Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 182: Throw yourself into the darkness, turn your heart towards the light

In the quiet room on the top floor of the Star Ring Building, thin smoke lingered, and fine sandalwood smoke emitted from the exquisite and small copper stove. Erica, wearing a red and black tights, knelt and sat on the Japanese tatami. On the bed, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was doing his daily meditation exercises.

This is one of the training plans that Sean arranged for her. The power of Black Sky comes from the evil god believed in by the Hand. Erica was once possessed by a "beast", which inspired the dark side of her heart and became Alexa. Della's killing machine. Later, with the help of that man, she successfully overcame the desire to kill brought by the black sky, and instead completely locked the will of the evil god known as the "beast" into the cage of her soul.

From then on, Erica followed Sean's advice and began to meditate every day to exercise the power of her mind in order to tame the beast in her heart. One day, she would fully use the power of the black sky for her own use. Occasionally she would train with Sean - whether on or off the bed, the man's strength was growing at a rate that Erica couldn't understand at all. After absorbing the coveted keel in his hand, the other man seemed to have directly broken through. In the human stage, there were back and forth confrontations at the beginning, to unilateral crushing later on.

It seems that in a short period of time, Sean has made an explosive breakthrough. Erica sometimes has the terrifying feeling of facing a humanoid tyrannosaurus. Regardless of strength, speed, dynamic vision, and various physical qualities, the opponent has already... Break the limits of human beings and become a superhuman existence.

Erica, who has become the sole leader of the Hand, has left almost everything to Wesley. She just likes the pleasure that power brings and is not willing to bury herself in a bunch of boring affairs. Whenever she overlooks Hell's Kitchen from a high place, she is deeply attracted by this dark atmosphere. The bustling neighborhoods and dark corners are all crawling under her feet, trampled by those vicious thugs and arrogant gang leaders. The outlaws of the law have to play the game according to the rules set by her.

This kind of free life is what Erica longs for in her heart. She no longer has to follow the stickman's instructions, and she no longer has to be bound by morals or rules. As his thoughts flashed, the black air power in his body roared violently. The current leader of the Hand took a deep breath to suppress the urge to kill.

This confrontation of mind and will can make her stronger and stronger, not to mention that with Sean as the last insurance, there is no danger of losing control.

After subduing the beast in her body, Erica received a message and raised her eyebrows slightly. She picked up the short knife displayed on the weapon rack and walked towards the door.

At the same time, Daredevil, who had become the Ghost Rider, rushed all the way to the 32nd floor. At this time, his entire head was wrapped in flames, and billowing flames burst out from his empty eye sockets, absorbing many sins. The vengeful spirit of the soul let out a creepy and arrogant laugh.

"James Wesley! The source of evil in Hell's Kitchen!"

Daredevil's voice was hoarse. He grabbed Wesley's neck with both hands and roared: "Get that guy!"

Of course, Matt will never forget the mysterious man who really turned Hell's Kitchen into a private kingdom. It was he who single-handedly led Erica into the dark abyss, and then single-handedly repelled the Defenders and trampled the street heroes under his feet. , coldly killed Iron Fist Danny Rand, secretly controlled all gangs, and put a cloak of order on those criminal atrocities.

"I have obtained the evidence of your crime. As long as the source of the crime is eliminated, Hell's Kitchen will return to normal sooner or later!"

Wesley avoided those flaming empty eyes and forced himself to sneer: "Return to normal?"

"Let those gangs, who are like wild dogs, return to their arrogant days? Fight to the death for a block of land, or the ownership of a business at a port terminal? And then you vigilantes in fancy clothes come to fight criminals again? , enjoying the treatment of being called a 'hero'?"

Although his voice was trembling, Wesley was still undaunted. He knew the origin of Daredevil. He was a blind lawyer who stood up for justice. He initially opposed Kingpin and almost died in the hands of Bullseye, and later joined forces with the Hand. Conflicts would ensue until the young boss arrived and drove these street heroes away completely.

"Is this the reason why you put on a coat of righteousness for your actions?" The hoarse voice made people shudder.

Daredevil lifted Wesley into the air, pressed him hard against the solid glass wall, and roared: "Look at this place? Hell's Kitchen! Has it gotten better in your hands? I'll investigate. With the help of Ramon Phillips, the Hand will use the Rand Group to wildly encircle the land, trying to turn this place into a private kingdom for criminals and villains! Develop ocean transportation, transport prohibited items, and smuggle arms and drugs!"

"The crimes you have caused are countless. Those poor people are driven out, lose their families, and live on the streets. But you, the evil criminals, can enjoy the glory and wealth and live a luxurious life of feasting and feasting! You trample the law under your feet, He regards morality and justice as nothing, uses money to corrupt high-ranking officials, threatens civilians with violence, and yet in the end he still gets the reputation of a philanthropist!"

Daredevil's voice was full of anger. He would rather make a deal with the devil and betray his own beliefs and principles in order to restore true tranquility to the neighborhood where he grew up!

Matt, who has been blind since childhood, was sent to an orphanage after his father died at the hands of a gang. He was ridiculed for his shortcomings. Later, he met a stickman and learned Eastern martial arts from him. The kind-hearted dean sent him to a public school. Because he was born in poverty, he was often bullied in school. Matt, who was introverted, buried all his grievances and anger in his heart and endured it all silently.

Later, with his extraordinary intelligence and talent, he was admitted to Columbia University with excellent results and studied law. At that time, Matt was determined to be an upright lawyer and do his best to maintain justice. However, reality gave him a heavy blow.

"Then what are you going to do? Daredevil!" Wesley gasped hard, struggling, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Kill us and return Hell's Kitchen to its original state, and then what? Keep going. Crack down on gangsters and send those greedy and selfish businessmen to jail? So that evil can be eradicated?"

"Tell me, Daredevil, what great plan do you have? Maybe you can curb temporary crimes, but can you completely eliminate the selfish desires in the human heart? This is something that even God cannot do!"

Daredevil was silent for a moment, the fire in his eyes dimmed, but the spirit of vengeance roared angrily in his heart. Having absorbed many sinful souls, it longed for more nourishment.

"At least I won't let evil run rampant." The hoarse voice contained no trace of human emotion.

Looking at the brightly lit city in the distance, the blazing light in Daredevil's eyes suddenly lit up, "You all won't understand that I can make this city better!"

"So, before that, I will drive you all away!"

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