Senju's Naruto

Chapter 005

Seeing the huge water dragon rushing towards his side, the lark also understood that if he wanted to seal the seal to fight through ninjutsu at this time, it would definitely be too late, only dodge could catch up.

However, as a man of the Thousand Hands Family, the lark also has his own self-esteem, and at the same time, he also understands that if he can’t come up with anything new that can make the second master’s eyes shine in this examination, I’m afraid it will be impossible to learn some ‘strange’ ninjutsu with the second master.

“After this dodge, you have to come up with something real ..” The lark thought to himself.

In the next second, before the water dragon really fell, the lark unhurriedly used a teleportation technique, and the whole person disappeared from the place.

Immediately afterwards, his figure appeared in the distance where the splash exploded.

Seeing that the lark very neatly dodged the attack of this water dragon, the second master did not continue to strike, but stood in place, folded his arms on his shoulders, and said with some arrogance: “It seems that this is the level, as your current age, it is indeed quite good, but it is just good, if there is nothing satisfactory to me next, you smelly boy should go back and cultivate for a while!” ”

The lark breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the second master with a serious gaze, and then said in a deep voice: “Second master, the chakra of our Thousand Hands clan is extremely abundant, and you and the uncle between the pillars also know, the chakra energy in my body is far beyond that of the same race…”

After hearing the words of the lark, the second master of the Queak also frowned slightly, the lark is right, and I don’t know why, from the moment this kid was born, he and his brother Zhu detected the vision of the lark, the Chakra of the Thousand Hands clan is indeed naturally huge, but this kid is obviously beyond the ordinary amount, and it can even be said that it is twice as large as the same clan.

But there were no such examples before, such as his eldest brother Thousand Hand Pillars, although he was a mother and a compatriot, but the amount of Chakra on his body was also completely crushed by him, so the second master did not explore anything more on these anomalies of the lark, after all, this Chakra is more, how can it be considered a good thing.

However, unlike his brother, the lark has an obvious weakness… But now is not the time to think so much.

“Do you want to show off something? Even if you have superior capital in the amount of Chakra, this is not a reason for you to be proud, lark…” said the second master softly, he did not understand what the skylark’s intention was when he said these words.

“I don’t want to be complacent just because of this little thing, Second Master, I just want to tell you that it is precisely because I have enough Chakra on my body that I can use some techniques that require more Chakra at this age!!! The lark looked at the second master and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he also began to move in his hands again, Yin, 卯, 巳, noon, wei, unit, Yin, Zi…

Seeing the complex handprints constantly forming in the hands of the lark, the expressions of the second master and the uncle between the pillars in the distance became surprised.

“This seal… It’s Mito’s technique…,” muttered Senjukuma, who was watching this scene from afar, with a somewhat shocked look on his face.

“Grandma Mito??” Tsunade-hime repeated in confusion.

At the same time, of course, the second master of Kuruma also recognized what the lark was doing.

“This is an A-grade sealing technique…” the second master of Kuruma also looked at the lark in surprise and whispered.

“That’s right, Second Master, since you all know that I can unlock the seal you put in front of the warehouse door, you should have known that I also have a little involvement in the sealing technique, right? So don’t be so surprised…” the lark looked at the surprised face of the second master and said with some pride.

The second master looked at the lark’s gesture that was still sealing, and he also had some emotion in his heart, the lark’s mouth was simple, but from his long-term sealing, it can be seen that this technique is very complicated, to be precise, the sealing technique is a more complicated technique in all kinds of ninjutsu, generally few people can be proficient in this, not to mention that the lark uses an A-level sealing technique, which is far more difficult than similar A-level ninjutsu.

To say that it is interrupted, in fact, the second master of the knot can now break the seal of the lark at any time, so that he can’t hold this technique in his stomach, but at this time, the second master of the kuma is also interested, and he very much wants to see if the lark kid can really use this technique.

“Sealing Vajra Blockade !!!” After the last handprint was finished, the lark also pronounced the name of the technique in a deep voice.

In the next second, several substantial chains condensed by Chakra instantly erupted from behind the lark, and after surging in the air a few times, they rushed towards the place where the second master of Kuruma was, wanting to bind the second master of Kuruma.

The pillar master who was holding Tsunadehime in the distance looked at this scene and muttered in a very emotional whisper: “This kid of the lark is really a little amazing, has he even learned the unique sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan??? Mito is also true, did he teach this little guy everything? ”

That’s right, the A-level sealing technique King Kong blockade is actually a unique sealing technique of the Vortex family, and only the sealing technique that can be used by relying on the powerful vitality and chakra of the Vortex family, if it is used by the Vortex Mito, it can even suppress the tailed beast.

