Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 240 The shield that protects the world

In the SHIELD underground base, Nick Fury put his hands on the railings, standing on a high place and looking down at the staff walking below. Bruce Banner followed him, looking left and right, as if he was concerned about this heavily guarded scientific research center. Feeling quite curious.

The chief culprit who caused major economic losses and casualties in New York finally chose to stay in S.H.I.E.L.D., as Nick Fury said, if the Hulk in the body is not solved, the world is so big that Banner will have nowhere to go. Can go.

As the top officer of S.H.I.E.L.D., the black director does know how to gain the trust of others. Although he, like General Ross, covets the power of the Hulk, he does not show it immediately.

Instead, Banner gradually weakened his vigilance and formulated a series of plans, such as finding professional psychologists for counseling, using meditation and yoga to control emotions, etc. Although these methods treated the symptoms rather than the root cause, Banner gradually no longer suffered from Hulk's wanton invasion easily caused the green beast to escape.

He temporarily locked the Hulk in a mental cage.

"Dr. Banner, how long has it been since you transformed?" Fury asked aloud.

"Fifteen days and six hours." Banner, who had shaved his beard cleanly and groomed it to look quite elegant, replied.

He practiced emotional control every day and kept his heart rate within 200. Gradually, Hulk became more and more silent, and he could not even sense the other party's existence at all.

"Relax, we are not going to dissect you, nor do we want to tie you to the operating table. That will only provoke a destructive green beast." The black director waved his hand to calm Banner's nervousness, "I I heard that you are very knowledgeable about gamma rays?"

A certain word that Fury said at the end seemed to touch Banner's nerves. His face twitched and he was reluctant to answer the question.

Gamma rays plunged Banner's life into a mess. He lost his beloved girlfriend and had a bright and bright future. He went from being a top genius in the scientific world to a wanted criminal in the military. It all seemed like a journey that was too long to wake up from. Horrible nightmare.

"No one knows gamma rays better than you." A smile appeared on Fury's serious dark face, "Actually, I appreciate you now more than the Hulk after your transformation, Dr. Banner."

"Your brain is the most valuable thing. I need your help now, as Bruce Banner."

Banner hesitated for a while and nodded silently. Deep down in his heart, he was actually unwilling to work for government departments. Whether it was SHIELD or the military, most of these people had ulterior motives. Once he followed When they work together, good things rarely happen.

"This cube is called the Cosmic Cube. It is a wonderful creation. It is said that it was once the most cherished bright gem of Leodin in Nordic mythology. It has endless energy. SHIELD has been trying to use it to create a Stable and eternal energy..."

Taking Banner into the elevator, the black director came to the core laboratory of the underground base. Dr. Selvig fiddled with the instruments and equipment, trying to induce the energy response of the Universe Rubik's Cube, and then analyze and copy it.

"This is Dr. Eric Selvig. I believe you will meet often in the future... He is Agent Patton, responsible for the Cosmic Cube and your safety."

Fury introduced them one by one. The reason why he brought Banner to this secret base that was not even recorded in SHIELD's internal files was because he wanted to use the other party's genius mind to crack the mystery of the Cosmic Cube.

This small blue cube first appeared during World War II. The leader of Hydra, Red Skull, obtained it. John Schmidt, who knew the origin of the Cosmic Cube, used it to create a powerful energy weapon. If Captain America hadn't led the Howling Commandos to stop the Nazis' crazy plan and created a chance to win the war, perhaps the wheel of history would have sailed in another direction.

Later, Howard Stark salvaged the Cosmic Cube from the sea. Due to the technology and resources at the time, he did not immediately exploit the infinite energy of the cube. Instead, he sealed it for safekeeping until Nick Fury became Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. the throne.

"It is emitting weak gamma rays and some unknown radioactive materials." Banner glanced at the data lines on the monitoring instrument and came to a conclusion without thinking.

Turning his gaze towards the Cosmic Cube, which was emitting a faint blue light, Banner's heart skipped a beat. The beastly intuition derived from Hulk reminded him that this gadget seemed quite dangerous.

"What do you want to use it for?" Banner, who had been deceived by General Ross once, turned to ask.

"Develop unlimited energy, which can solve many problems, such as energy crises and resource wars." Fury replied without changing his expression.

Of course, the black director will not tell the other party outright that SHIELD intends to use the Cosmic Cube to create weapons of destruction. To deal with a naive idealist like Banner, they can only slowly figure it out, weaken the other party's vigilance, and then use High-sounding reasons to gain trust.

After settling Bruce Banner, Fury walked through the long corridor and saw Coulson arriving. This confidant had just returned from Stark Industries.

"Tony Stark agreed?" the black director asked directly.

Coulson nodded. When he rushed to Stark Industries, the bohemian Iron Man was holding a superhero party at his home and called all the Fantastic Four. Stark, who was busy at the party, ignored him at all. The call from SHIELD was finally answered by Miss Pepper.

"Mr. Stark said that as the scientific advisor of SHIELD, it is natural for him to help us. Regarding the manufacturing of anti-gravity metal and helicarrier, he will take the time to get it done." The middle-aged agent recounted with a strange expression. Again.

Even Nick Fury was surprised. When did the mean and vicious Tony Stark become easy to talk to? In the past, when he wanted to ask the other party to do something, how could he not just push back and do something perfunctory?

"Mr. Stark seemed very busy and agreed very casually." Coulson said hesitantly.

He is currently the only S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who has direct contact with Tony Stark. The high-profile and conceited Iron Man doesn't like dealing with government departments, especially agents.

Because Coulson saved Miss Pepper Potts in the previous incident caused by Obadiah Stane, thus winning a certain degree of favor from Tony Stark. Otherwise, it would be difficult to say that Iron Man, who has always had his own way of doing things, Will he deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Keep an eye on Tony, don't let him cause anything. He is a troublesome guy."

Fury gave an instruction. The black director firmly believed that Tony Stark's ability to make trouble was directly proportional to his clever mind, so he always paid close attention to his movements.

Putting aside the suspicious phenomenon of Iron Man for the time being, Nick Fury boarded the elevator. He looked down at the Iron Base with some satisfaction. The development plan of the Cosmic Cube was in full swing, and the manufacturing of the Helicarrier was also on track, giving the elite The warriors are equipped with powerful energy weapons, coupled with a helicarrier like the mythical Eye of Horus, which is enough to monitor any changes on the planet.

If the subsequent Insight Project is successfully implemented, then SHIELD will be able to be called a strong shield to protect the earth. Regardless of whether they are mutants or other superpowers, in front of the Avengers, they no longer have the dangerous ability to threaten the world.

"SHIELD is the greatest guarantee of world security." Fury thought so.

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