Senju's Naruto

Chapter 148

On the front line of Konoha in Yunokoku, in a tent in the base camp, Skylark, Hinata Hinata, Uchiha Kagami, Kiki Shuo Shigeru and others are getting together.

However, the four of them did not do anything serious together, but were fighting the landlord…

That’s right, the classic card game of Dou Di Lord was moved to this world by Skylark, mainly because he was a little bored on the front line.

In the conversation with his second master Qianshou before, the lark once said that he didn’t need to compete with anyone for merit and the like, but the result was good, the Qianshou seemed to really listen to these words, the lark has been here for three days, not even a job, all day in this base camp on standby, it’s really boring, so I got this thing out, found my own friends, and played together.

“I said minister, if we continue like this, we will really be traveling to the front, can’t you think of some way?” Qimu Shuomao said with some anticipation while playing out a card in his hand.

“Think of any way? You are not aware of the recent situation, and it’s not just us who are idle, most of us are idle, the war is about to end, Yunyin Village has comprehensively contracted its strategy, and it doesn’t come out at all, this morning some messengers came here, it seems that we can’t catch this last bite of hot soup…” The lark said while also playing a card.

“Fortunately, we still have a confidential mission, if we really want to meet the alliance or something, maybe it will be our turn to show our might…” said Uchiha Kagami with a smile.

At this moment, Hinata, who was a dead man, sat on the side and said, “Can you three concentrate a little, I’m still waiting here to play…”

“Hahahaha, isn’t this the fight yet? The loser hasn’t appeared yet, it’ll be your turn later, don’t worry. Uchiha 620 Kagami said with a big laugh.

Instead, the lark raised his eyebrows and asked, “Ritian, do you also think this game is fun?” ”

Hinata nodded, and then said: “That’s right, this card game not only pays attention to strategy, but also pays attention to cooperation, but also takes into account the wisdom required when fighting against the crowd, in my opinion, it is a very meaningful card game, which can exercise your thinking and logical ability, cultivate the psychological quality of teamwork and fighting alone…”

Then Hinata Ritian this guy said a lot of things, in short, what kind of landlord card game that the lark made was blown abruptly The unique appearance of the sky and the earth, so that the lark was a little confused.

But soon, the lark reacted, smiled and said: “This game can make you so optimistic, it is also very good, by the way, Shuomao, Kagami, what do you two think?” ”

Qimu Shuomao scratched his head, then smiled and said: “Minister, I don’t have much feeling about the deep meaning behind what to say, but it’s really fun…”

“That’s right, yes, you can’t stop at all, hahahaha.” Uchiha Kagami also said very approvingly.

The lark touched his chin when he heard this, and then said: “That’s okay, I have a little count in my heart, and when I go back, let the Sanfeng Group start preparing to produce cards… Make it an industry! ”

Hearing the lark’s words, the other three people all showed a dull expression, and then Hinata Hinata said: “Deputy minister, this kind of card seems to me, even ordinary people, can take a little time to make, if we produce any cards, will anyone really buy it?” ”

The lark smiled and said: “First of all, this game may be taken out and played anytime and anywhere, but cards are not always and everywhere people will do and carry, so as long as the price is right, we can achieve small profits and quick turnover, secondly, the general public can make their own play, this is nothing, we should bring everyone some fun, but this kind of card game about winning and losing, will inevitably bring’ The nature of gambling’, so the real potential customers, in fact, are still the people in the gambling house, they always need to buy qualified formal products in order to be fair and formal, right? ”

Hearing the lark’s words, Hinata thought for a while, then nodded and said: “Sure enough, in these aspects, Vice Minister, you have extraordinary talents!” ”

“Hahaha, this is not the end, we can also make a high, sell to those nobles, daimyo, rich people, such as this pure gold card, jade brand silver or something, embellished jade, whatever, how to come high-end, how to fancy how to come, those guys are poor money, let’s double the profit ten times and a hundred times, give it a ‘luxury’ concept, isn’t this a lot of money?” The lark raised his eyebrows and said very proudly.

The rest of the people heard the lark’s ‘creepy’ words, and they all showed a ‘obeyed you’ expression, and then Uchiha Kagami spoke: “You are still a real guy who doesn’t spit bones…”

“I’m already a conscientious seller, okay?” The lark turned white and said with a glance at Uchika.

