Senju's Naruto

Chapter 040

Yin sealing this technique, before the lark wanted to fool from his own Mito grandma, but Grandma Mito, considering that this technique is acting on herself, and at the same time it is more dangerous, did not teach the lark, but let the second master of Kuruma make a judgment, when he thinks that the lark can be qualified to learn, Uzumaki Mito will teach the lark.

Just like the situation of the shadow avatar just now, ninjas will gradually recover the Chakra energy consumed over time, but the recovery of this energy is limited, because according to the physical quality and age restrictions, although the amount of Chakra that each person can have is different, there is an upper limit.

That is, when your body is already filled with this energy, you will not continue to restore Chakra’s energy.

And the Yin Seal technique itself is not powerful, but there is a very powerful place, that is, it will create a sealing space in the human body, which can allow people to seal Chakra storage into it, and the ‘size’ of this sealing space also depends on the strength of the spellcaster, powerful people, naturally able to store a huge amount of Chakra, once this Yin seal is unlocked in battle, then the previously stored Chakra will be continuously fed back to itself, thereby greatly enhancing the ability to continue combat.

And what will really make this technique powerful in the future is the lark, the baby sister Kozune, who is still naughty and mischievous with Uncle Zhujian all day.

In the future, when Ozuna grows up, she can cooperate with the huge Chakra of the Yin Seal to create regeneration, which can be said to make her enter the state of immortal body in a short period of time, which is very powerful!

Then if the lark masters the Yin Seal, it can indeed effectively avoid the drawbacks of the current ‘shadow avatar’, such as releasing this special shadow avatar in actual combat, and then quickly unlocking the Yin Seal, allowing Chakra to recover quickly, so that naturally avoiding Chakra’s weakness of being hollowed out.

“Yin Seal… This technique cannot be learned for the time being, but it is a good solution. The lark said softly.

As soon as these words fell, the lark looked at the shadow doppelganger again, and said: “These things, in the future, we will have to slowly explore them, and now we still finish the last step…”

When the shadow doppelganger heard this, he also nodded and said, “That’s right, let’s do it.” ”

The lark side is confused to ‘create a self’ through the shadow avatar technique, although it has a great effect, but there is one last point that needs to be verified, that is, whether this shadow avatar that they guessed has undergone a certain change through everyone’s fruit ability can be lifted!

If it can be lifted, then naturally everything is easy to say, if it cannot be lifted, then it is really a big trouble, and the lark may have to kill ‘himself’ by himself.

After all, although the shadow avatar seems to be no different from the lark, but in the end it is still necessary to divide a priority, if you can lift this ninjutsu, naturally it is the lark-based, if it can’t be lifted, although the lark feels that it is unlikely, but it is also a little worried that this bastard will not be anti-guest-based, then there will be some trouble at that time.

After glancing at the shadow doppelganger, a trace of firmness flashed in the lark’s eyes, and he put up two fingers, put them together, and said softly: “Solution!” ”

As soon as the words fell, I heard ‘Bang! There was a soft sound, and then the shadow avatar of his own who was still sitting in front of the lark just now disappeared very smoothly.

At the same time, a huge chakra also instantly filled the lark’s body, filling the lark, which made the lark laugh.

“It seems that even if it is really caused by the ‘Devil Fruit’ ability in another world, it still can’t escape the rules of this world after all, in the end, this is just a very special doppelgänger technique.” The lark smiled and said to himself.

As soon as the words fell, he felt the painful ‘memory’ of a stab in his shoulder blade, and then he also felt a little tired.

“This side effect even exists…” muttered the lark a little helplessly.

Although this ‘art of creating oneself’ has many drawbacks, the benefits behind this are also very many, first of all, if you prepare well in advance, the lark can completely make himself a two-to-one existence at any time, and others can’t say that he plays a scoundrel, after all, it is his own doppelganger, have the ability to come out of a whole doppelganger like this?

Secondly, that special shadow avatar can exist for a long time, as long as he does not disarm this technique, his chakra should not be used up at once or killed by someone, then he will not disappear.

In this way, the lark can let him do a lot of things, such as the two of them studying together, practicing together, etc., isn’t this eating double experience pill?

“But it’s better not to reveal this abnormality to others easily, after all, it’s not easy to explain…” the lark thought about it and whispered.

