Senju's Naruto

Chapter 091

As soon as the lark walked to the street near the Senju family’s mansion, he saw the Hokage cloak on his head, and this winter, he was still wearing his blue stacked armor that never left his body.

After speeding up a little, the lark stepped forward with a smile and said, “Yo, isn’t this Naruto-sama?” Why did you come back so early today? ”

After hearing the lark’s voice, Senju also stopped, looked at the lark with some amusement and said, “Isn’t this the deputy minister of the dark department?” Didn’t go to work today? ”

Being so startled by Naruto-sama, the lark also smiled a little embarrassed, and then said: “I’m just an adjutant, I’m not so busy, second master, you don’t know, Uncle Richo’s guy is dictatorial, and he doesn’t give me any place to interfere at all, so it’s useless for me to go, it’s better to be busy with my own affairs.” ”

Listening to the lark’s words, Qianshou almost didn’t laugh out loud, only to see him speak: “You say the dictatorship of the day? Why did that person complain to me twice in three days, saying that your kid doesn’t go to work well, sometimes he shows up and runs away without a shadow when he goes, and he has to deal with everything, and he is busy to death…”

The lark’s expression was startled, and then he spoke: “I can’t think of it, I can’t think of it, I think he is not good at flying in the sun, and he looks thick eyebrows, but I didn’t expect him to give me a small report behind my back?” When I go back, I’ll cut his profit this month by 10%…”

Hearing the lark say this, Senju didn’t care about anything, he knew very well that the lark was just chanting a few words on his lips, and he wouldn’t be so careful.

“Although your Sanfeng Group has brought a lot of benefits to the village, you can’t take care of one or the other, you still have to go and see more when you have time, otherwise the people in this dark department will soon lose sight of you.” Senju said with a smile.

“Got it, Second Master, this Tsunadehime’s ninja school is about to graduate, and there will be something missing on the chicken by then, so I’ll let him go to the Three Peaks Group to watch, and then I can serve Naruto-sama well… Well, I’m still a student, so it’s understandable if I don’t go. The lark said with a smile.

“Students? You guy hasn’t been to school in person once, still a student? Senju said with some amusement.

After a little ridicule of the lark, Qianshou asked again: “By the way, this situation is becoming more and more tense, the war may break out at any time, have the things entrusted to you before been arranged?” ”

“Don’t worry, second master, in the past two months, the production capacity of the Sanfeng military industry has not been taken out, just waiting for when the village needs it, all sold to the village, rest assured, I will collect a cost money, absolutely no war wealth…” The lark said with a smile on the ticket.

Thousand hands also nodded, it is indeed very reasonable for people to collect a cost money, you can’t let the lark kid work and contribute, and finally return the blood, then no one wants to do this kind of good thing in the future.

“Two months cumulative… More is not much, we still have to be more prepared, can we keep up? Senjuma asked again.

“Isn’t this the pillar uncle estimating that he should come back in the next two days? I asked him to get me the approval to open the mine over there in the capital, this time he should bring it back together, as long as we have this approval, we can immediately start to open the mountain, when the iron ore will be endless, the armament materials will naturally not be in short supply for you, rest assured! The lark said with a smile.

This mining is naturally a low-investment, high-return transaction, not long after the start of operation of this military industry, the lark thought of finding an opportunity to get an approval or something, and then went to blow up the mountains and open mines.

But at that time, their Senju family had just entered the political world of the Fire Nation, and if the lark was in a hurry to do this kind of thing, it would inevitably affect the reputation of the Senju family, and it would not be good to affect the future of the family at that time.

But this time the timing is very different, the lark is holding the banner of ‘for the country and the people’, and now even the guys who eat white rice in this famous mansion can see that the world is no longer stable and peaceful, and war may break out at any time.

Since you want to fight, then of course you must prepare the materials, otherwise if you lose, they will all have to eat and go, at this time, the lark jumped out and said that he wanted some approval for mining, and used it to transfuse blood to the military industry, which is reasonable, so there was no obstacle, and it was obtained very smoothly, and it was almost brought back by the uncle between the pillars.

“Hmph, you kid really met with sewing needles…” said with a smile.

“Alas, I contribute to the Fire Nation, and the Fire Nation will also contribute to me, isn’t it normal?” The lark smiled and said.

This approval for mining, the difficulty is in the first time, once this opening is opened, in the future lark wants to get more approvals, it will not be so difficult, when people think about how this guy is also a person who has made great efforts in the war, there is nothing wrong with giving a little sweetness, then this will come and go, won’t they Sanfeng Group do this Ministry of Minerals? At that time, maybe you can go to other countries to open mines, Meizhi.

