Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 155 Hydra first appears

The night was dark, looking at the twinkling lights outside the window, Alexander Pierce sighed, picked up the whiskey with ice on the table and drank it in one gulp. For a senior agent like him, alcohol could not shake his firm will. The only things that can really shake your inner faith are those warm memories of the past.

It is hard to imagine that this middle-aged man, who looks ordinary like a civilian government official, has served as the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and is currently an important leader of the national security department, with countless dazzling auras. It was he who personally appointed Nick Fury as the next director, and fended off countless criticisms from Congress and the White House for SHIELD.

But who could have imagined that beneath those glorious images and prominent status, Alexander Pierce actually had a real face that surprised everyone.

"Operation Winter Soldier failed, the clean-up work has officially begun." Pierce coldly threw down the headset and issued the last command.

Following his order, the mysterious organization hidden behind the scenes, like a precision machine that turned on the power, began to operate nervously and orderly, using huge energy to eliminate the traces that may be left by this assassination operation.

If those stupid energy giants weren't frightened by Stark Industries' expansion plan, how could anyone come up with such a desperate plan to assassinate Tony Stark? Not to mention how much trouble it will cause, Nick Fury's investigation alone will make it difficult for these interest group members who only have Franklin in their eyes.

Pierce complained helplessly. He who had been hiding within SHIELD knew how much Nick Fury valued Tony Stark. This was not just out of extra care for the son of his old friend, but because of that person. The black director truly saw inestimable value from that playboy.

Unfortunately, Hydra's internal forces are intricately intertwined. In addition to the S.H.I.E.L.D. spies led by Alexander Pierce, there is also another group of forces led by White Hall. This unimaginably large secret organization has many capital groups or interest allies behind it. , and most of the time, the other party has no idea who they are cooperating with.

Of course, Pierce knew about Nick Fury's Avengers plan that had been brewing a long time ago. With the frequent appearance of superheroes, it gave the current director a headache. S.H.I.E.L.D. is the World Security Council's special purpose in dealing with various extraordinary events. It is a special institution, and what is embarrassing is that it does not have the strength to compete with superpowers. For ordinary people, national laws are social rules worth abiding by, but for superpowers, It's like a piece of paper with no deterrent effect at all.

After a long evolution from its predecessor, the Strategic Science Corps, to the Strategic Hazard Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Division, it developed into SHIELD, which is now directly under the jurisdiction of the World Security Council. The original intention of this special department was to Dealing with major crises that cannot be solved by human governments is why Nick Fury is so keen on the Avengers project.

"Only superpowers can deal with superpowers."

Pierce recited the current director's original words, which seemed to be very meaningful. SHIELD has expanded and grown in the hands of Nick Fury, and now even he doesn't know the specific extent of this special department's development.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, the stronger SHIELD is, the more the mysterious organization that lives on its body will gain.

After a long wait, the world is about to usher in a new era. Pierce's eyes flashed with fanaticism, and words full of ambition and madness quietly echoed in the room——

"Cut off one head and two more will grow! Long live Hydra!"


Kansas, on a sprawling estate in Wichita.

A middle-aged man with slightly white hair on his temples smashed the phone against the wall. Fred Koch, a young and vigorous man, was tall and had a pair of glasses on his tall nose, which made his sinister face look slightly softer.

"What a waste!"

Angry roars echoed in the study, and Fred was furious. He originally thought that the partners belonging to the secret organization could successfully kill the playboy Tony Stark, but who would have thought that he had just received the news that the assassination operation had failed. .

This middle-aged man, who is only forty years old, is the helmsman of Koch Industrial Group, managing the world's largest unlisted company. His business includes petroleum, energy, chemicals, wood, etc. It can be said that he radiates many industries, such as A huge creature waving countless tentacles.

