Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 129 Backstage

"The wind speed is 30 miles and the altitude is 15,000 feet. You can enter the landing zone now..."

Following the pilot's announcement, Tony jumped out of the hatch wearing steel armor.

The red and gold, cool-looking steel armor fell from the sky in a free-falling posture amidst dazzling colorful fireworks. The exciting music rang through the stage, and the lights focused on the Iron Man with his hands open, and there were bright beams of light. After falling, there was a row of hot backup dancers behind them, kicking their dazzling long legs, and there was a wave of cheers and warm applause from the bottom of the stage.

This was the Stark Industry Expo in Flushing, New York. Despite Pepper's dissuasion, Tony insisted on holding this grand solo show.

The circular stage at the foot rotated open, and several automatic mechanical arms stretched out from it. They efficiently dismantled Tony's steel armor. Feeling the overwhelming cheers and shouts coming from below, the playboy in a black suit expressed that he enjoyed it very much. He loved it. This feeling that the eyes of the whole world are focused on me comes from people's passionate calls, igniting the heart that is gradually being eroded by palladium poison.

The flag of the United States was waving on the giant screen, and Tony stood at the center of the stage. He had just finished the hearing held by the Military Commission not long ago. Even if some people in the military wanted to take away the steel armor from their hands, but under Playboy's Despite hard arguments and strong resistance, it still came to nothing.

Although those energy giants still publish negative comments about new energy sources from time to time, such exaggerated and untrue reports cannot interfere with Tony's unswerving determination. At this time, Iron Man is full of confidence. He believes that even if he throws away his large weapons As a businessman, I can still build a new energy era belonging to Stark!

"How can a clown like Justin Hammer deserve to be compared with me?" Tony couldn't help but laugh secretly thinking of the other party's funny appearance at the hearing.

"Some people say that the long-lasting peace in the world is because of my existence. Some people say that playboy Tony Stark was reborn from the ashes and transformed into a superhero. Uncle Sam can sit in a recliner and drink ice leisurely. Tea, all because there is a nosy and capable Iron Man who is defending the world and maintaining peace..."

With the same narcissistic tone as always, Tony was like a big star, immersed in the carnival shouts of the audience, and the flame of enthusiasm almost ignited the night sky.

As Pepper said, Stark Industries has been subject to controversy and public criticism recently. After losing the Department of Defense as its backer, the transformation of this giant in the military industry has been quite difficult. New energy sources have been ignored by the market. The board of directors is also full of dissatisfaction. If it weren't for the female secretary who was mediating among them, Tony would have been troubled by this mess.

"But I want to say that none of this is true. The long-term world peace was not given by me, and personal power is not enough to turn decay into magic. What a person does is not important - inheritance is the most important! We What should be left for the future, so starting next year, for the first time since 1974, outstanding talents from different countries and fields around the world will be here to share their common vision and create a better future! "

"...We are not important, the legend is behind me, thank you, please don't talk about me anymore - welcome to Stark Industries Expo."

The huge high-definition screen on the stage began to play the video of Howard Stark's speech decades ago, the former chairman of Stark Industries and Tony's long-dead father.

Tony walked off the stage and took a deep breath. He seemed to be nostalgic for the enthusiastic cheers that had just erupted from the audience. He liked the lights, the stage and people's eager eyes. The joy of being in the spotlight was addictive, especially for today's people. For him, soon this playboy with countless auras and multiple identities would no longer be able to enjoy this wonderful feeling.

"I don't know if anyone will feel sad after I leave. Well, Pepper will definitely cry uncontrollably."

Standing in the empty backstage, Tony took out a portable blood detector, which showed that the toxin content in the blood was much higher than before. He curled his lips and sighed inaudibly.

Death has always been mankind's greatest fear and its final destination.

"It's really rare that Tony Stark can be humble sometimes." A joking voice came from behind.

"Damn it! Why can I see you everywhere!" Tony put away the blood detector in his hand and turned to look at Sean who appeared here for some reason.

To be honest, he rarely appreciates someone, and rarely hates someone, because most people are not qualified to be recognized by him, while other people are not even worthy of being hated and despised by him.

However, the black-haired young man in front of him had both of them. Tony, who had known the other person's experience, admired Sean's rise from unknown to famous, but due to a certain man's unique psychology, he also didn't like him. Perhaps it was what happened at the last dance that made him The playboy subconsciously regarded Sean as an imaginary enemy.

"This is an invitation from Miss Potts. I heard that Stark Industries' transformation has not been successful. Currently, it has only received orders for wind power plants and waste gas treatment plants. It happens that Osborne Industries also has some ideas about new energy sources."

Sean spread his hands. Of course he knew that Tony Stark, who seemed to be willful, had actually been prepared in his heart. Closing the weapons manufacturing factory was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. The other party had found a bigger gold mine. If new energy sources Successfully opening the market will have broad prospects, enough to change the world.

That’s why those energy giants keep looking for trouble with Stark Industries. Just imagine, how can a group that relies on the old energy system to monopolize the market tolerate Tony to break the inherent system and play according to the other party’s game rules again? , secretly promoting the hearing is only the first step, and more drastic measures will be waiting for this playboy in the future.

Sean stopped his smile and said softly: "Perhaps you don't know that Osborne Industries has also made great progress in the energy field, such as smart grids. We have almost all completed the power supply and circuit installation in New York City. And Umbrella’s Dr. Otto, he has been trying to create a cheap and efficient new energy source, so you must have heard of the artificial sun project.”

Tony no longer had the previous tit-for-tat confrontation. He had heard a little bit about Dr. Otto. If Umbrella hadn't taken a step ahead, he would have hired him to be the director of Stark Industries' energy department.

"I've left all these things to Pepper, you don't have to tell me." Glancing at the young face, Tony felt a dark emotion well up in his heart.

"As a reasonably qualified biologist, I have to remind Mr. Stark that death from palladium poisoning is... very painful."

Sean could see the faintly blackened blood vessels hidden under the makeup. The palladium toxin was like a coquettish flower sucking Tony's life force, spreading from his chest to his neck, and was about to kill this arrogant playboy.

"You don't have no choice, Tony. You still have a chance to save your body before the poison completely eats it up."

The man known as Iron Man was silent for a moment. His cynical face showed a rare serious expression, and his slightly dim eyes regained their sparkle.

"You won't understand." Tony pointed to his chest, where the Ark reactor was, "We always have to leave something for this world after we die. My father founded Stark Industries and imprinted the family's name on it. In history, the passing of Tony Stark will not be remembered by people. He was just a bohemian lucky man, but Iron Man deserves to be remembered by everyone."

"Is this Tony Stark's hero complex?" Sean asked.

"This is every man's hero complex." Tony replied.

The young man looked at the bearded man with persistent light in his eyes and said softly: "If there is wine now, I would be willing to have a drink with you - a toast to Iron Man."

"I'm not in the habit of drinking with men." Tony smiled freely, and his back disappeared into the shadows backstage.

ps: The fifth update is on the shelves, I feel great, give it a like (〃'▽'〃)

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