Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 204 City of Hell

The Grand National Assembly Palace is a well-known landmark building in Romania. It was once recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the second largest building in the world after the Pentagon. The scale is amazing. However, it was influenced by the architectural style of the former Soviet Union. Although it is big, it is not beautiful. Standing among the various exquisite buildings that are everywhere in Europe, it looks a bit rigid and serious.

Sean landed in Constitution Square. The broad ground was covered with winding curves. Countless blood intertwined into strange lines. Driven by mysterious power, it seemed to be burning with flames. There was a steaming mist, and a strong smell of sulfur filled the surroundings. The temperature is much higher than the outside world, like a steaming furnace.

There was a vague suspicion in the young man's heart. He didn't expect that the Hell Lord had such a huge plan. If Mephisto was really allowed to complete the ritual, I'm afraid the era of dark creatures would come again. The solid defense lines established by the three major temples and Kama Taj will also be shaken by unprecedented impacts.

Looking at the majestic palace not far away, this huge building, also known as the "Palace of Congress", is made of precious marble and high-quality wooden beams. It has sixteen floors, is 275 feet high, and has more than a thousand rooms inside. The Ceausescu family, which ruled Romania at that time, spent six years and two billion dollars building this magnificent building. It was not completely completed until the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the change of regime.

Through his spiritual perception, Sean glimpsed the huge airflow that formed into a black tide of dark clouds, mixed with flaming lava. There is no doubt that it is the powerful power of Mephisto. It seems that the other party has begun to implement the reincarnation ceremony. The violent energy reaction triggered natural phenomena. Thick clouds piled up in the night sky, lightning flashed, thunder and roaring!

As the temperature in Constitution Square continues to rise, the huge formation eye drawn with blood is filled with a faint blood-red mist, as if it is in a dark and strange hell. The scene of the real world is distorted, the light is refracted and changed, and there is a vague... Horrible, pale faces emerged quietly from the void, accompanied by shrill, horrifying cries.

Sean turned a blind eye to this. At this time, Mordo and Johnny should have arrived at their respective locations and faced off against a strong opponent, the black mage from Kama Taj. They should have collided with the vampire leader and the Wolf King of the Volturi royal family. Lucien, and the Ghost Rider who wanted to get rid of the curse, met Daredevil who had been waiting for a long time. A fierce battle between the two sides was inevitable.

"You want to turn the whole of Eastern Europe into your dark dynasty, tsk tsk, it's a big deal."

The young man climbed the steps of the magnificent palace, pushed open the huge heavy wooden door, and stepped on the white marble. Inside the empty hall, the lights were bright and crystal clear crystal chandeliers adorned the top, forming a magnificent and exquisite picture.

An old man with silver hair stood in the center, with a child kneeling in front of him. That was probably Danny, the boy that the temple had been looking for, the son of a human and a demon, a perfect container that could carry all the power of the Hell Lord.

The bright hand-woven carpet spread out, and Sean felt like he was stepping on soft cotton. He looked at Mephisto, who was concentrating. The huge magic circle that enveloped the entire city was surging with blood-red light, and energy was everywhere. The node boiled and rolled, and suddenly a scarlet beam of light spewed out, spanning more than half the distance of the city, converging in the sky above the Grand National Assembly Palace, condensing into an arc of blood-red energy, colliding and merging with each other, and finally crashing down heavily!

It was like a sharp sword piercing the majestic palace, blasting through the twelve-story main building on the ground, hitting directly in the center of the hall, and pouring all of it into the human body as Mephisto walking in the material world.

The silver-haired old man's skin was chapped, as if it had been burst by a huge force. The human form collapsed and dissipated, and a sixteen-foot demon body emerged, red as blood, with huge bat wings lingering with wisps of flames. The rich sulfur smell was like erupting from hell.

Huge runes like copper and iron were condensed from four directions, vaguely communicating with the energy of the magic circle covering the entire city, continuously drawing out the lava flames of hell. Mephitus, who revealed his true form, suddenly knelt down. In front of the boy Danny, the boy had already lost his mind and fell into a deep coma.