Then the lark paused slightly, and then said a little narcissistically: “The main thing is that there is no time to worry about this commercial matter, otherwise this war or something, I can smash those bastard guys in Yunyin Village with money…”

Just when the lark and a few of them were bragging and playing cards here, Akimichi suddenly opened the curtain of the tent and walked in, and then after seeing the lark, he said: “Sure enough, you guys are here to play cards again, lark, Naruto-sama has something to find you…”

The lark was stunned for a moment, and then spoke: “Is it urgent? If it’s not urgent, I’ll finish this and go again…”

“Naruto-sama’s matter, you dare to delay too? Come on, you go, I just started my rotation break, I’ll help you fight for a while…” said Akimichi with a smile as he walked towards the lark.

But before he could laugh for too long, Hinata Hinata had already taken the lead in taking the card in the lark’s hand, and then said: “In order, let me come first, Deputy Minister, Naruto-sama must have something important to find you, you go first!” ”

“You guys are really…” The lark looked at the two of them with a little smile, and then (babd) didn’t say anything more, stood up and said: “I guess it’s related to our incident, I went first.” ”

However, the rest of the people seemed to be in no mood to pay attention to him, concentrating on playing cards, and the lark shook his head a little helplessly and left here.

Not long after, he got into the tent where Senjukuma was, and as soon as he entered, he saw Senjukuma pouring tea for himself, and then the lark said with a smile: “Naruto-sama, what is there to find me?” ”

Qianshou glanced at the lark, and then spoke: “This morning, the messenger came to Yunyin Village, you kid should know about it, right?” ”

The lark smiled, and then said, “Isn’t that of course? It’s not just me who knows, everyone knows… On the way here, I heard someone discussing this matter. ”

“Is it? So what about everyone’s attitudes and thoughts? Senjuma asked softly.

The lark was silent for a moment, and then spoke: “It’s okay, Naruto-sama, your means are still very powerful, I feel that there is still your shadow behind this controlling the fishing boat…”

Senju picked up the teacup and took a sip, then looked at the lark, and said, “Guiding the mind correctly is also the responsibility that Hokage needs to shoulder, lark.” ”

“Okay, okay, I know that the position of this Hokage is not good, so I am not interested, Second Master, what do you want to say when you call me?” The lark said with a smile.

Senju did not mean to continue to preach the lark, but opened his mouth and said: “This morning, the envoy of Yunyin Village came and brought the intention of peace talks, and you also understand my thoughts, so we have confirmed each other’s ideas, and a peace talk ceremony will be held soon, and at the peace talk ceremony, I and the second generation Mei Lei Ying will discuss the alliance, and if it goes well, an alliance ceremony will be held at the peace talk ceremony…”

The lark listened to these somewhat awkward words, and his expression became slightly serious, but he didn’t say anything, he was still listening to his own Hokage-sama’s arrangement.

“Originally, I really didn’t notice these things, but you have already woken me up before, so I also think now that this alliance and peace talks are likely to have a great accident…” said Senjuma in a deep voice.

Only then did the lark answer, “So what task are you going to arrange for me, Lord Naruto?” Lead the Dark to protect you? Ensuring the smooth progress of the peace talks? ”

After listening to the lark’s inquiry, Senju shook his head gently, and then said, “No… On the contrary, the peace talks and alliances, a different time, a different location, can be reopened, so there is no need to ensure that anything goes smoothly, on the contrary, the chaos in Yunyin Village is only this one chance! ”

Listening to Qianshou’s words, the lark directly felt a cold breath rushing straight from his tail vertebrae, because he had already understood the meaning of his Hokage-sama, that is, he wanted to see if the two brothers Golden Horn and Silver Horn really made some kind of mess, would there be a chance to pit Yunyin Village or something when they were in this peace talk…

According to the lark’s original thoughts, he thought that after telling Senjukuma about this matter, Senjuma would secretly raise his vigilance, and at the same time ask the lark to protect them to ensure the smooth progress of the peace talks, but he never expected that Senjuma was so ‘black-hearted’, obviously he was going to form an alliance with Yunyin Village, and he didn’t forget to pit them at the last moment, should he be said to be Lord Hokage?

Senju looked at the lark’s surprised expression, took the teacup again and took a sip, and then asked very calmly: “Why show such a surprised expression?” ”

“It’s nothing, I just think I need to re-recognize my second master, black, when it’s really black, can it be that people who are Hokage will be affected like this?” It’s terrible…” the lark laughed and said teasingly.

“Hmph, although it is an alliance, it is only a stopgap measure, how can the two sides of the war fight and sincerely want to become allies? Therefore, as long as the balance is not broken, then the greater the loss of Yunyin Village, the better it will be for us, what we need in Konoha Hidden Village is not a strong ally, but an ally that depends on us, you should understand this, Skylark…” said Senju with a soft snort.

“You are Hokage, you have the final say, in that case, then how should I arrange this?” The lark raised his eyebrows, smiled and spoke. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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