to look at this future ‘Third Generation Hokage’ of Konoha Hidden Village!

Although the division of the strength level of the ninja is very unclear, but as far as the upper ninja is concerned, there is also a big difference, and the strength of the ape flying sun slash, at this moment, is no longer comparable to ordinary geniuses.

At the same time, it is simply not too normal to be outnumbered in the ninja world, and the next three generations of Thunder Shadow have created a legend of one enemy and ten thousand!

This time, Ape Flying Sun did not continue to strike after disarming the Shadow Doppelgänger Technique, but the four of them still did not let down their vigilance and carefully observed the situation around them.

When the fire gradually became smaller, there was a proud smile on the face under the mask of the ape flying sunchop, because he had clearly seen the situation around him, and sure enough, under his wave of strong counter-killing, the ten-man squad on the opposite side had basically been wiped out, and occasionally three or two were alive, also fell to the ground, with many shurikens inserted in their bodies, burning with Mars, constantly twisting and struggling, it seemed, not far from death.

Only the leading guy just now, with three shurikens stuck in his shoulders and a large area of burns on his entire left arm, can be regarded as having a trace of counterattack.

Although this guy is also a good master, once forced Ape Flying Sun to chop a little resentful, but this master also depends on the contrast, compared with the average ninja, he is a master, but in front of Ape Flying Sun Chopper, he really doesn’t look enough!

“Impossible… How could you be so strong? The guy covered his arm while looking at the ape flying sun with an incredulous expression.

And the corner of the ape flying sun chop grinned, and said: “Don’t underestimate Konoha!” ”

It may be that in recent years, Ape Flying Sun Chopper has been indiscriminately tinkered by the lark to become the minister of the dark department, so he is rarely able to perform any tasks that require him to personally intervene, even if there is a time to execute, it is necessary to follow the rules of the dark department, try to be quiet or something, so it is difficult for the outside world to know his specific information, such as how far he has grown in the past few years…

Therefore, this dark ten-person group of Yunyin Village made a huge mistake in estimating the strength of the ape flying sun slash, and at the beginning, they had many people and burst with self-confidence, but they accidentally gave the ape flying sun a chance to strike, and in an instant they directly destroyed them with continuous powerful ninjutsu…

At this moment, a thunder light suddenly appeared in the mountain forest not far away, and then several people in this battlefield looked over there, and saw a figure wrapped in Lei Du Chakra rushing towards here at a very fast speed.

The leading ninja of Yunyin Village looked at this. Yixi, this is the art of thunder armor! It is the secret of their Yunyin Village’s thunder shadow lineage!

And the people of that vein, the masters in the hands of the top, maybe they have been saved this time, not only that, but they may also be able to kill the ape flying sun and kill them all here!

Ape Fei Ri Chop looked at the galloping figure, and his heart was also shocked, this time in the war with Yunyin Village, he did not lack these highs who used the art of thunder armor, not only fought with the second generation of Thunder Shadow once, but also fought with the future three generations of Thunder Shadow.

Therefore, Sarutobi knows very well how difficult these guys are…

But when the figure got closer, and Ape Flying Sun saw the bird mask on the guy’s head, the whole person relaxed, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily brought a smile.

“Lark…,” Ape Flying Sun whispered softly.

In the next second, the figure had already appeared next to the ninja of Nayunyin Village at an extremely fast speed, and there was no intention of nonsense at all, raised his hand and struck the ‘Thunder Abuse Level Chiyomai’ hand knife, directly smashing the guy’s head into the chest, and he couldn’t die anymore.

At the same time, Ape Flying Sun Chopper also opened his mouth and said with some ridicule: “You guy, I haven’t seen you for two or three months, do you want to snatch some merit from me as soon as it appears?” ”

Hearing the words of the ape flying sun, the thunder chakra on the figure wearing the bird mask also quickly dissipated, and then the lark lifted his mask slightly, hung it obliquely on his head, and said with a bright smile: “You guy killed on the front line, I don’t know how much merit, those wounded in the village are all praising your mighty and brave deeds, now your reputation in the village is like heaven, isn’t it common for me to grab someone’s head and dip in joy?” Hahahaha. ”

As the lark said, Sarutobi is very active on the front line, and his various heroic deeds on the front line are constantly circulated in the village, so that his prestige has risen much higher in the village, even more fierce than his old son Sasuke Sasuke.

