Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 177 Deal with the Devil

The huge living room fell into a quiet and strange atmosphere. Minty poked her head out of the bedroom and immediately shrank back, with a solemn look on her face. She held one hand on her chest and the other hand seemed to be holding Like a pipe, the small mouth makes a few chirping sounds from time to time.

"Something is very wrong..." Mindy, completely immersed in her inner theater, thought she was Sherlock Holmes, smoking a non-existent pipe.

Little Loli didn't expect that her new friend would actually make such a request to Sean. Galli didn't look like a person with an enthusiastic and unrestrained personality...

He quietly opened the door and continued to observe the situation with his little head. Sean was obviously stunned for a moment. Looking at the girl's sincere and clear eyes, he was a little at a loss. Is the social atmosphere so open now?

"You smell very good." The girl emphasized again, her eyes sparkling, as if she had seen some dazzling treasure, "It meets the requirements of a spouse according to father."

Sean covered his forehead helplessly. What kind of family education can create a girl with such an almost ignorant and cute character? Didn't her father say that as a girl, you should at least retain a little reserve?

The finger against the girl's forehead suddenly trembled, and the energy in the body seemed to surge towards the girl uncontrollably. In the invisible thoughts, Sean suddenly felt the unusual and terrifying aura on the girl's body, the kind of life-stealing... , the instinct to devour matter is like a small black hole in the spiritual world, absorbing everything silently.

This is a life in the universe beyond human beings. Sean can deeply feel how powerful power surges under the girl's delicate and slender body, like a silent volcano that has never fully erupted.

I didn't notice it before, maybe the girl controlled her biological instincts, so she deceived her own perception...

Sean had a vague suspicion in his heart. Thinking of what Mindy said, this girl who ran away from home may have a very complicated origin. Could it be that before facing the overlord of the universe coming across the galaxy, he would have to meet a stranger first? The terrifying existence of discoloration that major civilizations talk about?

Although the ancient being known as "Planet Devourer" is not powerful enough compared to another cosmic overlord, his devouring instinct to regard planets as food at every turn undoubtedly makes people more... For fear.

This cosmic-level powerful being, whose original real name was Galatus, was born in one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe. He was the last survivor of the Taa planet. A violent and huge explosion released deadly radiation suddenly. The terrible disaster killed all life on the planet, but he was the only one who survived, and his body was full of powerful energy, which also made him extremely hungry. As his power continued to increase, that incomparable The real feeling of hunger becomes stronger.

In order to maintain his life, he could only continuously absorb huge amounts of energy. Over the long and endless years, Gaelatus gradually forgot his name. Due to the explosive growth of his power level, the time intervals between when he needed to absorb energy also became shorter and longer. The shorter he was, he used to devour uninhabited planets, but later, he successfully overcame his sympathy for civilization and life, and believed that he was a higher-level existence, so he chose to destroy planets to extend his life.

As a result, the former Galactus became a feared terminator of civilization, a terrifying existence known as the "Planet Devourer".

"Where is your father?" Sean asked softly.

No wonder the girl's body emits energy fluctuations like a black hole. As a descendant of the most powerful Devourer in the universe, she has indeed inherited her father's powerful power.

"I escaped from a very far away place secretly." The girl snickered quietly, obviously thinking that she had done something great.

A rebellious girl who ran away from home? What kind of nonsense is this!

Sean was speechless. He let go of the energy in his body, and his fingertips flashed with golden light. The moment it touched the girl's skin, it was instantly swallowed up.

There was a flush on Kali's little face, and she seemed to be intoxicated by this wonderful feeling. She licked her lips with her tongue and said softly: "A little more, just a little bit..."

Mindy's face in the bedroom was serious. She was thinking about whether to go out and stop her, lest her best friend fall into Sean's clutches. Oh, no, it seems that Sean is more dangerous now.

The feeding process lasted for about ten minutes. Sean exhaled and retracted his fingers. Seeing the girl who was still a little unsatisfied, an inappropriate sentence came to his mind for no reason.

"Sure enough, there are only cows that are dead from exhaustion..."

Galli's eyes looked at the young man, and her eyes sparkled even more. She never thought that on such a remote planet, she could find a creature that met the requirements of a spouse.

"Don't worry, I will be very restrained." The girl twisted her clothes with her fingers, and her hunger was slightly reduced, and she returned to her normal state.

Sean looked at the other party's shining eyes, and a strange thought flashed in his heart. After learning that his daughter was abducted by a man he had known for less than two hours, would the planet devourer blow his head off?


