Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 184 Bombing and Killing

Daredevil's body was severely injured, with blazing flames spitting out of his eyes. The sharp howl of the spirit of vengeance almost turned into physical sound waves, echoing in the basement at the bottom of the Star Circle Building.

Treating the absorbed sinful souls as nourishment, with powerful power rushing like a river, Daredevil suddenly raised his head and sprayed out a raging pillar of fire from his mouth, like a flamethrower, rushing toward the sentry with blazing heat.

The distance between the two was extremely close, and there was no possibility of dodge. The spirit of vengeance laughed excitedly. It smelled the sinful aura in this man, the rich and deep darkness, even the spirit residing in Erica's body. The black sky is far inferior to the seven deadly sins in religious classics, excessive selfishness and strong darkness, intertwined into the most delicious atmosphere, like a delicious pastry exuding an alluring flavor, attracting coveted eyes all the time .

"...You are more terrifying than the devil. I feel...that crazy plundering and possessiveness. You even want to trample the whole world under your feet!" The spirit of revenge roared crazily, and the flames were tumbling like a giant dragon. , the scorching temperature is like a furnace, and will burn the sentinel to pieces!

"Crazy man, tyrant, careerist, conspirator... madman! He has committed a heinous crime! Accept the judgment of hell fire!"

Sean in the sentinel armor had a trace of disdain in his eyes. Through the contact just now, he had already understood that the so-called hell fire was just a mystery. The blazing flames attached mental damage, causing a burning sensation at the soul level.

Ghost Rider's Penitent Eyes are not always invincible, at least for him. The powerful power derived from the fire of hell is just a restrained weapon developed for demons. It was later modified by Mephisto and equipped with an angel similar to a living weapon, turning it into a vengeance weapon that specializes in hunting darkness and killing demons. The spirit only needs to find a suitable host to transform into the Ghost Rider.

The void shook faintly, and the golden energy visible to the naked eye opened into a semicircular force field. Two strong energies collided with each other, and the roaring air waves escaped, tearing the small basement into pieces, and all the sundries stored there were destroyed.

The spirit of vengeance controlled Daredevil, and the angry flames almost illuminated the entire underground space. He broke free from the sentinel's hand, and the hot fire surged like a dragon. If it had been anyone else, the high temperature would have evaporated the contents of his body. The water gradually shriveled into a skeleton-like mummy.

In the dark spaces attached to the material world, there exist various spiritual creatures. In the era of ignorance, they were praised by humans as angels or demons and recorded in religious classics. However, peeling off this layer of mystery and explaining it from a scientific perspective, they are just creatures with strong soul magnetic fields. They do not have human bodies, so they can freely travel through the dimensional gaps and feel the elements in the material world more intuitively. Energy, turned to manipulation and control.

The scorching fire stream hit the golden barrier, and a rich sulfurous smell filled the air. All kinds of terrifying and eerie screams echoed, trying to cause harm from the spiritual level. The spirit of revenge continued to output, and Daredevil had completely lost consciousness. Controlled by the power within the body.

"It seems that I am not qualified enough to judge me." Sean said jokingly, standing on the ground, unmoving, as steady as a mountain.

The Ghost Rider created by Mephisto was covered by the fire of hell. After the flesh and blood were burned, the body turned into a hard and strong white skeleton. Driven by the spirit of vengeance, he will have various magical powers, such as Bound by the laws of nature, it can burn in water and vacuum environments, burn the souls and bodies of enemies with flames, and can enchant anything it touches at will, such as Johnny Blaze's car that reflects the cold metallic light. A motorcycle that looks like a ghost-faced skeleton.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ghost Rider has the Eye of Repentance, a terrifying ability that scares both demons and criminals. Through eyes burning with hellfire, he can see the souls of others and look directly at the other person's past crimes. The crime committed allows the target to experience the pain caused by the harm caused to others in the past, thereby achieving the effect of trial and punishment.

Fire spewed from his empty eyes as he stared at the sentinel. As the Ghost Rider, Daredevil could naturally feel that the other person was not an innocent person, his soul was not pure enough, and his hands were stained with heavy blood. But when the Eye of Repentance was activated, , but did not see the crime committed by this person - although the strong smell of sin almost made the spirit of revenge go crazy with excitement.

Even the most blazing flames of hell cannot shake this man's soul.

"Maybe I am not a good person, but please don't simply classify me as a bad person. My soul is not pure enough, but it is pure enough. The power of hellfire alone is not enough to break my spirit."

The golden torrent resisted the fierce invasion of the flames of hell. Sean stepped closer to the Ghost Rider whose head was burning with flames. Through those hollow and blazing eyes, he saw two entangled souls, one belonging to Daredevil. Matt Murdock, the other is a crazy spirit of vengeance.

"Hi, Matt." Sean greeted with a smile.

"...You can't kill me!" Daredevil's consciousness dimmed, but the spirit of vengeance took over.

That vague form wrapped in flames, possessing a human body, is the real Ghost Rider.

"I am an immortal existence!" It smiled strangely and launched a silent provocation towards the sentry.

Even if Daredevil's body is destroyed, the spirit of vengeance will not die. It will be reborn in the flames of hell and find its next host again.

"Oh, really?" Sean stretched out his hand, and the golden torrent annihilated the incoming hell flames, like a violent and violent energy beam, completely released from his body.

With the Star Ring Building as the center, the entire block seemed to be shaking, like thousands of galloping wild horses pulling the earth, and the towering skyscrapers were shaking. The golden light is like a rising sun, emitting majestic energy unbridled, radiating and spreading in all directions, and endless light and heat sweep out.

Sean held down the flaming skull, and the surging energy squeezed Daredevil into the earth like a surging wave, like a high-speed pile driver, rumbling and smashing the opponent deep into the ground. Fine cracks opened on the hard head, and the severe pain caused Matt to wake up instantly. His entire body sank into the ground, carving out a deep human-shaped groove.

"Perhaps I can give you as a gift to the Supreme Mage of Karma Taj."

The cold voice was like a blade, and the golden torrent was like a steady stream of energy beam cannons, bombarding the hard bones wrapped in the fire of hell. A cracking sound sounded, as if the Ghost Rider would be shattered into pieces in the next moment, and be destroyed forever. The non-stop energy beam bombards it into powder!

ps: I recommend a book called "Hearthstone: Conquer the World", a game article. Readers who love Hearthstone can give it a try~

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