Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 135 The Face of the World

Master Gu Yi's stern shout was like a roaring thunderous roar. The invisible sound wave carried spiritual power and hit the young man standing there like a raging wave.

A faint golden light flashed from his eyes. Sean took a step back. The surging power swept out of his body. Two powerful energy waves collided with each other. Violent vibrations visible to the naked eye shook the void, like a huge stone smashing into the tranquility. There were obvious ripples on the surface of the lake, and the broad yellow monk's robes were blowing like a strong wind blowing in the face.

Mage Gu Yi's eyes became slightly solemn, and she clapped her left hand. The ground beneath her feet trembled, and the complicated patterns piled up into a wave of masonry as high as a person. Sean could feel that there was some kind of obscure and secret energy fluctuation attached to it, probably a strange power such as a so-called magic spell. If he was touched, those seemingly fragile concrete masonry would instantly turn into a solid building. The cage!

Compared with mutants' superpowers or powerful technological weapons, the power of magic is even more difficult to guard against. It uses cumbersome spells or complex magic circles to induce some kind of powerful energy and has many magical effects. Being able to attack the body and destroy the soul, it is no wonder that those strange creatures in the dimensional space regard mages as natural enemies.

The energy field condensed into substance expanded, crushing the wave of bricks and rubble into fine dust. Fine cracks opened on the ground under your feet, and the huge power condensed into a point, and then burst out! Sean crossed the distance in an instant and punched hard! The surging power squeezes the air and explodes with astonishing power like a cannonball!

The delicate and small folding fan opened, and the simple mantra suddenly flashed out, resisting the powerful and ferocious punch. With a loud and dull sound like thunder, the robe of the ancient master vibrated, and flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, and was hit. Sean, who had the force of the shock, crashed through the buildings floating in the air, like a sharp straight line, tearing through the reinforced concrete wall.

"I know all mages are good at melee combat!" Sean said depressedly as he shook his head.

He tore off his expensive suit that was torn into strips, leaving his half-naked body. Like a fired cannonball, he rushed towards the standing Supreme Mage, and all the buildings blocking the way forward were destroyed by huge The power tore it apart, and in less than a breath, Sean, who looked like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, had already arrived in front of Ancient One.

Two giant magic shields that took shape in an instant appeared. After blocking a whip from above, they shattered and dissipated with a bang. The ancient mage showed no fear on her face. She had fought countless evil spirits that had disrupted the world in her life. Or have fought against invaders from other worlds. Those terrifying demons with a nature of violence and killing are not worth mentioning in front of the supreme Emperor Weishan!

Turning his palm, complex and obscure lines instantly outlined a small magic circle, and the space was suddenly pulled away. The Supreme Mage, who was so close at hand, has turned into a tiny black dot, and the red beam of light bursting out of Sean's palm was like burning red. Like a knife, it cut through the layers of high-rise buildings, but still couldn't touch Gu Yi's figure.

"You are just a beast locked in a cage. No matter how wildly you roar, you will never be able to escape from this place." The mage's voice echoed in this seemingly endless mirror space.

Across a long distance, Sean sneered and said: "If it's as you said, why don't you lock me here and leave directly? Let me, a visitor from another world, go crazy after being tortured for a long time, kneeling on my knees. Your feet are begging and crying!"

He didn't believe Gu Yi's heart-wrenching words. The mirror space did not exist permanently. It was just a way for mages to train for combat or isolate danger.

"An opponent like you really gives me a headache." Master Gu Yi smiled and shook his head, fiddling with the delicate folding fan in his hand. "You are not blindly superstitious about power, but at the same time you have powerful power. If you always choose to hide it instead of changing Depending on the direction of time, maybe I will never discover your existence."

"What is your purpose? I have observed you for a while, and you are neither like the demons in hell, who crazily swipe through human souls and treat them as delicious food, nor the so-called angels, who deceive the ignorant into believing... Are you also a prophet, able to see through the fog of the future?"

Hearing the curious question from Master Ancient One, Sean stood on the top of the floating building. While thinking about how to approach the Supreme Mage, he replied: "If I tell you, in fact, I was just playing games and was forced to Traveling through time, respected mage, would you believe it?"

Surprisingly, Master Gu Yi, who was wearing a yellow monk's robe, did not show any sarcasm. She tapped her chin with a folding fan, and a thoughtful light appeared in her eyes.

"Sounds very reasonable." The current Supreme Mage nodded, with a look of enlightenment. "People like you are not uncommon. In the long history, we have captured many souls who have traveled through time. They There are also people like you who claim to be from another world and travel through time and space for various inexplicable reasons. Some even told me that this world is actually just a virtual dimension that exists in comics or movies."

It was rare for Sean to show an expression of extreme shock. Master Gu Yi's words really stirred up a storm in his heart, making it difficult to sort out his chaotic thoughts for a moment.

After calming down the complicated emotions in his heart, he asked: "Then why did I escape your pursuit?"

Gu Yi smiled lightly and said, "You have to ask yourself."

"Some outsiders' power can easily trigger the temple's defense mechanism, while others are more obscure, or due to the same origin, making it difficult for us to detect them for a while."

Sean was silent for a moment. He wisely did not ask about the fate of those fellow travelers. Presumably, if they fell into the hands of the Temple Mage, they would not have a good ending.

"Don't you believe what these people say at all?" asked the young man whose clothes were in pieces.

"From the moment we step onto the path of a mage, we must clearly understand the boundaries between reality and illusion, because magic itself is a strange power that subverts the perception of reality."

Gu Yi stepped into the void and waved the folding fan in her hand. The floating buildings in the sky returned to their original positions. The upside-down mirror space suddenly shattered. The hanging ring on her hand flashed a few times, and a huge noise filled the sky. into Sean's ears.

There was only a moment of darkness, and he returned to the material world. The cars passing by on the highway, the sound of car horns, the roar of engines, and even the slight sound of the breeze, came into view.

"A person's cognitive and learning abilities determine how far he can go on the road of mage in the future. This planet is not the whole world. There are countless superimposed dimensions, hidden dimensional spaces, and the entire multiverse is infinitely vast... You know When I first glimpsed its entirety, was my heart so shocked?"

Standing quietly next to him, Master Gu Yi looked at the city in the distance and said softly: "Every Supreme Master can see fragments of the future. I can even feel that I am about to die in the near future. ."

She looked back at the black-haired young man with a solemn expression. Only at this moment could Sean feel that the bald mage wearing a yellow monk's robe in front of him was an ancient person who had truly lived for a long time.

That kind of indifference when talking about death and the understanding of life are not something he can touch, at least not now.

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