Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 214 Tower of Babel

"Come in, Mr. Emil Blonsky."

A graceful Asian woman led him into the main building of Umbrella. This scientific research institution, known as a shining star, has been expanded many times, and two buildings with the appearance of raising sails have been added to the periphery. towering buildings used for biomodification and genetic engineering respectively.

Umbrella privately called these two new, highly guarded and highly confidential buildings the "Tower of Babel" and the "Hive".

The destination of Bronski's trip is the "Tower of Babel" located on the right side of the main building, which is under the full control of Dr. Connors and is specially used for biomodification experiments.

With a slightly uneasy mood, Bronski walked through the crowded hall under the leadership of Yuriko and entered the transparent corridor connecting the Tower of Babel. Three buildings not far apart were connected by a straight corridor. From a distance, it looks like a cluster of mountain peaks.

The artificial intelligence Red Queen led the way and took Bronski into the work elevator that was only for internal personnel. A series of inspection and certification procedures were automatically opened. The brave soldier looked down and felt as if he had stepped into the high road leading to heaven. Tower, the view gradually rises, and you can almost have a panoramic view of Long Island.

When he stepped out of the elevator, he saw a metal plate with a string of Hebrew characters engraved on it, "Come! Let us build a city and a tower with a top reaching to the sky, so that we may make our name known, lest we be scattered throughout the face of the earth." "This is a passage from the Bible - Old Testament - Genesis.

"Follow me," said the vivid Red Queen.

When Bronski entered this mysterious building, the first thing he saw was a huge botanical garden. Various lush and huge plants grew, like python-like green vines, which even several adults could not hug. Towering trees, as well as all kinds of strange flowers and plants that shimmer with gleaming light.

Along the way, he could also see various huge and ferocious animals, such as crocodiles floating in deep pools, lizards lying on thick tree trunks, and even a fat and clumsy one-horned rhinoceros. Animals and plants Living together is like a complete ecological world.

"The habits of rich people..."

Bronski, who didn't understand the purpose, muttered. He thought it was Sean's personal hobby, just like some rich people who like to hunt, then cut off the heads of animals and make them into specimens to show their taste and strength.

In fact, what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg. Deep in the botanical garden isolated by a simulated wall, there was a white gorilla that looked like a giant mountain. It leaned on the edge of a mountain peak, picked up a big tree and paddled it. , as if writing his name, "George"; and a black shadow passed by low in the sky, it was a flying giant wolf, hovering like a huge shadow; in the swamp on the other side, there lay a giant brown-skinned wolf. Crocodile, its sharp teeth and fangs are terrifying, and its open mouth is enough to swallow a bison.

These are "pets" raised by Sean for future genetic engineering. They were injected with Metis medicine, but they did not have the same learning ability as ordinary people like the chimpanzee Caesar. In contrast, the Green Goblin Potions and reverse-reduced super soldier serum have a better effect on them. Long-term injections of large doses have caused huge changes in the size of these animals, and they also possess terrifying power.

Blonsky found that the interior of the building was opened up, like a straight spire. He stood up the elevator and reached a higher floor. He saw Sean, who had invited him, chatting with a man in a blue and white uniform. Asian women having a pleasant communication.

"This is Dr. Helen Zhao, a world-class biogeneticist from Seoul, South Korea. The regenerative cradle system she invented can ensure your life safety."

Sean gave a brief introduction to both parties. This outstanding female scientist, whose intelligence and creativity has always admired the arrogant Tony Stark, is currently the person in charge of Umbrella's biological experiment project. One of the people.

"I'm glad that you finally accepted Umbrella's invitation." The young man held Bronsky's hand enthusiastically, with a faint smile on his face, "I will fulfill my promise to you, with a younger body, With greater power, you will step into a world beyond your imagination! Believe me, that world definitely belongs to people like you."

Bronsky nodded subconsciously. After the capture operation in Brazil ended, he officially retired from the army. Originally, General Ross tried to persuade him to stay, but as the plan to hunt down the Hulk was suspended, he felt that he would continue to stay. There was no point in going down. He refused the offer to become a civilian officer and instead accepted Sean's invitation.

Because on the phone, this mysterious young man vaguely revealed that Umbrella was conducting an experiment on a human body modification plan, which required a professional soldier with extremely strong physical fitness and willpower. At that time, Bronski did not He didn't agree directly. After thinking about it for a long time when he got home, he couldn't bear the ordinary life and finally chose to participate in the plan that sounded very dangerous.

"I also hope that I can become as strong as before and full of fighting spirit for life."

Bronsky clenched his fists, thinking of the green giant he saw during that operation. That unparalleled sense of power was the power he truly dreamed of.

"No, you will be stronger than before." Sean said with deep meaning.

This little man, who was born in Russia, was tempered by the cold wind and snow of Siberia. He served in the army in the United Kingdom and joined the Royal Marines. He was later seconded to the Special Operations Command. His resume is full of glorious achievements and he is fully qualified. A figure who can reach the level of a military soldier.

Sean would naturally not let go of such a mighty lion. In his opinion, if the Hulk in Banner's body was not too powerful and possessed an unpredictable upper limit of angry power, the Hulk would not be a hateful opponent at all. Blonsky, who still has rational thinking and excellent fighting skills, is far more powerful than that.

Entering the laboratory, Dr. Connors and his assistant Gwen have been waiting for a long time. All the equipment and preparations have been done in advance. If this plan succeeds, in a sense, it will mean that Umbrella is able to mass-produce super soldiers with strong physical fitness and extraordinary physical endurance. Presumably, this will make its relationship with the Ministry of Defense closer.

"The human trial is divided into two parts. We will first inject the serum drug into the center of the spine - this may be a little painful, and then proceed to the second part, the gasification injection, which catalyzes a certain dose of the drug into gas so that it can completely penetrate Go into every cell of the body to completely transform the body.”

Dr. Connors calmly described the experimental steps, and Blonsky's eyes were attracted by the green solution in his hand. This soldier had heard about the "Super Soldier Project" that the military had been conducting. The legendary combat hero Steve Rogers was injected with this super serum and led his troops to defeat the Japanese army.

Maybe I can be like Captain America. He thought in his heart.

"I'm a soldier, I'm not afraid of pain - I just long for great power."

Blonsky stared at Sean, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire, which was the pursuit and ambition of self-strengthening.

"You will get everything you want." Sean said slowly.

He liked this unyielding and sharp look. A brave warrior would not hesitate to pay the price of his life in order to get a chance to become more powerful. This kind of person should be born to live on the battlefield, bathed in the blood of the enemy and the fearful eyes.

Hatred will become a sharp blade in Sean's hand, sweeping away any enemy who dares to stand in front of him. The young man will not worry at all about whether he can hold this sharp weapon. People who long for power also fear the strong the most. Or, even if Blonsky gets the power he wants, he is still just a weakling in front of him.

Absolute loyalty never exists. As long as you always maintain your strength, you will not suffer betrayal.

"Bronsky, don't let me down." Sean looked at the capable soldier who had taken off his clothes and was tightly restrained on the operating bed, with a smile on his lips.

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