New York at night is a city that never sleeps.

The traffic flow is like a long queue, like rivers flowing with lights. Countless cars shuttle between highways and viaducts, just like the muscles and veins of this steel jungle, beating with strong vitality and vitality.

A police car with the logo of the NYPD (New York Police Department) was speeding like a fish swimming through dense traffic, swaying flexibly. The police officer sitting in the car had just received a call, claiming that an incident occurred at the Basteco Building. Violence erupted, with a metal freak attacking Reed-Richards in full public view.

The police officer on patrol had heard of this name. The other person was one of the characters in the recently popular superhero group. It was said that he also had an unusually close relationship with the hot invisible woman Susan.

What an enviable guy. The police officer sighed in his heart.

Among the group known as the "Fantastic Four" by New Yorkers, the Invisible Woman with delicate appearance and hot body is the most popular new star. As for the other three, they are roughly the same. What is surprising is that the bulky Shirenben actually has a good reputation. He heroically saved a fire truck that almost fell into the river on the Brooklyn Bridge. This scene was photographed by a news reporter and made many people feel sad. Good impression.

As the police car drove across Lexington Avenue, a huge object flew out of the truck parked in front, hitting the front hood of the car like a cannonball. The sudden change caused the police officer sitting in the car to quickly apply the brakes, causing the tires to rub against the ground and make a screeching noise.

The huge figure like a stone man smashed the front window of the car. He shook his head and jumped out of the car. He also gave the frightened police officer an apologetic look.

In the truck lying in the center of the street, a tall figure wearing a black hooded windbreaker and a metal mask slowly walked out. He pulled off the metal door and threw it out as if tearing a piece of paper. Electric light was surging all over his body. It exuded a strong power.

Stone Man Ben looked back at the police officer who got out of the car and said in a rough voice: "Mr. Police Officer, I need to borrow your car!"

He lifted the nearly two-ton Ford car and threw it like a lead ball. Doctor Doom, who couldn't dodge, was thrown away. Originally, everything went according to his plan, and he solved the most difficult Stone Man, and then Defeated his old classmate Reed, used heat-seeking missiles to lure away Johnny Human Torch, and even Susan, who came to the rescue, fell into his hands.

The Fantastic Four were defeated one by one. Just when Victor Doom, who called himself Doctor Doom, was about to eliminate his competitors for many years in one fell swoop and enjoy the pleasure of revenge, Ben, the stone man who had regained his hard body, came out of nowhere!

"Is it worth giving up a normal life for Reed? Ben, as long as you get out of the way, there is still a chance to go back to the old days."

Doctor Doom pushed away the heavy car body. His whole body was already covered in hard metal. Even artillery bombardment could not completely shatter this veritable body of steel.

Doctor Doom, who suddenly gained power, no longer took others into consideration. As long as he eliminated the Fantastic Four and kicked away the stumbling blocks on the way forward, he could start his great plan to conquer the world.

"How could you understand. Victor, you've never had any friends."

The honest and straightforward stone man severely stabbed Doctor Doom's heart. Thinking of Susan who left him and the company on the verge of bankruptcy, the angry flame in his heart grew stronger.

"I gave everyone a chance, but you didn't cherish it - you are all a bunch of stupid guys!" Cold words drifted in the night sky in the wind.

Doctor Doom raised his hand and shot out a blazing electric current, which burst out like a silver beam of light. The strong kinetic energy sent the stone man flying away. His clumsy and heavy body seemed to have been hit by a fierce whip, and he was knocked down against a smoking car. On the car, the metal body was directly crushed.

Ben grinned, held up the indestructible boulder body with both hands, staggered up from the ground, and rushed towards the enemy like an angry bull.

Looking at the stone man striding towards him, Doctor Doom smiled contemptuously. He picked up a broken street lamp and waved it with all his strength!

There was a clang, accompanied by flashes of electric light, and Ben, who was running wildly, drew a parabola and fell heavily on the road. A long ravine was plowed out of the hard concrete ground.

"You and Reed are both stupid people! You would actually reject the extraordinary power given by God - this feeling of having power is wonderful, and it will mean the arrival of a new era!"

Doctor Doom strode up to Ben, the stone man. After being strengthened by two energy storms, he was far more powerful than the Fantastic Four, not to mention that Ben was alone now.

Lifting the iron pole of the street lamp, it only takes one second for him to end the life of this big man. Even the indestructible stone man will not be Doctor Doom's opponent. He can only wait desperately for death to come!

"I won't let you do this!" A familiar voice stopped his movements.

Looking back at his old classmates who had arrived, Dr. Destruction smiled coldly. He would deal with this smart man later. First, he would have to let the other party watch his friend die and experience the pain and despair of losing everything.

The iron pillar of the street lamp that was stabbed was blocked by a transparent light curtain. Susan, wearing the uniform of the Fantastic Four, also rushed over. Johnny Human Torch fell from a high altitude. For a moment, this superhero group that caused a sensation in New York , all of them are here!

On the empty street, Doctor Doom faced off against the four people. He opened his hands, and the surging current surged toward the metalized body like a frenzy, as if wrapped in a coat of lightning. The hot and high-temperature electric light moved in a burst. There was a crackling sound, and eye-catching electric sparks erupted from the surrounding street lamps.

Doctor Doom stood there, tiny electric currents spreading all over the metal body, as if the electricity of the entire neighborhood had been absorbed by him. The electric light was twisting like a wild python, and the air was roasted and twisted, like a bizarre void mirror.

"Victor, please turn back, don't go further down the wrong path!" Susan implored urgently.

Dr. Doom, bathed in silvery electric light and made of metal, is like a demon coming out of hell, exuding a cold and terrifying majesty.

Through the metal mask, he felt the fear and panic in the eyes of the people around him, and a powerful feeling of controlling the world and overlooking all living things emerged spontaneously, as if he was an omnipotent God who could take away anyone's possessions at will. life.

"I came all the way from Latvinia and worked hard to integrate into this city and become an elite person that everyone admires. However, Reed betrayed my trust and almost left me with nothing! The company's partners, who only want to Kick me out and take ownership of the company!"

A hoarse voice came from behind the metal mask, and in Doctor Doom's hands, wisps of electricity pulsed, like bright flashes of light, which contained terrifying energy.

"You pushed me into a desperate situation and tried to take away everything around me, wealth, status, reputation... but now you still want to act as a hero to save the world?!"

Doctor Doom looked at his once beloved Susan with cold eyes. He finally cut off the shackles of his soul and completely abandoned the shackles of his past identity. The name Victor Doom gradually faded away until it disappeared.

"Sorry, am I late to this party?" A cynical voice sounded quietly.

A red and gold steel armor was suspended in the air, and the fire weapons carried in both hands were aimed at Doctor Doom.

"Hey, who allowed you to cause trouble here? New York is Iron Man's territory!"

Tony Stark, who was preparing to attend a cocktail party, arrived in time. The playboy looked at the metal figure below, thinking that it was time for Iron Man's performance next.

ps: A new week has begun again, waiting for Avengers 3, I will blow the shit out of anyone who dares to spoil the story!

By the way, give the poor author some collections and tickets, blink your eyes (cute and pass the test)

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