Senju's Naruto

Chapter 078

The lark is the first time to come to Yunyin Village, and it should be said that at this point in time, very few ninjas from Konoha have come to Yunyin Village.

After packing his things, Skylark quickly went out to find out the news, and with his young appearance, no one would notice the ‘threat’ on him.

Coming to a fruit vendor, Skylark bought a few special fruits of the Land of Thunder that were not very common in the Land of Fire, and then chatted with the shop owner while eating.

“Uncle, is this business easy to do lately?” The lark bit the fruit in his hand and spoke.

The shop owner looked at the lark with some amusement, and asked, “What are you kid asking these for?” How? Are you ready to be a small businessman in the future? Hahahaha. ”

The lark pretended to smile a little shyly, and then said: “Don’t wait for later, in fact, my brother and I are now businessmen, today just came to this Yunyin Village, the two of us are doing ‘traveling business’ business, often going around in various countries, but the recent business is not good…”

“Is it? Do you really have some skills, did you just come to Yunyin Village today? No wonder your skin is different from those of us who are sunburned all year round. The shop owner was also a little surprised and said.

After a slight pause, looking left and right as if there was no business, the shop owner also casually picked up a fruit on his stall, wiped and took a bite, and said: “Yes, this business is indeed a little difficult to do, take these fruits for example, in the first two years, you can often see merchants from other countries, especially the Fire Nation, to purchase, but in the past two years, because we and the Fire Country have always had some unpleasant things, so that the merchants over there do not come here much, This fruit can’t be sold, after all, these things are rare things in the country of fire, and in our country of thunder, they are ordinary fruits. ”

“Yes, but we also came from the Fire Country not long ago, and there are still many merchants from various countries over there, but looking at our Yunyin Village today, it seems that there are not too many outsiders?” After thinking about it, the lark asked without a trace.

“This, alas, when I was young, I also went to the Fire Country a few times, and the Fire Country is indeed much richer than ours, so originally merchants from various countries liked to go there to do business, but originally the village was not like this, but wasn’t the second generation of Lord Mu on the throne not long ago?” Later, I didn’t know what happened, I always felt that the village was a little xenophobic now, and many people were inexplicably thrown out, and their ninja adults didn’t care about these things, but those of us who do business are suffering…” the shop owner said with some melancholy.

“Kick people away?” The lark moved a little in his heart and grasped an important point.

After that, he did not continue to communicate with the shop owner, and the lark soon continued to wander around this Yunyin Village, chatting with many people about some problems.

At noon, the direct sunlight of this Yunyin Village was extremely hot, and the lark did not continue to wander around, found a shady shade to sit down, observed the surrounding situation, and made sure that no one followed him and no one noticed him, the lark took out a small book and began to record something on it.

The economic level of Yunyin Village has been declining in the past two years, and internal contradictions have begun to become prominent, and the people seem to be quite dissatisfied with these things. ’

‘In recent days, Yunyin Village’s abnormal xenophobia is probably guarding against intelligence spying from various forces. ’

‘The monthly guard drills have also been increased to two, and you can often see a large number of ninjas practicing cooperative combat. ’

Back and forth combed through more than ten pieces of information just summarized, the lark’s face at this time is also slightly not good-looking, this information is taken out separately, but I don’t feel anything, but when I look at it together, it is obvious that Yunyin Village is about to come to the edge of war at this time.

But thinking about it, Yunyin Village will start a war, this is what the lark has been mentally prepared for, but it is just that he can’t feel the time, now looking at these simple news, casually speculate, I’m afraid that this war is not far away.

“However, as soon as this second-generation Mu Lei Ying took office, he held high the banner and slogan of peace, and it didn’t seem like someone who wanted to start a war…” the lark muttered as he touched his chin again.

After thinking about it carefully, the lark felt that I was afraid that the current Yunyin Village had not yet reached a unified opinion, and it was not like Konoha Hidden Village, the second master of Kuruma had a very high prestige, and he could say everything in the village, and he used superb means to level those disobedient people in the village, such as the Uchiha family or something.

This Yunyin Village, I am afraid that the power has not yet been concentrated, the second generation of Mu Lei Ying has just taken office, and his position has not been secured, even if he advocates peace, I am afraid that he will not be able to stabilize this situation.

“If nothing else, it should be my guess, but if the skills of this second-generation Thunder Shadow are not enough to reverse these internal contradictions, then sooner or later the war will have to start… If you think about it, his wrist should indeed not be enough, otherwise he would not have died at the hands of traitors. The lark said to himself again.

