Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 125 Collision

Magneto raised his palm, and several twisted steel beams intertwined like living animals, turning into thick metal cones. Under the urging of the magnetic field, they tore the air and shot towards Sean, who was standing in the center of the bar.


The young man snorted softly, feeling the sharp wind coming towards him. The surging power surged through his body, and a faint golden light covered the surface of the black uniform.

He stretched out his hand and grasped it, and the metal cone, which was as thick as a wild python, was caught in his hand. It seemed to be inserted into the hard rock wall. Even under the control of magnetism, it could not break free. The sharp metal cone vibrated violently and exploded. A buzzing, shrieking trill.

Golden light surged in the palm of his hand, and the struggling metal cone screamed and was torn off by the huge force. Sean raised his head and looked at Magneto in the strong fortress, with a deep indifference in his eyes. His legs exerted force, the wooden floor exploded, and the air made a dull sound, like a rolling thunder explosion!


In Magneto's sight, the black shadow broke through the air like a sharp arrow, and appeared in front of him in an instant. He punched the thick steel plate hard, like a cannonball hitting the metal, controlling the magnetic force. , a veteran and strong man who manipulates metal, was unexpectedly kicked out of the bar. A huge hole opened in the wall, and the icy cold wind poured in carrying snowflakes.

Sean took advantage of the victory to pursue, and with a muffled sound, a black shadow like lightning arrived instantly, and a whip hit the twisted and deformed heavy steel plate. Magneto, who was still in a daze, was knocked away again before he woke up. , the defensive fortress that protected itself has been completely dented, and it seems that it cannot withstand several fierce attacks.

The dark steel fortress knocked down a large truck parked outside the bar. The ton-heavy steel car was hit and overturned directly to the ground. A few seconds later, there was a loud explosion, flames surged out like a tidal wave, and the hot temperature melted the accumulated layer of snow. Under the protection of steel, the embarrassed Magneto escaped quickly through the waves of fire.

The majestic purple robe was covered with traces of burnt marks, and the robe was soaked with sweat. Magneto pulled the magnetic field and rose into the air. Due to his carelessness, he was almost defeated by the young man.

The opponent's strong physical strength and lightning-fast speed caused the unsuspecting brotherhood leader to suffer a big loss!

The black shadow stood in the snow, with a fiery red wave behind it. The scorching flames were rolling and twisting. The snowflakes falling from the sky were melted into water droplets, and a thin smoke was emitted.

"Good skills." As a veteran strongman among mutants, Magneto naturally would not give in easily. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his originally contemptuous attitude turned into a serious one.

Raising his hands upward, the simple bar standing in the dark night shook violently, and the cars parked in the snow were no exception. Objects stained with metal were summoned by magnetism and rushed towards the old man flying in the air. Gathering into a mighty raging storm!

It was just a moment of carelessness that caused him to be knocked down by Sean's fierce offensive. Now Magneto has regained his strength, and at a distance, he is controlling a steady stream of metal frenzy. He can play with it at will like a cat playing with a mouse. He looked at the young man who lacked long-range attack methods, and then watched the opponent being strangled to death by the metal storm.

The bar that lost its support collapsed suddenly, and dozens of trucks loaded with goods were also dismembered. They were like endless steel fragments, controlled by magnetic traction, turning into sharp metal giant blades, like thin and sharp blades. , reflecting the cold light.

Magneto, with his robes flying in the air, is like a majestic general, laying out a series of strong defense lines that are difficult to overcome. Obviously, Sean's quick speed and powerful strength just now are still fresh in his memory.

"Are you a super soldier of the military, or a secret weapon created by Stryker using mutant genes?"

The mutant leader's question reached Sean's ears along with the howling cold wind. He smiled faintly and looked up at Magneto, who thought he was invincible.

"The warm-up is over!" The young man's voice passed through the wind and snow.

Immediately, the black shadow standing on the ground tore through the air, like a small passenger plane flying at full speed. Its powerful body took steps, and the hard ground opened with spiderweb-like cracks, and the rumbling explosions echoed in the night sky!

"Arrogant people who don't know the heights of heaven and earth." Magneto snorted coldly, and a metal blade capable of cutting any flesh and blood flew out at high speed, like a preying bird of prey, lying across the direction of the black shadow.

The experienced mutant leader naturally saw that Sean did not have the ability to fly. He only relied on his strong physical strength to soar from the ground. He controlled a sharp metal blade like a razor blade and laid a death net towards him. The black shadow leaping into the sky enveloped him.

Amidst the muffled roar, Sean, who was filled with cold murderous intent, kicked away the metal blade with strong kinetic energy. A faint golden light spread around, condensing into an invisible solid force field, and those sharp weapons shot away. It was like hitting a strong iron plate, making a "dong dong" sound.

The black shadow stepped on a sharp blade, tapped his toes, and rushed towards Magneto again with a little help. His whole body was like an eagle in the air. Against the backdrop of the fierce fire, it was like a black lightning tearing through the thick night.

With the thick metal plate in front of him, Magneto fiddled with the magnetic threads, like the world's top performer. The metal wave hovering in the air suddenly violently violently violently rioted, and the buzzing metal vibrations continued to echo in the empty sky and earth. As a veteran strongman among mutants, he certainly knows how to control space and shrink the battlefield.

In the view of this old man wearing a helmet and a purple robe, Sean, who launched a fierce offensive, could not cause an effective attack on him at all. As long as he gradually shrinks the encirclement, as the scope of the metal storm continues to shrink, he will fall into The black shadow in the steel frenzy, no matter how powerful it is, how fast its speed, can only kneel down and beg for mercy.

The palm of his hand moved slightly, and the metal blade kicked away by Sean turned into dozens of sharp metal awls, which were thrown down like spears!

Amidst the piercing whistling sound, a solid energy field suddenly appeared, as if a solid barrier bounced away the long cones that came from the attack. However, Magneto, who witnessed this scene, smiled contemptuously and plucked the string of magnetism again. The metal that lost its kinetic energy melted and deformed, turning into countless tough steel threads, unfolding like a metal mesh, wrapping it from bottom to top.

The metal net controlled by magnetism is like a giant closed hand, trapping the evasive Sean in a dangerous trap. A metal blade twists and turns above, blocking the escape route, while metal storms from all directions also quietly surround him. Coming over, like a lightning-like black shadow, all roads were blocked.

Even with the powerful defense of the energy field, once he is caught in the steel net and loses the possibility of struggling, what will follow will be a continuous killing offensive. The metal frenzy that is ready to go is enough to crush Sean into flesh. mud!

A proud smile broke out on the old face. Magneto felt that victory was in sight, and the dragnet had already been laid. No matter how ferocious the prey was, he only needed to enjoy the fight between trapped beasts with peace of mind.

After defeating this unpredictable opponent, and then like a god coming to rescue those Brotherhood members who are in danger, Magneto will once again establish his strong prestige, and then unite his scattered compatriots , integrating the power of mutants, then even his friend Charles can't stop him!

ps: Chapter 1, commemorate it~

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