Of course, the lark still can’t do this step at present, and the whirlpool Mito can even release the King Kong Blockade without a seal, which can be called ‘reaching the pinnacle’ in various sealing techniques.

However, this sealing technique is said to be the unique sealing technique of the Vortex family, but in fact, the main reason is that it requires strong vitality and a huge Chakra to support this technique, and the Vortex family, as a distant relative of the Thousand Hands clan, the two races still have very common characteristics in this kind of thing.

Therefore, as a member of the Senju family, and at the same time Chakra’s amount is far beyond the lark of his peers, he died begging Bai Lai to come from the wife of his grandfather between pillars, Grandma Mito.

“At a young age, it is indeed unexpected to be able to really release this A-grade sealing technique, but lark, ninjutsu this kind of thing, in the hands of different people, the power exerted is also different, compared to your grandma Mito, your King Kong blockade is nothing, the time to seal is too long, in exchange for a real enemy, you have died countless times…”

“Wrong, Second Master, it is precisely because I am facing you, so I will be relieved to boldly use such a long time to seal and cast this sealing technique, because I have already expected that you will inevitably wait for me to be completely released, this is not because you left a hand on me, but my own interpretation, don’t be mistaken!” The lark looked at the second master who was chased around by his own chains, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and said proudly.

The lark is also right in saying this, in the battle, grasping the opponent’s psychology to predict the action, this is also a means, although it is a bit far-fetched to use here, but before starting to seal, he did not ask the second master to wait for him for a while, right? If you insist on saying this, it can indeed be justified.

“Hmph, it’s just a little cleverness, with your current chakra volume and proficiency in this technique, you can’t catch me, hurry up and untie it, otherwise this technique will extract your life force!” The second master of Kuruma said while dodging.

That’s right, the reason why the Vajra blockade sealing technique is called ‘unique to the whirlpool family’ is precisely because the general sealing technique, without Chakra, can not be performed, but it will extract life force to continue to maintain, so it is very dangerous, ordinary people dare not use it after learning.

However, after the second master of Kuruma said this, the lark didn’t seem to have any intention of listening, and was still releasing the chakra in his body with all his strength, trying to catch the second master Kuruma with the chakra chain.

With the passage of time, looking at the lark’s unwilling appearance, the second master seems to be a little anxious, in the end, this is just a school examination, the talent of the lark is very good, if you are stunned here, and burn your life force, then it is the loss of their thousand hands family, and they can’t make trouble for this matter, right?

“Bastard boy!!!” The second master cursed with some dissatisfaction.

In the next second, the figure of the second master who was originally still chased by the chain disappeared from the air in an instant, and the pupils of the lark’s eyes staring at his figure also shrank slightly….

“S-class time space ninjutsu…” a look of excitement flashed in the lark’s eyes, and he whispered to himself.

“Flying Thunder God!” The figure of the second master of the kaki at this time had already appeared next to the lark’s arm, and he was connected to the lark’s self-talking.

With a soft ‘click’, the second master grabbed the black stacked armor on the lark’s arm, and then said: “After being caught by me, what will happen to you, you should know very well, right?” larks…”

“Sure enough, from those two contacts, Second Master, did you put the Flying Thunder God Technique on my arm??” The lark was not surprised after being grabbed by the second master of the house, and asked rhetorically.

“Well, the instinctive reaction…” The second master did not deny anything, and admitted it calmly.

“Second Master, what if I say that all this is in my calculations… From the moment when you will be worried that I will use the ‘King Kong Blockade’ too much…” The lark’s head tilted slightly, looked at the second master of the kama, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The second master was also stunned for a moment, but he quickly said: “Anyway, you have been restrained by me, even if you still have a back hand, you want to make a seal…”

“Not all ninjutsu have to be sealed, do they? Second Master… It’s not you who restrained one of my arms, but I restrained one of yours! Before the second master could finish speaking, the lark directly interrupted him.

At the same time, the arm that was originally grabbed by the second master of Kuruma was also a backhand, and it also clasped the arm of the second master of Kuruma, and the two restrained each other.

In the next second, the King Kong blockade on the lark was instantly lifted, and at the same time, on the other hand that was free, a rotating Chakra energy had begun to converge…

The chicks of the Senju family, although small, can also peck people!!!

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