Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 206 Light comes to the world

After opening the magic circle and arriving at the Arc de Triomphe in Bucharest, the first thing Modo saw was... two Ghost Riders?

Johnny swung the red chain and rolled out a tornado of fiercely burning flames, flying another tall dark figure out and directly breaking the huge arch behind him.

With the fire of hell burning in his empty eye sockets, Daredevil stood up, swung his short stick, and bullied Johnny at super fast speed. With the help of his powerful super senses, he avoided the flaming chains that were writhing like a wild python, and punched him hard. On the opponent's lower jaw, he knocked the skull crooked with great force, as if it was about to fly out of his neck.

The two guys who also had the spirit of vengeance and signed a contract with Mephisto grabbed each other's shoulders with their hands, and the Eyes of Repentance were activated immediately!

In the boiling and burning flames of hell, they saw the sins committed by each other, the inner torment and pain they experienced——

"Johnny, sign a contract with me...I will restore your father to health so that you can get rid of him and pursue your own happy life."

"Lawyer Murdoch, if you want to end violence, you can only use more violent means. Go ahead and destroy those criminals and throw their souls into hell to burn!"

The killings and various crimes committed in the past were repeated over and over again. Both parties felt like they were in a lava hell, enduring the burning and burning of the hell flames. Both body and soul were in extreme pain.

For Johnny, the most unforgettable thing in his life is the death of his father. This former stunt driver, the reason he signed a contract with Mephisto was not simply for his father's health. Young Johnny didn't want to be like his father, performing in a small town circus. He longed to be with his beloved. My girlfriend went to live in a big city.

As long as his father's body recovers, Johnny can leave everything here behind, so he sells his soul to Mephisto, but his father still dies outside a performance. The devil deceives him and takes him away. soul.

Daredevil, with flames burning in his eyes, clearly saw the memory of all this. Guilt and hatred were intertwined, tormenting the poor guy all the time. And like the other person, he was in a long period of self-torture, and it was difficult to get it. True redemption.

"Two lunatics!"

Mordo drew out the animal-headed long stick and knocked the two ghost knights unconscious. The vengeful spirits in each other's bodies roared and retracted with reluctance.

Rumble, rumble, rumble——

A huge explosion came from Constitution Square. Modu struggled to throw the two unlucky guys who had sold their souls into the car. He suddenly felt an unprecedented panic. He turned to look at the dazzling light that shot up into the sky, like a flare. The sun rises in the sky, radiating endless light and heat outwards.

The violent and turbulent energy wave was slowly pushing forward, and the earth let out a heavy wail, like a huge wave roaring in. The surrounding houses and buildings were first swallowed up, and were crushed into powder almost instantly, and finally turned into a pile of clouds invisible to the naked eye. of tiny dust.

Silently, a horrifying shock wave bloomed, like a wave of destruction descended by the gods. The huge buildings surrounding the square, as well as the vehicles parked next to the highway, dim billboards, and various businesses The shops... all fell apart in the blazing light!

"Oh, God……"

Modu was completely shocked by this magnificent power. He felt that the space was crumbling, making it impossible to open a transmission channel.

The black mage immediately got into the car, started the ignition, and stepped on the accelerator. Amidst the roar of the engine, the powerful pickup truck sped out like a wild beast!

From the rearview mirror, you can see that the turbulent wave that destroyed all existing matter is still moving outward at a seemingly slow speed, just like a small nuclear bomb detonating, releasing intense radiation and light and heat, even steel will Melted and evaporated into nothingness.

The blazing high temperature of the pinned iron and molten gold, coupled with the explosion generated by the huge energy, caused the high-temperature and high-pressure gas to expand violently outwards. The ferocious pressure like a hurricane is enough to tear any living thing into pieces!

Is this the true strength of that young man?

Mordu's mind was filled with shock and fear. Even the Supreme Mage might be inferior to this purely terrifying destructive power. Feeling the rapid movement of the shock wave from behind, he couldn't help but step on the accelerator harder.

Only at this moment did the black mage understand why Sean wanted him to leave the city quickly. Judging from the current destructive power, the violent energy fluctuations were still rising, almost crushing the space and releasing strong energy. The wave of destruction will undoubtedly wipe Bucharest off the map of Romania!

"God!" he murmured again.