Listening to the lark’s words, Qianshou also showed a somewhat emotional expression, and then spoke: “When I first heard about this matter three years ago, I thought that this guy of yours was tossing something blindly, but I didn’t expect that it was really made by you, Sanfeng Group… Thanks to the blessing of this guy of yours, the living conditions of our Konoha Hidden Village have also become better, merchants from all over the world come and go here, and our taxes have also increased a lot, which can provide more convenience to everyone in the village…”

The lark smiled and said as he walked: “It’s all right, you second master is the Hokage, how can I support you as much as I can.” ”

“Hahaha, that’s the truth…” Qianshou smiled, and then he paused slightly, and then looked at the lark and said: “In the past few years, although your kid is not in tune in many places, the means of doing things are still very good, and now the strength is also considered to be strong, wait for me to do it for a few more years… The location of this Hokage…”

“Forget it, Second Master, if our Thousand Hands Family is a Hokage in a row, then the people of the Great Mansion will not be angry and vomit blood? You better choose someone, when we chatted before, didn’t you still say that you were most optimistic about Uncle Richo? Now he has been in the position of minister of the dark department for a few years, and his subordinates also have their own strength, as long as you support him at that time, who in the village can compete with him? I look at him very well! The lark said quickly.

“Do you also support the Nikkai?” Senju suddenly spoke.

The lark was also stunned for a moment, he and the relationship between the ape flying sun chop, the village is well known ah, although the two are different generations, but in fact they regard each other as brothers, he does not support the ape flying sun chop, does he support the Shimura group zo?

Just as he was about to speak, the lark seemed to have thought of something, and said with some surprise: “I said Second Master, you shouldn’t have always thought that I was going to fight with the sun before, right?” Am I such a no-brainer? ”

Qianshou smiled for a moment, and then spoke: “You kid has made so many achievements at a young age, who knows if you will be proud?” Forget it, since I figured out what you think, I won’t hesitate about anything… Let’s go, it’s still a little cold outside. ”

After saying this, Senju took his steps again and walked towards the door of the Senju family’s mansion, but the lark was stunned for a moment.

“Hesitation?” The lark touched his head and thought for a while, and then a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and he chased after him in three or two steps and asked: “Second Master, listen to what you mean, if I insist on competing for the position of this Hokage, have you considered supporting me?” I’m not afraid that the daimyofu will put pressure on you or something? ”

Without even looking at the lark, he said as he walked, “You are my grandson.” ”

Although Senju did not say anything clearly in these words, the lark had already heard what he meant, and his heart was warm, feeling that this winter was not so cold, and he followed with a smile and said: “Second master, I asked someone to bring some iceberg snow lotus in the country of snow, very supplemental, I will send you some later, so that we can make up for the Hokage-sama of Konoha Hidden Village.” ”

“You kid is angry with me a few times, I can live to be a hundred years old.” Senjuma said while laughing.

As soon as she stepped into the door, she saw Tsunade, who was now almost nine years old, hurriedly going out from the courtyard, followed by two huge brown bears, who were also wearing armor specially made for them, and looked very powerful and domineering.

These two brown bears are the bear cubs that the lark caught on the back mountain with Ozuna Hand back then, and they were originally brought back to raise so that they could be killed and eaten meat, but as the lark thought, this Ozuna raised and raised it to develop feelings.

The daily feeding of big fish and meat, and often filling those fish meat with chakra, so that these two beasts have opened up a little more intelligence, and now they are stronger than ordinary ninja beasts, but it seems to end there.

But with Ozuna’s current strength, it’s actually quite suitable, these two guys are now following Ozuna all day long, no, I don’t know what the three of them are going to do.

“Tsunade-hime, what are you going to do? So anxious? The lark asked with a smile as he looked at Tsunade who was running towards this side.

After seeing the lark and the Senju, Ozuna also said with some joy: “Second grandfather, Brother Skylark, grandpa is back, I heard that it is at the gate of the village, I will pick him up…”

“What to pick up, it’s not that he doesn’t recognize the way, it’s not that he only came back once two months ago…” said the lark with a smile.

However, the second master of Kuruma saw Xiao Tsuna’s intention at a glance, raised his eyebrows, and said: “Xiao Tsunade, this house is about to add a new Ding, it may be born at any time, if you dare to sneak away to the gambling house with your grandfather Zhuma, Grandma Mito will be angry when you come back.” ”

Seeing that he was seen through by his second grandfather, Ozuna scratched his head with some shame, and said: “I know, I picked up my grandfather and came back…”

After saying that, he grimaced at Senju, and then one rolled over and rode a big bear, and ran away from the lark.

“Second Master, when you retire, if you are interested, you can train Tsunade-hime towards the position of Hokage…” said the lark with a sneer, looking at Senju with a sneer.

Senju glared at the lark and said, “I still want to live two more years, I don’t want to be angry to death.” ”

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