Although the internal contradictions of Yunyin Village have begun to be highlighted, they have not yet reached the point of fierce conflict, and once the skills of this second-generation Thunder Shadow are not enough to calm the contradictions within Yunyin Village, then he has only two ways to go, the first way, get out of the stage by himself, and change to a more cowhide to be the Thunder Shadow.

However, this choice will not be chosen by anyone, which is too humiliating, and it may be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Then the second way… It is to quickly transfer internal contradictions, how can this be quickly transferred? The easiest way is to create a common strong enemy for everyone, and then unite to fight that enemy together, and there is no doubt that the Land of Fire and Konoha Hidden Village meet this criterion.

Therefore, Skylark speculates that once the second generation of Mei Leikage loses control of the internal conflicts in the village, then in order to maintain his rule and solve these problems, he will inevitably start a war.

If he wins this war against the Fire Nation under his leadership, his prestige will rise at once, and he will also reap great benefits, and then he will have enough time to slowly solve these ‘historical problems’.

Of course, war is not casual to predict victory or defeat, so he will definitely be ready to lose, think carefully, if he is smarter, then he can use war to ‘cut’ those who are against him, so that even if the war is lost, he can be regarded as ‘solved’ the internal contradictions, right? After all, dead people have no right to talk to him.

“No wonder the alliance is about to be dissolved halfway through the fight, maybe it is that the purpose of this second-generation Thunder Shadow to cut off dissidents has been achieved, and they also understand the strength of Konoha Hidden Village, so they will want to stop the war, but they still don’t count that there will be two brothers like Golden Horn and Silver Horn who do not play cards according to the routine, blood loss.” The lark smiled and said to himself.

After putting away the small book in his hand, the lark looked at the iconic Yunyin Village Power Center Building, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said softly to himself: “But in the end, these are all intelligence and speculation obtained from rumors, and this credibility is not very high, after all, you still have to go there to find it…”

But the lark did not act rashly now, in this big day, even if his ability is big, it is very dangerous to sneak into the place where the thunder shadow works, or wait until it gets dark, how can you touch this terrain first.

Therefore, the lark soon continued to wander around this Yunyin village.

At the same time, in the office of the second-generation Lei Ying, this Leiying lord with a somewhat funny hairstyle was also looking at a document in his hand with a somewhat embarrassed face at this time, and after a long time, he spoke: “The two bastards of Golden Horn and Silver Horn are seducing those stupid guys again!” ”

“Lord Lei Ying, the strength and prestige of the two brothers Golden Horn and Silver Horn in the village are very high, and we can’t do anything with them for a while…” said a staff officer of Lei Ying.

“Since these two bastards were infected by that evil nine-tailed demon fox, their personalities have become more and more extreme, and they have been thinking about waging war all day, but how can this war be started casually? The strength of Konoha Hidden Village is not to be underestimated, even if the Thousand Hand Pillar is really seriously injured and cannot exert its original strength…” Speaking of this, the eyes of the second generation Mu Lei Ying also fluctuated slightly, in fact, he also wanted to ‘try it’.

But this time is not now, he opposes the war, he wants to make this war more prepared, not like the two bastards of the golden horn and silver horn, casually start a war, as for holding high the banner of peace or something, that is just his strategy to delay the army, but also for the rest of the countries to see.

However, he was still not tempted by the ‘Thousand Hand Pillar Seriously Injured’, and soon continued: “Even without the Thousand Hand Pillar, we can’t go to war with Konoha so casually. ”

“Then Lord Lei Ying, what are we going to do?” A staff officer asked.

The second generation Mu Lei Ying thought for a while, and then spoke: “I see that the two brothers of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn are jumping up and down like this, they are all for the sake of interests, otherwise why are the two of them working so hard?” Aren’t the two of them very good at chasing? Then we will give them some benefits, so that the two of them can form a well-trained pursuit force to prepare for the future, and also find them something to do, so as not to know to block me all day! ”

At this time, although the second-generation Mu Lei Ying did not look at the two brothers of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn were also the old masters of Yunyin Village, which were exaggerated names that were respected by many ninjas of the martial arts school as ‘two rays of light in the clouds’.

Therefore, the second-generation Mu Lei Ying did not think of killing them or the like, that would be equivalent to killing his own two big masters, and it would be a joke to say it, so so far, his idea was to win over the two brothers of the Golden Horn and Silver Horn, if he could make the two of them obedient, he would be satisfied.

After arranging this matter, the second generation of Mei Lei Ying looked at the map hanging on the wall again, and set his eyes on the rich Fire Country, not knowing what he was thinking, and after a long time, he whispered softly: “The Fire Country… It’s really a rich place…”

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