But he is not the only one who is active on the front line and has made a lot of merits, but only his deeds have been widely spread, which also makes the lark understand what the situation is, there is no doubt that it must be his own second master, Lord Hokage, who is taking the opportunity to create momentum for the ape flying sun!

In the opinion of Senju, Ape Flying Sun Chopper is the most suitable candidate to take over the position of Hokage in his hands, for no other reason, because Ape Flying Sun Chopper is a disciple brought out by himself, and he can inherit his own ideas, so as not to overturn all the things he has laid down.

Secondly, Ape Flying Sun cut him from the Ape Flying Clan, which has a close relationship with the Thousand Hands Clan, and he will be the third generation of Hokage, and it will not make the Thousand Hands Clan lose power in an instant.

The most important point is that Senjuma can see that the people of the Uchiha clan always want to launch their own people to be the Hokage, which is definitely something that is unacceptable to Senjuma, in public terms, Senjuma has not been able to completely trust the Uchiha family until now, only Uchiha Mirror is the only Uchiha member he can truly trust, but the prestige of Uchiha Mirror in the Uchiha family can not convince the public, can not reverse many situations, so even Uchiha Mirror can not be a Hokage, Otherwise, he is likely to be elevated.0

Privately speaking, if once the people of the Uchiha clan become Hokage, then their Senju clan will inevitably be suppressed, which is something that there is no need to think about at all! Therefore, Senju can never accept letting the people of the Uchiha clan become Hokage, both public and private.

And in the entire Konoha Hidden Village, in addition to their Senju clan, the one who can suppress the ambitions of the Uchiha clan is the Sarutobi clan, because the Ape Fei clan also has the support of their Senju family behind it, and at the same time, Sarutobi Sasuke’s prestige is strong enough, and the Ape Fei clan itself is also a wealthy family!

Although the Hyuga clan also has the ability to compete with the Uchiha clan, their aura of ‘death canon’ is too strong, and it just so happens that Hokage is sometimes a person who needs to be ‘unscrupulous’, so Senjuma thinks they are not suitable!

Therefore, Sarutobi seems to be the best successor in the Senju, so in this war, it is necessary to create momentum for him and make his prestige in the village more powerful, and then the Uchiha clan will be even more unable to oppose anything.

Although the lark can figure out these things, he does not want to intervene in anything, because he himself also supports the ape flying sun, don’t see that his relationship with the Uchiha mirror is very good, but this is just a personal relationship, the two are very tacit and never mention the friction and things between the families, the lark, as a person of the Senju clan, was born to stand on the opposite side of the Uchiha clan, this is one of his fundamental positions, unless the Uchiha clan declines to the point where it cannot compete with the Senju clan, Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for him to support a person of the Uchiha clan to become a Hokage, which would be equivalent to making himself uncomfortable!

As soon as the words on the lark’s side fell, several black shadows rushed here from the direction he came, and they didn’t need to lift their masks at all, and the ape flying sun chop just swept it casually, and he knew who they were, it was Hinata Hinata and Uchiha Kagami and Kiki Shuo Shigeru and others.

“Looks like 1.3, is your vacation coming to an end?” It’s a little twilight coming, and the war is almost over…” said Ape Fei Ri with a smile, and at the same time lifted his mask.

“Minister, it’s been a long time, it seems that your strength has improved a lot again, sure enough, there are no vain warriors under the prestige, and the people in the village are right!” Hinata Riten said in a very ‘polite’ tone.

However, Ape Flying Sun Chopper has long been accustomed to it, and he didn’t care about this tone that sounded very ‘rusty’, but said with a smile: “But I learned from the information about the things you did in the Land of Water every day, a set of wonderful palm techniques, the patriarch of the Kaguya clan couldn’t even return the hand, and he was directly killed on the spot, it’s amazing!” ”

“Okay, okay, you two are awkward or not? Do you have to tout each other here? Uchiha Kagami said with some helplessness.

Then a few people talked and laughed again, and then began to clean up the battlefield, directly killing those half-dead guys, and saving them from unbearable.

As for why not bring it back to torture intelligence and the like, because there is no need, it is obvious that these guys are also members of the dark department, and the dark departments of various countries are notoriously hard bones, instead of torturing them, it is better to bring them back and let the intelligence department dig up their brains…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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