After thinking about it, the lark said to himself: “Of course, it is indeed necessary to find a way to turn this uncontrollable into controllable, if it really allows me to choose when to use the Shadow Doppelganger Art and the ‘Create My Own Art’, it will be really perfect…”

Thinking of this, a fine light flashed in the lark’s eyes, and he thought with some excitement: “If you can get this avatar technique out alone and develop it into a real ‘self-creation technique’, will it be able to solve this drawback today?” Of course, the name of ninjutsu still needs to be a little cooler, such as ‘secretary self-art’ or something…”

In the lark’s mind, although he couldn’t communicate with the ability of this devil fruit in his body, he could roughly guess that this shadow avatar technique was actually a not very formal channel, allowing the ability of the devil fruit to squeeze in and exert this effect.

And the reason why it is not very formal is because this effect comes out through the Shadow Doppelgänger Art, there will be a lot of trouble, and if the lark creates a ‘regular door’ for it alone, wouldn’t it be able to let the Shadow Doppelganger’s Art play freely.

At that time, there is a special way to go, presumably the devil fruit ability in this body will not be arrogant to grab the way of the shadow doppelganger, after all, this is not good for anyone, the lark and it are symbiotic relationships, and even the lark is the master.

“Before, I didn’t think that this human fruit could bring any benefits to me other than that life force and Chakra energy, so I didn’t think about this thing properly, but now it seems that my golden finger… Maybe it’s still untapped, it’s not really that ‘the ability is not able to swim’, you have to study this ability! At least be able to control this ability! The lark said softly.

The ability of the devil fruit, if you don’t research and develop it well, it is an instinct, take Luffy in the One Piece world, for example, he spent several years of hard work to make the rubber fruit ability that can make him ‘weak’ at any time listen to him, under his control, let it grow and change, instead of dragging at any time, and falling to the ground at every turn.

In the past, the lark felt that he was a person, so there was nothing to develop in this human fruit, so he didn’t think about it at all, it was completely relying on ‘instinct’, but now it seems that maybe there is really something behind this that he did not see.

At this time, it was already an afternoon for the lark to clean up the house to ponder the art of shadow doppelganger, and finally to make such a broken thing, and the sun began to slowly descend.

“This time has really passed fast enough, have you figured out the art of shadow avatars to this point? Let’s stop here for today…” said the lark looking at the sky and smiling.

At this moment, he suddenly found that behind the pine tree at the entrance of the courtyard of his house, a small head was sticking out from behind the tree from time to time to look at him.

And when the lark looked over, the little head retracted very quickly….

Although the little head closed quickly, the lark still recognized the figure of the little guy at a glance.

“Tsunade-hime, you little niko still dare to come back???” The lark looked at this scene and roared breathlessly.

This voice directly frightened Tsunade, who was hiding behind the tree, into sitting on the ground.

Looking at this stupid and cute scene, the lark also involuntarily smiled, and after seeing the lark’s expression, Ozuna immediately stood up, patted his butt, and ran towards the lark with a small short leg.

“Brother Skylark, what are you doing?” Ozuna ran to the lark’s side, hugged the lark’s waist, and asked.

“Are you okay asking? Aren’t I waiting for your little nizi to come back, so I’ll clean you up?” Say, what bad thing did you do today again?? The lark made a face, looked at Ozuna and spoke.

The thief’s eyes drifted a little, and then he pretended to be very innocent and said, “I didn’t do anything bad, I was with my grandfather all day today…”

“It’s because you are with Uncle Zhujian that you have the courage to do bad things, and you will not be so excessive in ordinary times!” Be honest! The lark huffed.

In the past, although Ozuna had skin, she did not have the courage to dare to take a huge amount of one million taels from the lark, even if she took three hundred taels from the lark before, it was also an upright entry into the lark house to take it, without hiding herself at all, and the lark also felt her come in when she was sleeping in the house, but she didn’t care.

Like this time, he was directly taught by the uncle between the pillars to take advantage of his absence in the house and went in and secretly took it.

Being so fierce by the lark, Ozuna was also a little aggrieved and said, “I listen to Naruto-sama…”

Then, before the lark could continue to get angry, Ozuna took out a few silver tickets from his small cloth pocket and quickly handed them to the lark, and the thief said in a slippery voice: “These are all secretly hidden by me while the grandfather is not paying attention, and I want to return them to you when I return…”

The lark glanced at it, and the total was less than 100,000 taels, which was not enough to buy a book for the big snake pill, but looking at the appearance of Ozuna Shou, he remembered the unorthodox look between her and Uncle Zhujian, and he also said with some helplessness in his heart: “This time you are an accomplice, instructed by the ‘villain’, I will forgive you, but if you dare to do this in the future, I will really beat you!” ”

“Then I won’t dare in the future…” Ozuna quickly nodded and said very seriously.

“Well, if you really want pocket money in the future, come and talk to Brother Skylark directly, but you can’t do these shameful things, remember?” The lark spoke again.

“Remember, Brother Skylark.” Ozuna nodded and said.

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