Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 194 Alien Origin

After reading most of the books in Kama Taj's library, Sean went straight to the London Temple through the portal in the central hall. This is the magic center of the European continent. If he wants to find clues to Mephisto, he will naturally It's his first choice.

There are countless incarnations of that hell lord. Even through Skynet's positioning, it is difficult to determine for a while. Moreover, the young man is also quite curious about the three major temples located in the material world and forming a solid defense line. He really wants to know something about it. Fan, how does the mage organization hidden behind the world work?

Under the leadership of Mordo, Sean stepped into the center of the temple in West London. There was an endless stream of mages wearing red robes. They were in a hurry and looked serious. A huge star hung above the front hall, shining brightly. With a lava-like red luster, the geographical shape of the entire European continent is strikingly eye-catching.

"This is Master Lucas Mandalay, the person in charge of the London Temple. If you have any questions, you can contact him." Modu introduced an old man with gray hair. "Master Mandalay is also the Ministry of Education in London. official, so we also nicknamed him 'Dumbledore'."

Sean smiled and shook hands with Mage Mandalay gently. After a brief self-introduction, Mordo explained their purpose. The Supreme Mage noticed that the alien creatures on the European continent seemed to be particularly active in recent times, and the invasion response The increase was 20% compared to usual, most likely because Mephisto was about to perform the reincarnation ceremony, and the minions of hell were swarming in.

Master Mandalay nodded, and sighed: "Not only the demons of hell, but also the vampires and werewolves who usually hide and don't show up. Recently, they have appeared frequently, including the Templar Knights and Demon Hunters, as well as various kinds of demons. The large monastery all suffered varying degrees of casualties.”

After hearing this, Mordo couldn't help but look serious. The Supreme Mage guessed right. The number of activities of these dark creatures is constantly increasing. It seems that Mephisto is not only using the body of a demon and a human to complete his own advent. , I am afraid that at the same time, he is secretly planning a huge unknown conspiracy.

"Vampires and werewolves?" Sean was a little surprised. Although he had seen many records about such creatures in Karma Taj's library, it was still difficult to understand.

Master Mandalay glanced at the young man and explained with a smile: "The enemies of the temple include not only angels and demons, but also spiritual creatures living in the dimensional world, as well as those in movies, TV series or novels. Vampires and werewolves, as well as evil spirits, fallen mages, etc., they are all unclean people who are naturally inclined to the evil alignment."

The old man led Sean and Modu through the corridor and came to a huge study room. Tall bookshelves stood on the wall, and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, emitting bright light. The overall visual layout was brown-red. It exudes a graceful and elegant atmosphere.

With a slight wave of his hand, a thick book with a black cover fell into the hands of Master Mandalay. He opened it and turned the pages, introducing the origins of vampires and werewolves to Sean: "In the fifth century B.C. The deadly plague broke out, killing 25 million people. The virus spread to every village. No one was spared, except for a human named Alexander Corvinus, who overcame the virus and awakened The recessive gene in the body makes him the first undead - possessing long-lasting vitality and extraordinary power."

"Alexander had three sons. Marcus, who was bitten by a bat, became the father of vampires. He lived a long life, but was afraid of sunlight and ultraviolet rays; William, who was bitten by a wolf, was the ancestor of werewolves. Early werewolves were very cruel and bloodthirsty, and They cannot transform into human bodies; the last blood descendants experience life, old age, illness and death as ordinary humans. For hundreds of years, the battle between vampires and werewolves has never subsided, but for mages, they are all aliens and need to be exterminated. of dark creatures.”

Master Mandalay handed the thick ancient book to Sean and said softly: "There are many records of alien creatures in it. You can learn about it. A few centuries ago, humans were lambs to be slaughtered and vampires in their eyes. They raised werewolves in captivity and protected the nobles in order to obtain various resources and treasures. Later, a werewolf slave named Lucien overthrew the rule of vampires. He was the first werewolf in history that could turn into a human body. To this day, these two The old enemies, who are also descendants of Alexander, are still active on the European continent."

"Some of them went to other places to thrive. For example, the Volturi family in Italy, known as the royal family among the vampires, established the city of Voltra, a city full of vampires. A century ago, they signed a contract with the Temple Peace contracts, hiding identities, never actively harming humans, and mages will not trouble them for no reason... In addition, there is the Carlisle family in Phoenix, USA, who are traditional 'vegetarians'. I appreciate it very much.”

Sean raised his eyebrows. It is indeed a solid defense line in the material world. The foundation of the temple is deeper than he thought. It can almost be called S.H.I.E.L.D. that supervises dark creatures. Kama Taj is the holy land of mages. Below are the three major temples, which are responsible for monitoring the invasion and movements of alien creatures. The Knights Templar on the next level, or various monasteries, monasteries and other ancient sects, continue to cultivate outstanding people in the name of religion or other of mages and witchers.

The intricate and huge network is enough to scare anyone. The young man turned over one of the pages and asked softly: "Will the temple issue bounties?"

Master Mandalay said as a matter of course: "Of course, we also have a special official website to register our identity. After obtaining permission from the temple, those unorganized demon hunters can accept tasks. This can alleviate a lot of work for us."

The old man skillfully opened his mobile phone, clicked on an APP, and said with a proud smile: "This is the newly developed 'Didi Demon Slayer' by the temple. It is connected to the central hall of Kama Taj and can release tasks at any time and display nearby The Demon Hunter has achieved remarkable results after being piloted in the London Temple, and it has now begun to be officially promoted."

Having said that, Master Mandalay also clicked on the demon hunter information at the top of the list, "These are a pair of brothers from the Winchester family, the most popular demon hunter combination in the New York Temple. If their record remains so bright, Eyes, the temple is ready to absorb them."

The corner of Sean's mouth twitched, and he looked at the slightly dull Modu. It seemed that the temple mages were not all a group of pedantic people who refused to change. This was more interesting than he thought.

"What's Mephisto's bounty?" the young man asked with interest.

Master Mandalay's eyes were surprised. Generally, no one would accept the top ten sky-high price tasks, and they were not qualified to challenge them at all. Unless they were at the level of the Supreme Mage, ordinary demon hunters and mages would It is almost impossible to defeat the big demon in hell, or the high-level vampires and werewolves.

"Mephisto, the Lord of Hell, ranks among the top three, with a bounty of up to 100 million euros, which can be collected in major temples."

Sean couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He knew that no mage would be poor. Such a huge bounty was enough to make anyone temporarily forget the terrifying power of the Hell Lord. He took a few casual glances and found that there were many famous ones. The big demons are all on the list.

For example, Cytorak, the master from the Crimson Universe, advocates violence and killing, and Zatanos, an ancient elemental demon... These powerful beings who once controlled the wind and rain in ancient times have now become the masters of the Temple Mage. The number one hunting target - of course ordinary people are not qualified to face them.

Sean lightly checked Mephisto's mission. He looked at Mandalay Mage and Mordo and smiled slightly: "It would be nice to have a guest appearance as a witcher once in a while."

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