Sean spread his palms and tried to send out a beam of light to bombard the magic circle outside. The black mist shook and turbulent, but there was no sign of damage. The foresighted Lord of Hell was fully prepared. The core formation of the Grand National Assembly Palace is connected to Constitution Square, which is equivalent to being integrated with Bucharest. Unless the entire city can be destroyed at once, otherwise it will be completely interrupted. Can't watch the ongoing reincarnation ceremony.

The boiling and violent blood-colored energy formed an extremely solid barrier. Mephisto was inside, looking at the young man who removed his mask, and said in a thunderous voice: "Give up, no one can stop my plan, Gu Yi huddled. In Kama Taj, you don’t dare to take even half a step easily. Your strength is far from enough to break this defense. It is integrated with the earth and no one can shake it!”

"The reincarnation ceremony does not need to be so elaborate. The huge magic circle covering the city must have other uses."

Sean's face was calm, and there was no trace of depression in his eyes. His mentality was far more thoughtful than that of the Hell Lord, and he was far from eager to prevent this crisis. Otherwise, with the strength of the Sentinel, he could have directly killed Mephisto. There is no need to waste so much time when you send it back to your hometown.

In the final analysis, this was just a deal with the Supreme Mage, and the young man himself had a game attitude until Mephisto's trump card was revealed. It is obvious that this hell lord's plan is far more than that simple. He supports the puppets behind his back, gathers the vampires and werewolves who were almost exterminated by the temple, develops his power wantonly, secretly accumulates wealth, and even infiltrates into the high-level positions of the human government. The opponent's profound strength can be seen from the ease with which they evacuated the residents of the city.

"Bucharest...are you going to drag this city into hell, or break the balance of dimensions and make hell overlap with the material world?"

Sean looked up suddenly. He had guessed Mephisto's complete plan. A hell lord who had successfully reincarnated might not have much chance of winning against the unfathomable Supreme Mage. But what if it was on his home court? ?

"It's crazier than you think..."

Mephisto condensed the flames of hell into a big sword and penetrated into his chest without hesitation. The blood like lava instantly soaked into the complex lines carved on the ground, like a blood-red snake seeping into the young body of the boy Danny.

"Ho ho... I want to make Eastern Europe a restricted area for mankind and establish a dark dynasty in the material world!" The ambitious Lord of Hell only revealed everything at this moment. "I have been planning for hundreds of years for this great move. , conquered the vampires and werewolves, and turned them into new minions! Those Asgardians once left some information and data on this planet. Their mortal enemies, the dark elves, admired the power of chaos and created enough to make the Nine A terrible weapon that turns the world into darkness."

"I got inspiration from it, using myself as the coordinate anchor point, pulling hell towards the material world until they overlap each other. The lava world that exists in the mythical classics will begin to expand and superimpose, completely swallowing up Bucharest! It will become the first A city of hell!"

Sean's eyes were dark. He looked up at the bloody energy that blasted through the hall and poured directly into it. He said softly: "If you succeed, you can continue to copy this plan, and then conquer the Eastern European countries and establish what you call Dark Reign.”

"After delaying for so long, your reincarnation ceremony should be completed, right?" The young man closed his visor and his voice was slightly hoarse.

Mephisto's demonic body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the boy Danny grew up rapidly. His young body instantly grew taller, and his closed eyes suddenly opened, bursting with intense blood!

The invisible hurricane stirred up, and the crystal chandelier hanging in the hall exploded with bang, and the white marble was covered with cracks. The grown-up boy "Danny" stared at the golden figure standing still, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"This time, Gu Yi will not come to save you again." The voice full of murderous intent was like the biting cold wind.

The next moment, Mephisto, who had completed his reincarnation, burst out!

ps: Sorry, I have been deleting and editing it for a long time but I am still not satisfied~

So sleepy, broken sleep, good night.

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