Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 173 About the future planning of mutants

When Sean returned to New York, he fell into a busy life surrounded by various documents and meetings, Umbrella's energy promotion, cooperation orders with the Pentagon, and budget reviews and fund reports of various laboratories. The artificial intelligence Skynet solved part of the situation for him.

Sean, who was sitting in the office chair, took a deep breath. The reason why he sponsored Jane Foster's research was because he wanted to give mankind a shot in the arm. In the vast depths of the universe, the earth is not the only one with life and civilization. , when the Chitauri army arrives, they will find that the disputes and internal strife on this planet will only make the human race continue to consume their own strength.

Instead of fighting endlessly for resources and land, why not turn your attention to the sea of ​​stars, use this blue planet as a starting point, and launch an exploration into the universe, just like the "Age of Discovery" in the fifteenth century, with the widespread Major breakthroughs in ocean activities and geography, new shipping routes were constantly opened, exchanges occurred between various continents, and the cultural ideas of the East and the West collided fiercely.

For the sake of legendary wealth and treasures, those navigators did not hesitate to risk their lives, sailed long distances, and rushed into the vast sea. This undoubtedly proved once again that human beings are never hesitant to pay the price as long as they have enough temptations of benefits.

In today's world, countries are engaged in crazy plundering of resources, and the gradually depleting energy indicates that the struggle will intensify. That's why Tony is committed to promoting new energy. Compared with the military industry, it is truly inexhaustible. A huge inexhaustible gold mine.

However, Sean believes that by establishing exchanges with the major civilizations in the galaxy, it is completely possible to achieve a technological explosion. Just like the Europeans back then, they focused their attention beyond the planet, and when the technology for interstellar colonization matures, resources, Land, population growth...all kinds of problems that plague mankind will naturally become a thing of the past.

Of course, it is too early to talk about this now. The inherent evil nature of human beings has destined them to be unable to put aside all conflicts of interest in peacetime and work together to realize the great cause of mankind in the stars and seas, so Sean is ready The first alarm bell came, and that was Asgard.

Of course, before Asgard shows any hostility, humans may still not take it to heart, but when the Chitauri lead an army and the whole world sees the power of alien life, then they may Will think about why we waste energy and time on endless civil strife.

The sense of danger is always the best way to make human civilization run wildly.

Tapping his fingers on the table, Sean put aside this grand plan that was not yet ripe for the time being. Rome could not be built overnight. Before the Asgard prince arrived with the mighty Chitauri army, he had to deal with it first. Focus on the things in front of you, such as the Avengers that are about to assemble, or a restless mutant.

The young man walked out of the office and took the private elevator into the confidential area. In Umbrella's area division, this area was a black area, and only he could pass through without hindrance.

The big chimpanzee sitting on the ground was wearing headphones, with a rough gravel-like vocal cord, humming the legendary singer Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone". The corner of Sean's mouth twitched. He was trying to make Caesar more He learned human language quickly, so he had a specially customized pair of headphones. As a result, this chimpanzee, who had no musical ability, fell in love with music.

Perhaps because he smelled the aroma of pizza, Caesar took off his headphones, turned his head and saw the young teacher teaching him language and knowledge. His vigilant glare immediately subsided, showing a docile and obedient appearance.

Sean placed the pizza boxes stacked like a hill on the ground and nodded with satisfaction. Caesar was like a little giant, wearing a mechanical equipment similar to an exoskeleton. His thick right palm was equipped with a pulse cannon, and there was a pulse cannon on his back. There is a jetpack, and the energy drive on the chest can also create a semicircular defensive force field.

This huge chimpanzee is responsible for guarding the Black Zone. No one can order it except the Red Queen and Sean.

Caesar leaned down and gently pressed his face against Sean's palm, showing respect and submission, but his eyes never left the generous pizza box.

This chimpanzee, which was originally used to test the Metis potion, gradually developed a learning ability that was not inferior to that of normal humans under Sean's deliberate training. Later, Skynet used model calculations to improve the failed Green Goblin potion. Injected into Caesar's body, a super orangutan with intelligence was transformed.

"Stay here obediently. When I have time in the future, I will ask the Red Queen to take you out to play." Caesar, whose mind has not yet fully matured, beamed with joy in his dark green pupils.

It sat on the floor, like a dark hill, with its thick arms close to its body, showing a look of "I will be good". In addition to guarding the black zone, Caesar is also the guardian of the secretly established prison for mutants. The unruly brotherhood members are all submissive under the rough management of this chimpanzee. Anyway, Sean only had him in the first place. Just give me an order: Just don’t kill him.

Stepping into the deep and dark space, unlike Magneto's underground prison, the Brotherhood members were imprisoned in spacious cells by him. They were provided with free food, water, electricity, and single rooms. Except for the fact that they had to receive injections of suppressive serum regularly and had no freedom, he said To be honest, the treatment is not bad.

This contrast with psychological expectations left some members of the Brotherhood scratching their heads as to what the young man who had almost wiped out all the mutants wanted to do.

Sean's appearance caused a commotion in the prison. Victor, the saber-tooth tiger, grinned and smashed the special solid glass with his powerful fists, while Todd, the toad, had a cold face and squatted in the corner of the wall silently. , and other fraternity members spoke, cursed and provoked one after another, and even made some obscene actions.

"Red Queen, tell them to be quiet."

The sound of electric current rang out, and the collar around the mutant's neck was instantly electrified. In the prison that had been noisy just now, only a group of poor guys fell to the ground and twitched.

"Next time, if anyone dares to make a loud noise without my permission, I will blow his head off." Sean said in a gentle tone, without any hint of a cold death threat.

Reaching a cell at the end, Mystique Raven kept quiet, which saved her from the same tragic fate as her foolish companions.

"I've been waiting for you to surrender to the trap for a long time." Sean smiled slightly, "I'll let you meet Magneto later. The agreement I reached with the professor includes you and Magneto. personal safety.”

This ever-changing female mutant had vigilance flashing in her dark yellow pupils. She didn't understand why Charles, who always hated conspiracies, would cooperate with this young man hiding behind the scenes.

As if seeing Mystique's thoughts, Sean said softly: "Don't doubt the professor, everything he does is for the future of his compatriots, just like Magneto, they reach the same destination by different paths, and they will still return to the same path in the end." On the road.”

"I can set Magneto and the Brotherhood free, but you'll have to pay the price."

The young man's eyes flashed, and his deep eyes looked at Mystique Raven. Her abilities were very valuable to him. In contrast, Magneto had more room to develop in the distant African continent.

The professor is responsible for creating a friendly image of mutants, while Magneto establishes a tough attitude. Both sides move forward together. This is Sean's plan for the future of mutants.

ps: I saw a reader asking about Secret Invasion and the timeline. Please explain, because "Captain Marvel" will be released next year and it has been confirmed that the Skrulls will appear, so I did not follow the comics, but based on the current situation. Based on the clues given by Marvel, I wrote a rough deduction. As the biological daughter of Marvel, Captain Marvel's timeline should be after Captain America 1. At that time, SHIELD should be called the Strategic Science Group, led by Peggy Carter. Nick Fury lost one in Secret Invasion. Eyes, and perhaps it was because of this crisis that the World Security Council was established. By the way, it can also explain why SHIELD has unreasonable hidden powers. Of course, all of this is my personal speculation, waiting to be officially Slap in the face^_^

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