And in Constitution Square - at this moment, the broad square where the first shot of the Cold War was fired has completely disappeared. From the endless light and heat, a vague figure can be vaguely seen. It is a standing sentry, almost terrifying. The majestic energy burst out one after another from that tall and straight body, and the dazzling light reflected a small sun, like a supernova explosion.

Mephisto, who had completed the reincarnation ceremony, tried his best to form a barrier with the fire of hell. The lava-like flames were disintegrated and annihilated by the strong shock wave in just a breath. The demonic body, which could withstand the bombardment, persisted. In less than a second, it immediately turned into powder, the flesh and blood peeled off the skeleton, decomposed and disintegrated little by little, and was finally wiped out completely!

"No! You can't do this..."

Amidst Mephisto's roar, the huge magic circle that enveloped the entire city erupted with bloody energy again. The scarlet light intertwined and merged above the head, and then poured into the body of the hell lord who was almost wiped out.

Facing the extremely violent wave of energy, Mephisto's body condensed again. Before he could escape, another wave of violent impact hit. This time he persisted for one second longer, and the new body silently Totally destroyed!

"How many times can you be reborn? A hundred times, or a thousand times?"

A cold voice came, and Sean, who had exhausted all his energy to release, felt an indescribable wonderful experience. His consciousness and soul seemed to have touched the "door" connecting to another unknown world, the ruined world. The breath is swirling, from the half-open door——

He saw a destroyed universe.

Like the collapse and explosion of millions of stars, that unimaginable, even untouchable, terrifying force exploded instantly, crushing all existing matter into the smallest elementary particles.

Sean couldn't restrain his inner impulse. He felt the calling voice coming from his body. His consciousness and soul wanted to step into the "door" between existence and non-existence. In a thousandth of a microsecond, The whirlpool of destruction turned this insignificant thought into nothing.

This destructive force that can no longer be described in words cannot be controlled by any creature at all, at least he can't do it now.

Outside the spiritual world, Mephisto is still being reborn. This tenacious life force is now a terrible torture to him. The flesh and blood were peeled off and decomposed bit by bit, and the bones were crushed into powder inch by inch. The entire body was wiped out by the tyrannical force, and then condensed and reborn again.

The repeated torture made the hell lord feel unbearable. He tightened his will and was unwilling to die——

"As long as I hold on a little longer...that guy's energy is not endless, as long as I hold on a little longer..."

The confrontation between Sentinel and Mephisto has evolved from physical strength to a mental game. The high-intensity, uninterrupted release of energy is also a huge burden that exceeds the physical load for Sean. He can feel it. Every tiny cell under the muscles is making a whining sound.

It seems that the next moment, the body will be broken apart!

This kind of extreme pain is beyond any kind of punishment in the world. The passage of time is so slow in the eyes of the two people. Every time it jumps forward for a second, the spiritual will of both parties is like being cut by a knife countless times.

Half a minute, thirty seconds, three thousand microseconds.

Like a long century, the black sun on the sentinel's chest gradually dimmed, and the hell lord who had completed countless rebirths begged loudly to Sean——

"Kill me! Kill me..."

The shrill wailing is like madness. Yes, Mephisto, this great demon who loves to play with people's hearts and deceive souls, has been tortured by countless lives and deaths and is almost going crazy.

The golden light dimmed, and Sean, who was almost exhausted, barely held on to his body. Looking around, Bucharest covered an area of ​​605 square kilometers and had a history of 500 years. With the Grand National Assembly Palace as the center, half of the city was razed to the ground. .

It was as if a stroke had been wiped away by the gods. The long clusters of buildings and all kinds of exquisite houses and high-rise buildings had been wiped away, leaving only boundless wilderness.

Air currents and smoke swirled and roared. In the huge pit, Mephisto, who had successfully reincarnated, murmured and repeatedly chanted "Kill me". Sean approached and raised his hand to smash the new body.

The sky turned white, and a ray of morning light rose from the horizon. Modu, panting and leaning on the side of the jeep, looked at the majestic city that had half of it wiped out, and suddenly laughed, full of the joy and happiness of the remaining life after the disaster.

The two awakened Ghost Riders behind them were leaning on the roofless cargo box behind them. They stared at the rising sun in a daze.

it's all over.

ps: Well, I finished it in a hurry. From now on, I will stop updating, jump off the rooftop, and never feel happy again~

The background data almost made me give up on this book (;′⌒`)

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