Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 114 Stark’s Persistence

"Sir, Miss Potts is here. I suggest you tell..."


The intelligent butler who spoke to admonish was immediately silenced. Pepper opened the door and walked in. She was probably the only one who could enter this underground laboratory without Tony's permission.

Since Tony was betrayed by his most trusted partner and completely broke with Obadiah Stane, and all the years of friendship disappeared, it has been difficult to trust others. He once regarded the other party as a respectable elder. To a certain extent, the bald CEO who wanted to put himself to death actually acted as a father figure for Howard.

But with the passage of time, Obaday, as a figure behind the scenes, was no longer willing to stand behind Tony. He had worked hard for his whole life, and in the end all the honors went to Stark and his son, which made the bald CEO feel full. Torn by greed and jealousy, he wants to take back what has been his for so many years.

Thinking of Obadiah who died in the explosion in the industrial park, Tony's eyes dimmed. Apart from Pepper and Rhodes, he could no longer really trust anyone. With his character, he didn't have many friends who he truly believed in. ——After all, it’s not easy to be friends with the arrogant Stark.

If you don't have the devilish figure and angelic face that stir up men's hormones, nor do you have a powerful mind that's talented enough, then at least you have to have a good temper and be able to tolerate Tony's harsh and vicious tongue, as well as his ever-present narcissism and arrogance.

"Tony, I have eight thousand and eleven things that I must discuss with you!" Pepper walked in aggressively.

Being appointed as the new top CEO of Stark Industries by her employer, the secretary felt both pleasantly surprised and under heavy pressure. This giant company in the military industry was now a mess that was difficult to clean up.

Tony insisted on closing the weapons manufacturing factory, causing Stark Industries to lose its main business. This arbitrary and arbitrary behavior made the board of directors extremely dissatisfied. His sudden announcement of entering the energy field made the company suffer from the vigilance and suspicion of those energy giants. Hostility, although they have not shown any abnormal behavior yet, but no one likes another person sharing the cake.

"Just leave the company's affairs to you. There's no need for me to personally intervene." Tony avoided Pepper's angry look.

He was not willing to tell his female secretary that he would die soon, otherwise Pepper would definitely nag him to give up his identity as Iron Man and go to the hospital to receive proper treatment.

But what can Tony do without his steel armor? Continue to return to the luxurious life of living and drinking? Or should he be a successful arms dealer and a cold-blooded capitalist?

People call him a playboy, a billionaire, a scientific genius... but no one has ever said that Tony Stark is a hero.

He had waited for half his life to get this opportunity, to become a better person and use his ability to change the world. Tony wanted people to know that the bohemian playboy could not only chase beauty and live in debauchery, he could also use Use your hands to do something good.

"You can't lock yourself in the laboratory and let me handle everything for you!" Pepper's eyes were slightly red. This secretary, who has always been smart and capable, has been under tremendous pressure recently.

Even with the mutants and the newly-risen Fantastic Four attracting the focus of public opinion, Stark Industries is still in a precarious and dangerous situation. Without the support of the military, the former military-industrial giant is like a piece of delicious fat, exuding... The alluring aroma attracts the hungry and ferocious wolves.

Just like after the fall of Watsonton, those greedy capitalists excitedly held up knives and forks, waiting to divide the sweet cake, the same situation faced Stark Industries, especially after announcing its entry into the energy field, an invisible force The pressure doubled, and the energy giants sitting at the top of the industry looked down at this new provocateur with malicious and indifferent eyes.

The heavy pressure, coupled with the company's heavy operational affairs, has left Pepper mentally and physically exhausted. She once longed for a broader stage to showcase her talents, but shouldering a giant company on her own made her somewhat powerless.

"I have called you more than thirty times and agreed to attend tonight's charity fundraiser, but you haven't even changed your clothes yet! For Stark Industries, this is a rare opportunity to return to the Get into the public eye and build a good reputation and momentum..."

"Why should I sit with a bunch of hypocritical guys I don't know and talk about the future of this city, and then compliment each other a few words, as if New York is better because of us... In fact, the kindness of these people, It’s just boring pity after making enough money, just like when you see a beggar when you walk on the street, you will take out a few coins from your pocket and throw them to him!”

Tony interrupted the female secretary's chatter. He hated this kind of boring social interaction. The palladium poisoning had not yet been resolved. Mark's armor needed to be updated. There were a lot of things waiting for him to complete. It was not cost-effective to waste time on such an occasion. .

At this time, Stark rarely missed the leisurely days of the past. After all, he used to sit in a luxurious and comfortable office, chat with the Ministry of Defense or the Pentagon for dozens of minutes, throw a few gadgets to each other, and place a large number of orders. You will be offered it with both hands. To put it bluntly, this is easier than robbing a bank.

"What's wrong with you? Stark Industries is in chaos, and its entry into the energy field is not favored by the outside world. The board of directors is also quite dissatisfied with your decision...Tony, you can no longer be as willful as before!"

Tony avoided Pepper's questioning. Like a naughty child, he jumped up on the stand next to the wall, then threw away the Barnett-Newman art painting on it like trash, and hung up Iron Man instead. poster, and nodded with satisfaction: "Iron Man is more valuable than art, Pepper..."

He turned his head and found that the secretary who had been working hard had disappeared outside the door. The sound of high heels on the floor gradually faded away. The relaxed expression on Tony's face solidified little by little, like a clown actor after taking off his mask. , looking at the crowd leaving, with a dim light in his eyes.

A huge feeling of emptiness fills the heart. This kind of fear and fear that a person watches alone towards the end of his life and gradually devours the soul is unimaginable by others.

Sometimes Tony would inexplicably feel that playboy Stark had died in that cold and damp cave, and only Iron Man was the only one who returned to New York alive. Inside that powerful armor, there actually lives a fragile soul.

"How can Tony Stark be complete if he is not Iron Man? Rather than living a mediocre life, it is better to die like a superhero. At least someone will remember me."

Tony laughed. He thought carefully, put on an expensive suit, and jumped into a luxury sports car in the underground garage. The roaring engine sounded like the roar of a beast, full of wild power.

"I love you, New York!"

Accompanied by wanton shouts, the world's limited-edition Koenigsegg rushed out. The whistling wind blew Tony's face, and he fully enjoyed the vitality brought by life.

ps: Your second-guessing beast is back~

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