Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 144 Interrogation Room

Half an hour later.

Sean was sent to a closed room. Coulson did not restrain his mobility. Instead, he opened the alloy handcuffs to indicate that he could move freely. The furnishings in the room were simple, with a metal table fixed on the floor and a dim lamp on it. The side wall was covered with one-way glass. It was foreseeable that many people were watching his every move on the opposite side.

Then there was a long wait of an hour. No one came in to torture him or yell at him, as if he had been forgotten. The boring time passed slowly. Sean took off his black windbreaker and calmly Sitting on the chair, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, there was no look of impatience on his face.

"Your tricks don't work very well, Coulson." Garrett, who was as rough as a cowboy, teased his friends. Through the one-way glass, they observed Sean who was locked in the room.

"This guy's psychological quality is not as bad as you think. Even if he is locked up for a whole day, he will not have any irritability." The experienced agent shook his head and looked at the student next to him, "Let Grant try it. Try, he is a master of torture and extorting confessions."

Coulson looked hesitant. He glanced at this young agent who was as cold as a machine. This was just a simple test. According to Sean's current status, even SHIELD can't act arbitrarily easily. If something goes wrong by then, Any scandal of abuse or beating would embarrass even Director Fury.

"Keep your wits about you." After a moment, Coulson nodded.

The tough-faced young man smiled and strode out. Not long after, he appeared within the one-way glass. Grant Ward pulled out his chair and sat on the opposite side, slamming a stack of documents on the table.

"It's very similar to your style. When you come up, you use your momentum to overwhelm your opponent and take the initiative in the conversation." Colson whispered.

Garrett chuckled. This young man was considered his proud disciple. He was a representative of the young elite within SHIELD and ranked as a seventh-level agent. After his discovery and training, he became an expert killer. In addition to not being good at teamwork, Apart from that, there are almost no other shortcomings.

Ward opened the document slowly, staring sharply at the young man opposite him. He moved his fingers and placed them on the first document, "Do you know him?"

Sean stopped tapping on the table, with a faint smile on his lips, and nodded: "Mr. James Wesley, he donated to Dr. Connors' laboratory, and everyone said he is a good man in Hell's Kitchen. ."

Pushing this document away, Ward took out another one and asked again: "What about him?"

"Wilson Fisk, I saw his obituary on the news, and I heard he was attacked by a group of crazy terrorists."

The next process is a simple question and answer, with both parties speaking calmly and without any disturbance, similar to a routine inquiry in the police station.

Documents were opened one after another, and the identities of the characters recorded on them were complex. There were gang leaders who died in a vendetta, real estate tycoons who were unfortunately killed, and military colonels who died in accidents, to name a few. They all have more or less subtle connections with Sean.

"You can't accuse me of planning to assassinate the president just because I walked around outside the White House."

The young man smiled calmly and retorted softly: "This Mr. Frank D'Amico, he is a big drug lord on the West Coast, and I am just a student going on a graduation trip with my friends. The two have nothing to do with each other; as for Wilson-Fisk, I was in the school laboratory all night that day, as Dr. Connors can testify..."

"These seem more like unreasonable conjectures or slander." Sean concluded.

He sat closer and raised a mocking smile on his face, "I thought SHIELD should be an official department like the NSA (National Security Agency). After working on it for a long time, it turned out that you are an agency under the New York Police Department, specializing in Responsible for handling such cases."

Ward was unmoved. He was not angered by the other party's provocation. As a level seven agent, if he could not keep calm thinking at all times, he would have been on the death list long ago.

Although he wanted to punch that hateful face now, Ward still suppressed his inner impulse considering the trouble it would cause.

"You think we can't find enough evidence? Do you think the powerful people outside will take you out? Do you think this is a court, and as long as you can afford a lawyer, you can be exonerated?"

Ward sneered, his eyes showing a sharp edge, as if he wanted to tear apart the true face of Sean's smiling face, "Even if you sit here for forty-two hours, no one can take you out of SHIELD. Even the federal government!”

"In four hours, there will be a group of secret service personnel outside to take you out. You will be hooded, sent to some secret base, and then detained there for a long time. Maybe no one will care about you for several years - —Sean Sipers This man will disappear from the world, gradually forgotten, until he dies.”

"You are not a person with a solid backing like Tony Stark. Those who are with you because of their interests will not use all their strength to oppose SHIELD. The so-called 'allies' will first calculate the gains and losses. Calculate the benefits.”

There was no emotion in Ward's tone, as if he was calmly describing the facts that were about to come true. In the dark room, the light of the desk lamp reflected the young agent's tough face, and a strong sense of oppression came over him.

However, Sean's expression remained unchanged, as if a turbulent undercurrent had hit a hard rock. The young agent's verbal threats did not have the expected effect. SHIELD is certainly a huge organization, but not everyone is afraid of it.

The young man sat on the chair leisurely, shook the collar of his clothes, and said calmly: "Mr. Grant, let me tell you what will happen next."

His expression and tone were very calm, his eyes were soft, and there was no trace of excitement or fear at all. There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if this was not a SHIELD interrogation, but a friendly meeting.

"Soon you will receive a call from the White House or the military, maybe both, and then your commander will knock on the door and call you outside. Then he will give you a helpless look and tell you to sit in the room. That bastard in there has a vice president and an army general behind him. The former arms giant Stark Industries is his partner, a rising star in the medical and biological industry, and Harry Osborn is a college student with him. Classmate, and he himself almost won the National Medal of Science issued by the President... Four hours later, I will walk out of the door of SHIELD. Even if all your accusations are true, I can still walk out of this room safe and sound and continue to enjoy The life of a rich man is occasionally published in newspapers and called a great genius..."

"And you, Mr. Grant Ward, you can only watch this madman in front of you go free. Even if you want to beat me into a ball of mud now, you don't dare to lay a finger on me, otherwise you will have to go to federal prison. For the rest of your life, no matter how much the commander hiding behind you values ​​you."

The gentle young face still maintained a friendly smile, but there was an extremely arrogant air in his plain tone, as if he didn't care about anyone.

He pointed at the one-way glass on the wall, and his mocking smile continued to expand, "Do you know why I cooperate with you? Because even if all this is true, even if I am a villain who has committed countless crimes, but Can you send me to jail?"

Sean caught a glimpse of the young agent's clenched fists. He changed to a comfortable position and leaned on the chair, placing his hands on his knees, looking relaxed and without resistance.

"I don't want to talk right now. If you can, please bring me a cup of coffee without sugar."

Ward, whose anger had reached its peak, was about to swing his fist when someone opened the door and Coulson and his teacher Garrett stood in the shadows.

Facing Sean's teasing smile, Ward tightened his lips, took away the documents on the table, and turned to leave.

"Remember my coffee, Mr. Agent." The young man's voice came from behind.

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