Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 189 Take the first step in learning

Sean was slightly stunned. He did not expect that the Supreme Mage would make such a request, and then shrugged helplessly. Being a thug occasionally is not a bad thing. After all, not everyone can step into Karma Taj and peep into the reality of the multiverse. Faces, seeking the deep mysteries of magic and the soul.

From a commercial point of view, this is a sure-profit deal. Anyway, he has already settled his feud with Mephisto, and he is not afraid of further offending the hell lord.

With the permission of Ancient One, Sean did not rush to the library and immerse himself in countless ancient books and powerful spells. As he said, he was not thirsty for magic. On the contrary, he paid more attention to the mysteries of the soul.

This young man is like a tourist, walking in the huge Kama Taj, sometimes stopping under a towering mage tower, and occasionally chatting with an ascetic monk who has lived in seclusion for many years. The door of magic She was open to Sean, but he was not impatient at all and chose to linger outside the door slowly.

All this was seen by Gu Yi, with a hint of appreciation in her eyes. She stood in the central hall of Kama Taj, which is connected to the three major temples and can be said to be the central node of the magical world. Her fingers rotated the metal wheel, as if adjusting the huge planet hanging in the sky. It was a strong defense line established with three temples, and there were many small organizations such as monasteries and hermitages under it. These ancient sects hidden in modern society are where the inheritance of magic lies.

The huge star shines like lava. As the wheel rotates, its trajectory is constantly changing, and each tiny light point flashes. Those are some dimensional rifts or dimensional gaps. Temple mages are usually dispatched to repair or guard them. , to prevent the invasion of alien creatures. After thousands of years of careful construction, the defense line of the material world has become stronger and stronger. Only a hell lord-level demon like Mephisto can walk through the human body as a carrier. in the material world.

But even so, their power must be greatly restricted. Coupled with the close supervision of the Temple Mage and the prominent reputation of the Supreme Mage, the strongest among these alien creatures do not dare to act recklessly.

After the arrival of the Twilight Era, the human world is no longer their paradise for carnival. Instead, it has become a dangerous hunting ground. As alien creatures, they have become the prey of mages.

"You said he is a dangerous person, why would you bring such a person to Kama Taj?" Modu, who is the disciple of the Supreme Mage, stepped into the bronze hall.

"His arrogance, ambition, and tenacity all make me feel familiar." Gu Yi looked up at the huge rotating star. She was debugging the huge magic network with the three temples as nodes to ensure that it could Detect the invasion response of alien creatures at any time.

"Casillas." Mordo whispered a name.

The degenerate who was the first to cause a bloody massacre at Kama Taj in hundreds of years betrayed the guidance of the Supreme Mage, stole the forbidden magic for dark sacrifices, and became a dark believer of Dormammu.

"Sean Sipers is very talented, even better than Casillas. He is the kind of guy who never follows the rules. This kind of character is dangerous, but he can enter the magic hall faster."

After Gu Yi finished debugging, she took a long breath. She realized that a riot was brewing in the dark dimension. Those minions from heaven or hell began to emerge from the cracks in the material world, like hungry wild dogs. Thinking of Mephisto preparing for the reincarnation ceremony, it is difficult not to connect with the group of evil spirits and evil gods planning some amazing conspiracy.

Maybe he died in this disaster? There was a haze in the heart of the Supreme Mage. She had a premonition that the end was coming, but she didn't know when it would happen.

"Even if Casillas betrays you, I won't." Mordo said sincerely. "I longed for the strength to defeat my enemies, and it was you who gave me the strength to conquer the darkness within and teach me to follow my own laws."

"Darkness will never be eliminated, we just learn to coexist with it." Ancient One shook his head.

This disciple of hers had a firm belief in his heart, and he also had immense trust and respect for Kama Taj and the Supreme Master. Unfortunately, he followed rigid rules too much and found it difficult to escape from the limited world and get a glimpse of his true self.

Casillas was originally a good choice, but the trauma in his heart was too deep. After discovering the secret of the Ancient One to sustain life by absorbing the energy of the dark dimension, he believed that everything Kama Taj told was a lie. Instead, he embarked on the path of corruption following Dormammu.

"Don't worry about Sean Sipers. He is the variable I use to influence the future. I will keep an eye on him personally." Gu Yi said softly.

Mordo seemed to want to say something else, but he swallowed it back. He was unwilling to go against the will of the Supreme Mage. Even though he was extremely wary of the young man who had the same temperament as Casillas, but since Kama The master of Taj has spoken, so he can only obey.


It took Sean about three days to visit Kamal Taj. During this period, he controlled everything in New York through Skynet. At the same time, he called Dr. Connors and Harry to express that he wanted to take a long vacation. Please don't worry about them.

Late at night on the fourth day, he walked through the thick darkness and arrived at one of the most important places in Kamal Taj, the library. It contains countless ancient classics, even records from ancient times, as well as countless powerful spells. Every mage can explore the mysteries of the universe and truth here.

Karma Taj has many rules, the most well-known of which is that knowledge can be shared.

As long as you have the required abilities, you can read and study even the collection of the Supreme Mage, but there are very few mages who can do this.

A rather serious fat man with a round face received Sean. With Gu Yi's acquiescence, he was naturally not rejected. The fat man who looked unsmiling and without a sense of humor was called "King", and he belonged to Kama Taj. The librarian, the previous mage who held this position, had been separated by Casillas and used to carry out bloody and cruel evil sacrifices.

"You can browse the books here at will, but they cannot be damaged. If any page is missing, I will cause trouble for you." Wang said with a serious face.

Sean smiled casually, not taking this threat to heart. He walked among the bookshelves, and it seemed that there was no end in sight at a glance. The ancient books were connected into the history of magic, and the secrets that were buried or forgotten, Everyone can find the answer from these books.

His eyes glanced at a copper book tied to a shelf with an exquisite chain. The round gem inlaid in the center of the cover shone dimly. It was the Book of Cagliostro, also known as the Book of Darkness. The Book, or Book of Time, records the secrets of how to enter the dark dimension, and also contains the incantation to power the Eye of Agamodha.

"Look at it slowly first."

There was a smile on Sean's lips, and he randomly pulled out a thick book from the bookshelf on the side, "The Key of Solomon", which is a occult book from the Renaissance, which records in detail the rules and spells for summoning demons. There is also a part of dark magic that encourages ritual killing.

This book belongs to a fourteenth-century manuscript and was copied by a mage. It can be regarded as a valuable antique collection. If it is put at Sotheby's auction house, it will surely attract those occult enthusiasts or religious figures. Be the first to buy.

Turning the pages of the book, Sean concentrated on his work and no longer paid attention to the outside world. The door to the magic palace was officially opened to him.

ps: Dear readers, have a happy Dragon Boat Festival. I have a lot of things to do in the afternoon, so the update is ahead of schedule~

Thank you to the big guys who insisted on voting and giving rewards. It is you who made this book come to this day. I sincerely bow~

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