Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 230 The first battle, the end


There was a roar in the air, and the golden figure seemed to move instantly, rushing directly in front of the Hulk. A fist powerful enough to sink a 10,000-ton ship was swung in the face. The tearing air flow made a piercing scream, and the sonic boom stirred The air waves were like strong winds passing through, sweeping away everything in their path.

A "boom" sound, like a bell-like impact, resounded through the neighborhood. Sean's eyes were slightly stunned. His heavy punch was blocked by Hulk's hand, and the ferocious face suddenly zoomed in. The memory hit the young man with a heavy headbutt, and blood overflowed from his forehead.

The salty smell filled his mouth, his brain was buzzing, and a feeling of dizziness came over him. After a brief absence of consciousness, Sean's eyes became more intense, and dazzling golden flames burst out from his body, like a surging astronomical tide. , there was a dull rumbling sound in the air, a loud bang broke out between the two of them, the ground shattered into pieces like a fragile mirror, and fine cracks spread in all directions.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and then returned to normal in an instant. Sean stepped on the ground to create a shocking large hole, while the Hulk was thrown away at high speed and crashed into a nearby collapsed building. The cement wall was so fragile that it could not be broken. After the attack, a big hole was torn open, rubble flew everywhere, half of the collapsed building shattered, and a deep trench was drawn on the ground.

"As expected of the Hulk."

There was an astonishing roar, dust filled the air, and smoke rose. Sean's figure gradually walked out of it. He grinned, and blood flowed diagonally from the corners of his eyebrows.

The Hulk at the other end was full of anger. With two thick and powerful thighs, he squatted slightly and then jumped into the air. He carried the fierce wind and broke through the collapsed building. The dull roar exploded on the ground continuously, and he punched with all his strength. Hit the opponent's body.

Facing the rampaging giant beast, Sean's eyes were sharp, like a hard rock, ready to face the violent impact like a violent storm.

The two of them were like pile drivers, fists colliding with each other, and invisible air waves swept out, like a raging and violent wind, lifting the rising dust high into the sky!

"You are a competent opponent." Sean still had time to talk and laugh in the face of the Hulk's violent punches.

With one punch, he knocked back the furious green giant. The young man grabbed a thick stone pillar that the two of them hugged and threw it like a javelin. The Hulk roared and hit it with a giant fist like a hammer. It was broken into pieces, and rubble fell from the sky like rain.

The ground shook violently. Sean took advantage of the situation and stepped forward, pulling out the whistling airflow. He pressed Hulk on the head and roughly pushed the green giant to the ground to sprint and fly. The hard earth was as fragile as tofu. , a deep ravine was plowed out.

The two rushed into the sky, and the Hulk turned around and punched the sentry on the right shoulder, sending him flying away. The golden figure penetrated three buildings in a row, and finally stopped his rolling body in mid-air.

After a slight pause in accumulating strength, Sean rushed forward again. The blood was like a burning flame, stimulating the boiling desire to fight in his body. The Hulk used his amazing jumping power to grab the edge of the outer layer of the building, and countless glass fragments fell one after another. Shaluo stepped on it with his huge soles, jumped hard, and launched his huge body violently to meet the sentry's heavy fist.

Below is a patchwork of collapsed buildings, with dull explosions roaring continuously. Two figures, one golden and one green, are like sharp lines, running rampant in this block that has almost completely become a no-man's land, with high-rise buildings one after another. As if a toy made of building blocks was torn apart easily, the aftermath of the battle between the two sides was like a devastation, tearing the reinforced concrete building into ruins!

The huge fist tore the air, and Sean raised his hands to block it. A roar broke out between the two of them, like a ball of thunder exploding, and the masonry and rubble on the ground was crushed into powder by the powerful shock wave!

The air wave carried the dust and spread rapidly to both sides like a wave. The Sentinel and the Hulk crashed into a building behind them at the same time. The huge roar continued, like a series of thunderous explosions, and the deafening echoes continued to echo over the city. The sound of explosions, accompanied by a loud rumbling noise, and massive masonry debris poured down, and the entire building collapsed completely like a toppling mountain.

The green giant jumped out of the dust and gravel in the sky, and Sean followed closely behind. He jumped up into the air on the broken load-bearing wall, clenched his hands into a hammer, and slammed it down!

The roaring Hulk fell to the ground like a sandbag. The golden figure was like lightning piercing the night sky, rushing straight down. A powerful and heavy whip leg swept the Hulk. The building collapsed suddenly, as if it was hit by a powerful weapon. The artillery hit, and a large number of masonry fragments were like a waterfall, burying the huge body of the green beast.

The heavy fist blade was filled with golden flames, like a sharp sword tearing through the tough skin of the Hulk, and blood spurted out from the wound!

Hulk panted and stood up from the ruins, his chest and ribs were covered with scarlet color, and the golden figure standing still was reflected in his green pupils. For the first time, he felt tired.

Perhaps it was because Banner's consciousness gradually became clearer, or perhaps because of the continuous high-intensity battles, the Hulk did feel tired. The anger in his chest gradually faded, and the source of fighting power slowly dried up.

The broken bones all over Sean's body are healing at an unimaginable speed. He fought fiercely with the green giant beast, but he was not unscathed. On the contrary, every fist collision, even with the huge impact of the energy field, Even though he was weakened, he would still feel the huge counter-shock force that spread along his arms to his whole body. If it weren't for his amazing recovery ability, his internal organs might have ruptured and he would have vomited blood.

This fierce battle, which lasted for ten minutes, shocked everyone who witnessed it. The astonishing destructive power and almost endless physical strength, as well as the terrifying defense power that was difficult to damage even modern thermal weapons, were simply beyond the scope of human beings. .

Far away in Washington, D.C., Nick Fury's face at SHIELD headquarters became increasingly gloomy. Such a powerful existence was like a walking nuclear bomb. Once out of control, it would cause unimaginable horrific disasters.

The black director's eyelids are drooping, and the Avengers plan is imperative!

"Is the battle over?" Just when everyone had this thought.

The Hulk charged in again, summoning the last bit of strength in his body, his green pupils blazing with anger, Hulk never fails!

Sean moved sideways to avoid the menacing behemoth, but the green giant roared and turned around to wave its huge fists, but was tightly grasped by the sentry's hands. Unlike other superheroes who were left and right when facing the Hulk, He has fought against huge opponents such as Abomination and Red Tank, and he is not afraid of the opponent's terrifying power.

"Maybe it's time for you to calm down, Dr. Banner."

A heavy punch came with a screaming sonic boom, and the huge head seemed to be hit by tons of steel. If the camera was slowed down, the seemingly small fist tore through the air and hit the green man hard. On the giant's head, layers of water-like lines rippled in the void, and powerful force bombarded down. There was a loud bang, and blood swayed out like a fountain!

Caught off guard, the Hulk was blasted into the buildings behind him. With rubble flying and violent rumbling sounds, his huge body was like a cannonball, smashing through the collapsing buildings and creating a huge passage visible to the naked eye. .

"The battle is over, see you next time, big guy."

Sean let out a heavy breath, and the drizzle of rain fell on him. He took a look at the ruins of the flattened neighborhood. The golden flames burst out under his feet, like a bird leaping into the sky, and disappeared in the thick clouds in an instant. .

The Hulk who fell in the ruined building had now turned into a naked man. After venting his inner anger, Bruce Banner's consciousness dominated this body.

"what happened?"

He looked up at the dark sky, where scattered raindrops were falling. The roaring and harsh voice in his mind gradually faded away, leaving only a looming golden figure like a god.

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