Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 210 Veterans and Serum

When Sean came to the Pentagon, he learned that General Ross was having a presentation meeting and could not entertain him for the time being. The failure of the capture of the Hulk caused the unruly and tough old man to receive a lot of criticism. After all, this This incident caused a big fuss.

The young man has seen the shooting video circulated on the Internet. A green giant stood on the road and overturned the car casually. The metal bullet hit the hard skin, not even a scrap of skin was removed. His whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of power. , just like the ancient Titans in myths and legends.

Sitting in the reception room, Sean couldn't help but wonder to himself, if the sentry collided head-on with the powerful green beast, who would win the final victory?

Judging from the information currently available, the Hulk can be called one of the most powerful beings on the planet. Anger is the source of his power. The only shortcoming may be that the ferocious beast does not have it. Smart enough, if Hulk could combine with Banner, the chemical effect would be difficult to estimate.

A thinking Hulk?

Sean smiled and shook his head to get rid of the thoughts that accidentally popped up. Before he could wait for General Ross, a small man wearing a formal military uniform and exuding a strong aura pushed the door in. The other man seemed a little surprised, but still He picked a spot and sat down with his back straight.

"Colonel Bronski?" The young man looked at the little man who was looking intently, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Have we met?" Emil Bronski, who was sitting upright, looked surprised.

He had some impression of the young man in front of him. He often appeared in New York newspapers and various weekly magazines. He was previously praised by the media as the "second Stark", but now he is "a new star beyond Iron Man". It can be seen that How fast has this guy named Sean Sipers risen?

"I heard General Ross mention you. Well, it was the capture operation you failed. In order to track down Dr. Banner, he mobilized the most elite soldiers from the Ministry of National Defense, and you are the best one among them."

Sean blinked and read out the little man's glorious resume, "You were born in Russia and grew up in England. You were seconded to the Special Operations Command from the Royal Marines and participated in many special operations. Based on your resume, There is nothing wrong with him as a colonel, he is a brave soldier worthy of respect."

Bronsky was surprised again. He came to General Ross today to serve as a witness for the statement meeting and to make a supplementary speech in front of the military committee. Thirteen elite soldiers were lost in this failed operation, and the image of the Hulk spread. On the Internet, the impact is huge. Even General Ross, who comes from a famous general family, has to give a clear explanation no matter how profound his background is. After all, the Ministry of Defense is not the only one on the top of the mountain.

"I would like to ask, have you ever thought about retiring or becoming a civilian officer?" Sean leaned on his seat and asked with interest.

"No, I am a soldier. As long as I can still fight, I will never leave the battlefield!" Bronski replied word for word.

He is not a person who is willing to be ordinary. He is willing to retire peacefully, live a peaceful life, wait for his body to slowly age, and finally lie in bed and comfort his soul by recalling the glory of the past.

Especially in Rio de Janeiro, seeing the green giant with his own eyes made Bronski's heart boil with excitement. If he could have the young body and endless energy he had ten years ago, he would definitely not end up in the embarrassing situation of barely escaping from the opponent's hands. .

"You are brave and full of fighting spirit, but unfortunately time is not forgiving. How old are you this year?" Sean gradually took the initiative in the conversation.

"Thirty-nine." Bronski replied with a face filled with vicissitudes of life.

This man who has been fighting hard on the battlefield all his life has been tempered by blood and fire. His long fighting career makes him look much older than his actual age.

"Fighting makes you old quickly, right? You look like a middle-aged man in his forties." There was a glimmer in the depths of Sean's eyes, and he consciously lured the blazing fire in Blonsky's heart.

This man has an unyielding spirit, like steel that has been tempered for thousands of times. Ever since he briefly fought against the Hulk, he has become obsessed with the big man's strength. As a soldier, Blonsky does not think that the huge body is The Hulk is ferocious and terrifying, but I feel that it is mighty and majestic, exuding an unparalleled strong momentum.

Of course, Sean could see the fire hidden deep in the other person's heart, the declining physical fitness, and the incompetent fighting training. A true warrior would not be willing to lie in bed and die with illness all over his body. That was the biggest obstacle to them. Torture, Bronski is exactly this kind of person, who would rather die on the battlefield than grow old and rot.

He is a brave soldier with a strong will and a strong will. Endless fighting and boiling and burning blood are the life he truly desires.

"There are many choices in life, Blonsky. Maybe sometimes opportunities will come to you." Sean handed over a business card and said meaningfully. "Welcome to Umbrella to find me. I know what people like you really pursue... A peaceful life is the greatest pain for you."

Bronski, who couldn't help but take the business card, was slightly startled. The soon-to-retire soldier was really troubled. He thought he could do more, but as Sean said, time is not forgiving, and declining physical fitness and... His energy, and the occasional sore muscles and bones, were silent reminders that his career as a soldier was almost over.

"Do you know what I want?" Bronski looked at the young man with a gentle smile, full of doubts.

"Hulk, that big green guy." Sean stared at the veteran with bright eyes, "Not only does General Ross want to arrest the Hulk, I am also very interested in Hulk."

Blonsky put the business card in his pocket and wanted to say something. At this time, the secretary opened the door and reminded him that he should go over to attend the statement meeting held by the military committee.

This capable soldier was filled with many questions. Before he went out, he turned to look at Sean. The other person was sitting in his seat with a smile, his eyes filled with a deep and unpredictable light. Thinking of the conversation just now, Bronski seemed to feel Somewhat shaken.

If he retires normally, he can live a quite comfortable life, find a suitable woman to start a family, get married and have children, and live a happy life without having to strain his nerves. It seems that the gunfire is always ringing in his ears. The sound, the dangerous situation of bullets and bullets were far away from him. His strong hands, which had held various firearms, would only be used for the rest of his life to weed weeds, change light bulbs, and make coffee.

Sounds like it's not bad...

But this is not what Blonsky wants. Deep in his heart, he longs to fight and pursue strength. Only with his blood rushing and his heart beating violently can he feel the power of life and feel that he is truly alive.

Touching the business card on his chest, Bronski strode out of the conference room. This tough soldier who was used to military life and more accustomed to fierce fighting on the battlefield really didn't want to see the future where he could only rely on alcohol to anesthetize his nerves. Talking to get by.

In fact, many veterans will have this kind of psychological trauma problem. When people who have completely adapted to one environment are moved to another unfamiliar environment, most of them will feel out of tune with the outside world, especially if they often perform missions overseas. special forces soldiers.

The peaceful life of normal people is an unbearable state for them. Just imagine that a second ago you were struggling on a dangerous battlefield filled with smoke and could die at any time. You and your companions walked through the hail of bullets and completed the commander's orders. task, but the next moment you return to the quiet and peaceful urban life, surrounded by laughter and laughter, the sun is shining brightly when you look up, and everyone is smiling, but you are the only one who cannot integrate with this world.

This huge sense of gap is really difficult for people to adapt to. The laughter and peaceful life seem to have nothing to do with you.

Sean looked at the closed door with a smile on his lips. He did not lie. Umbrella would indeed launch a special project for the Hulk. Skynet was always paying attention to the pseudonym "Mr. Blue" to contact Bruce Banner. Samuel Stern, when the time comes, he will be able to get the Hulk's serum.

At the same time, the young man still holds in his hands the failed Green Goblin potion and the reverse-engineered Super Soldier Serum, plus the last derivative, the Hulk Serum, which contains a huge amount of gamma rays. He feels that he may finally gain something. A huge surprise.

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