With the promotion of Stark Industries' new energy sources, Koch Industries Group, which stands at the top of the industry, undoubtedly feels an invisible pressure. This time its opponent is different from the small minions with no foundation in the past. The opponent itself has huge Influence and funds, if Tony Stark is allowed to advance into the energy industry, it will be equivalent to directly sending a pocket full of money.

Koch Industries owns refineries in Alaska, Texas, Minnesota and other places, and also builds and purchases oil pipelines. It is the largest liquefied petroleum gas processing group in North America, occupying 25% of the total North American market. In the field of crude oil trading, the annual trade volume exceeds 700 million tons. At the same time, it is the sixth largest electricity supplier in the United States, with power supply business covering all 50 states in the United States.

Fred Koch, who is in charge of this huge group, can be regarded as a well-deserved energy giant. Regardless of money or power, he stands at the top of the country's pyramid.

However, facing Stark Industries' advance into the energy market, Fred still felt threatened. First of all, Tony Stark's new energy source was indeed more attractive. Compared with the profits created, its cost was as high as Low cost, coupled with the support of its own strong strength, it is indeed qualified to challenge industry giants.

If he hadn't been under real pressure, he wouldn't have taken the risk of cooperating with those mysterious guys. His father had warned him many times to avoid interacting with those sneaky people hiding in the dark as much as possible.

"Fred, is the end of the world coming?" A gray-haired old man was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed into the study by the young nanny behind him.

He is Jonathan Koch, the former helmsman of Koch Industries and Fred’s father. It is this decrepit old man who, in just over sixty years, has transformed the world into a business without relying on the financing function of the capital market. A small oil refinery expanded into the largest privately held company in the United States and even the world. Relying on great business methods and a series of acquisitions, it firmly established itself as the industry leader.

"Father, did I wake you up?" Fred, who was usually bossy, showed no dignity at all in front of the old man.

"The whole manor could hear your roar, which made me think the end of the world was coming. Otherwise, as the leader of the Koch Working Group, why would you be so irritable?"

Facing his father's teasing, Fred smiled awkwardly. He just lost his composure for a moment. After all, sending people to assassinate him was no longer considered legitimate business competition.

Unless the struggle between big shots is a life-and-death battle, few people will take the initiative to break the rules of the game, especially the act of paying someone to kill someone, which is really unacceptable.

"Or for that playboy Stark?" The old man glanced at his son, his cloudy eyes rolled, and he stretched out his skinny arm and held Fred's hand.

"Our family is the descendant of Dutch immigrants. Your grandfather bought the first oil refinery and handed it over to me. Many people ask me the secret of doing business. In fact, there is only one sentence, 'Don't trust capital. "The financial game of the market', remember what I said when I handed the company over to you?"

"Unless you... are dead, Koch can't be listed on the market." Fred was half-kneeling, burying his face in his father's skinny arm.

"We are rooted in this country and radiate our influence to various fields. Although Stark has the drive and dares to break the rules, pioneers often have to pay a heavy price. Koch Industries has never been afraid of challenges, and it has no Who can really overthrow us!" The old man stared at his son closely and said slowly: "Don't worry about non-existent dangers. There are countless people who want to get their hands on a rich cake, but we are not the sharers, but the makers. By."

Fred nodded. He understood what his father meant. Starting a new energy era would not happen overnight. It might require several generations of efforts. He was just stimulated by Stark Industries' big move.

"There are not only enemies in business. Since the arrival of a new era is the general trend, we can also choose to cooperate with Stark." The old man patted his son on the shoulder and said seriously: "Don't stick to the family legacy. I have never been involved in finance. The reason for playing games is that at that time, I couldn’t afford to lose at all, but you have the capital to afford to lose, so don’t be afraid to go to the gambling table.”

"In line with the changes of this era, Osborne's smart grid is very good. We can use it as an opportunity to take the first step."

Fred made a mental note that before leaving the study, the old man looked at the heirs of the family business with stern eyes, like a powerful old lion, "Don't cooperate with those people anymore, they are greedy people who can never be fed." The snake will only swallow you completely in the end!"

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