Hell's Kitchen, Matt Murdock's shabby apartment.

The blind lawyer looked at his hands in disbelief - this was truly observing with his eyes, rather than relying on super senses to outline and describe. For the first time since losing his eyesight, Matt regained sight. The scattered wine bottles on the floor were covered with The dusty floor and the two figures standing in the room were all so clear and real.

The former leader of the Hand, Mrs. Gao, and an old man with silver hair, who was holding a silver skull cane and wearing a black windbreaker, his face seemed particularly pale, and his sensitive sense of smell could smell something like... There is a faint smell of sulfur.

"Who are you?" Matt was wary.

Half an hour ago, the old man who called himself "Mephisto" claimed that he could give him the long-lost light, and then with a wave of his hand, he got rid of the dark world he had been accustomed to for a long time.

There is no longer any need to rely on the fluctuation of sound, the shape of objects, and various complicated information to outline the vague images in the heart. All these can be done through the eyes. Matt's firm heart felt a trace of hesitation. He clearly noticed a change in his attitude.

"I am a demon from hell - you humans usually call me this way." Mephisto chuckled, and the gloomy atmosphere filled the entire apartment, "Actually, I am just a fair trader to satisfy humans. Wishes and desires in exchange for a delicious soul.”

"I smell you, Matt Murdock, a lawyer who stands up for justice, a vigilante who fights crime, and a devout Catholic."

Mephisto moved forward and walked quietly to Matt's side, like a ghost sneaking into the world, "Tell me, Mr. Murdoch, can your god relieve the pain in your heart? The supreme greatness Will existence bring relief to those who are suffering?”

"You believe in justice, but you turn into a devil at night; you respect the law, but trample it under your feet... As a lawyer, you cannot fight against evil and practice justice; as a vigilante, you are regarded as a wanted criminal and suffer the consequences of the world. cast aside."

Mephisto let out a weird smile, and a scorching light appeared in his eyes. In the dark room, the shadows twisted and changed, like a devil from hell with two horns.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Matt asked with a cold face.

"I want to negotiate a deal with you." Mephisto looked around, and finally his eyes rested on the lawyer. A strange smile appeared on his pale face, "I just lacked a knight. The last one was a disobedient little boy. This guy ran away with the mission I gave him, this time I want to find someone reliable."

"I won't make a deal with the devil." Matt shook his head and refused, "even if I lose the light in front of me."

"Why be so pedantic, Mr. Murdoch, there is no conflict between practicing justice and joining the darkness, just like you are a lawyer during the day and a vigilante at night. Both of them are to implement the beliefs in your heart." Morpheus Tou raised his hand and pointed out the window, "This place is called 'Hell's Kitchen', oh, I like this name."

"It appears to be well-ordered, but in fact, endless evil is growing at every moment. Those drug dealers, street girls, smugglers, profit brokers... They squeeze wealth from the hands of civilians and rule this place with violence and money. area.”

"People are waiting for a hero to appear, Matt Murdock. The opportunity is before you. It is to plunge into the darkness in exchange for the power to carry out justice, or to continue this decadent and mediocre life."

Mephisto took out a parchment scroll, which was a contract to sell his soul. The ancient words written with a quill pen looked like twisted living creatures, exuding a strange atmosphere.

"When you complete a task, I will return your soul to you. It is a fair transaction and there will be no deception."

Matt Murdock closed his eyes. He was like a radar receiving all kinds of complex information. Those noisy sounds were like radio waves, entering his mind.

The evil in this neighborhood has never disappeared. It is just hidden in the darkness and decorated to look beautiful and orderly. But when the shiny fig leaf is lifted, the ugly face emerges clearly, violent oppression, bloody Crime, dirty and naked power-for-money transactions... they have never disappeared!

Taking a long breath, Matt opened his eyes. He took the parchment scroll from the demon's hand and said in a deep voice: "What do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small matter." Mephisto smiled and took back the successfully signed devil's contract, "My child is lost, and the last knight also escaped. It's a lot of trouble. You can Go and complete your vigilante career first, and when I need your help, I will naturally come to my door in person."

"Hopefully the next time I come to this place it will be a literal hell."

Mephisto leaned on a silver cane with a skull head and hit the floor hard. He and Mrs. Gao turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared suddenly, as if they had never appeared.

Matt clutched his chest. He could feel a searing power boiling and burning. Thinking of the devil's words before he left, the lawyer couldn't help but feel a little confused. Did he really make the right choice?

ps: Well, if anyone calls me short this time, I will blow their head off myself~

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