Loud and exciting dynamic music hit his face. Sean, who had put on brand new clothes, frowned. The air was filled with the smell of alcohol and high-end perfume. The light in the room was deliberately dimmed, and the colorful lights flashed and switched, creating a fiery atmosphere. The atmosphere is like a nightclub.

Tony, who was wearing steel armor, was in the center of the light, surrounded by a group of admirers and beautiful and lively girls. He staggered, holding a bottle of Budweiser beer in his hand, and his tongue seemed to be curled up, slurring. Qing sells out Stark's unique dry humor.

"Oh, let's see who this is? Sean, our genius~" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the young man walking in. Tony, holding the microphone in his hand, immediately directed the light to that place, as if welcoming the hero to enter. He yelled loudly in an exaggerated tone, as if he were on the scene.

After passing through the circle of passionate girls, Sean came to Tony, who seemed to have returned to his previous wild life, and lowered his voice: "Is this how you plan to spend your last birthday?"


The drunken Iron Man twisted his body to the music, as if he was in an extremely excited mood. Rhodes and Pepper in the audience looked helpless. At this time, Tony was like a willful child, and no one could stop him from continuing. Keep messing around.

Sean shook his head. The toxins released by the reactor in his chest gradually eroded Tony's body. Before long, Iron Man would once again dominate the headlines across the United States - but it would be in the form of an obituary.

In the original timeline, Nick Fury, who was very familiar with Tony's father, approached the playboy who was about to reach the end of his life. Through prompts and guidance, Iron Man found inspiration from his father's videos and finally created The more stable and powerful new elements saved his decaying body that was corroded by toxins.

"Your mood seems to be particularly strong today. Have you taken any illegal drugs, or are you preparing to perform the last act of madness in your life?" Sean picked up a glass of martini from the tray, and the hot and spicy liquid poured into his throat, making his whole body feel refreshed.

"In the past few days, I have been having the same dream. In that dream... I got rid of the trouble of palladium toxin. I am a superhero worshiped by everyone. I fought side by side with many partners and saved the country countless times. , defeated the villains who destroyed the world."

Tony was silent for a while. He put his arm around Sean's shoulders and drank all the wine in the bottle. His eyes were a little confused and he said softly: "Later, I saw those friends, and they fell in front of me one by one... ...I can't save them, I can't save anyone! But the only thing I'm thankful for is that you are not in my dream, Sean Sipers is a non-existent person."

He smiled self-deprecatingly and picked up another glass of strong wine. This playboy had lost his usual high spirits, pride and confidence, and his eyes were like lights that were about to go out, with only the last bit of light remaining.

"A very interesting dream." Sean patted the steel armor and glanced at the secretary sitting in the corner. She was sitting alone on the sofa, out of tune with the noisy and warm atmosphere, "You didn't tell Pepper?"

"My pain will not be reduced by half because others share it. Why should I let Pepper suffer with me? I believe that as the new president of Stark Industries, she will be much better than me." Tony looked at the people sitting there. The secretary in the distance said with a carefree smile.

Sean was silent and didn't speak. Tony, who was wearing steel armor, rushed into the carnival dance floor and swayed and twisted with the hot girls. The music with a strong rhythm became even more manic. Stark, who was naturally romantic, began to talk to the girls again. His usual dry jokes.

"The most common question I encounter is, 'How do you go to the toilet when you're wearing steel armor?'" Tony paused, with a confused look on his face, and then made a comfortable voice, "Just like this! Safe and controllable filtration The system can even be used for drinking!”

"Why don't you go up and stop him? I just saw Colonel Rhodes go to Tony's basement." Sean took the wine glass from the secretary's hand. It seems that Tony has been tormenting poor Pepper a lot recently.

"Tony is becoming more and more unfamiliar. It feels like I have never really known him... Maybe I really don't know him very well. After coming back from the front line, he seems to have become a different person, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes mature. He is steady, but sometimes he is even more ridiculous and wild. I don’t understand what’s wrong with him!”

Pepper was leaning on the sofa, her tall figure formed a perfect curve, and her bright eyes seemed to be filled with mist, hazy. Sean glanced at Tony who was reveling on the stage and said softly: "Perhaps he also has troubles that are difficult to tell. It is always more difficult for men to speak and open up their hearts than for women, especially a proud person like Tony."

The two of them cast their sights towards the center of the dance floor. The protagonist of tonight's birthday party was throwing up a wine bottle and then smashing it into pieces with his palm cannon. The girls around him let out a burst of exclamation. This made Tony's interest even higher. He threw up More wine bottles, glass fragments mixed with wine liquid, blooming beautiful flowers in mid-air.

"He treats everything as a game, holds expositions, promotes new energy... and leaves Stark Industries to me. Maybe Tony really trusts me, but I'm afraid of letting him down. It's all too heavy, and I'm afraid of myself I can't bear it." Pepper expressed her inner worries. The huge pressure in recent days had made her nerves tense and it was difficult to relax.

"It was the same when I first established Umbrella. The pressure of external public opinion and constant self-doubt were all like a huge stone weighing on my heart, making it difficult to let go." Sean stared at the secretary, the invisible spirit The power was like a breeze blowing through Pepper's restless mind.

Those anxieties and worries disappeared for a while, and the uneasiness surging in her heart gradually subsided, and the long-lost peace and tranquility enveloped her.

"Don't worry about those illusory things. Tony is just confused. Soon he will find his life goals and status." Sean said softly, his words were like the gentle spring breeze. Pepper blinked with hazy eyes. After many days, The tense nerves were relaxed little by little.

He helped the secretary, who was gradually falling asleep, to the guest room. There was a loud and chaotic sound from the outside. The carnival crowd fled, glass fragments were scattered on the floor, and the living room where the birthday party was held was in a mess. The two people who caused this scene The two men were still fighting, and the two steel armors collided with each other. The shock wave from the palm cannon shattered the decorated glass curtain wall in the room!

The turbulent and rolling air waves raised dust and smoke. Tony's friend, Colonel Rhodes, wearing the unpainted war machine, passed through the hole in the roof, and the bright fireworks of the propeller streaked across the night sky.

Tony leaned against the wall, like a tired traveler who had traveled too far. He knew that his friend could not stand his nonsense, but who could understand the pain of slowly dying.

"Today is a memorable day, let me give you a birthday gift." Sean looked down at Tony with gloomy eyes. He didn't want Iron Man to die. After all, Umbrella and Stark Industries still cooperated.

"Leaving this world with regrets is not your only destiny. Tony, you can change it." The young man's voice echoed in the quiet space.

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