Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 249 In the name of destruction

Mulholland Avenue in Latvia is "Cripple" John's territory.

Everyone who knows him knows that he once trained and served in Poland's Thunder Special Forces. Later, a leg was blown off in a terrorist attack, so he retired and returned to his hometown.

But no one among the thugs and gangsters on the street dared to offend or make fun of John's lameness, not only because he was working for the big warlord leader Lazio, but also because he had crushed the head of a gang boss on Mulholland Avenue with his bare hands. .

In the Mole Bar on the opposite corner of the block, Lame John pressed the opponent's bald head with his two palms, and used his thumbs to pop out the eyes. The hard skull was crushed to cracks. The sight of blood and violence was extremely... Shocking, even today, it is still regarded as a topic of conversation by many people after dinner.

John sat leisurely on the boss's chair, counting the cash piles on the table like a mountain. His face was full of joy. He was no longer the gang leader who was at the forefront of the fight.

On the surface, this fierce-looking cripple is the owner of a Latvian trucking company. In fact, he is secretly engaged in illegal smuggling and huge profit business. He has thousands of people under his command. Those old-fashioned cars that usually run in the streets , the main way to make a living is by transporting drugs and contraband for gangs.

In addition to John, there is also a Russian named Lewandov, who is in charge of a military factory and is also a confidant of Lazio. The leader of the big warlord is said to be an armed force supported by the old aristocracy, a series of intricate interests. Chains constitute the dark world of Latvinia.

"Jingle Bell--"

The piercing sound of the phone rang in the luxurious office. Lame John, who was sorting out the bills and banknotes, frowned and picked up the phone impatiently.

"Boss, Cristo's neck was broken today." A panicked voice came from the other end of the phone.

"When will there be no death in Latvinia? Next time you bother me for something like this, don't even bother with your neck!" the irritable gang leader sternly scolded.

"...Boss, no, not only Criscito, but also Marchisio, Gilardino, Vidic...the bodies of more than thirty people were hung on the arbors!"

The voice on the other side seemed to be extremely frightened. He said tremblingly: "I brought more than fifty brothers and shotguns... That guy is a monster! He grabbed a car and went to the military factory in Lewandov... "

Lame John's heart skipped a beat when he heard the other party's incoherent answer. No one had dared to challenge them for a long time. In a small and backward country like Latvinia, Lazio has a well-equipped private armed force with good combat capabilities. , can be regarded as a prince, with the financial support of the old aristocracy behind him, and he can play both sides among the leaders of the major parties.

Except for the big shots at the top of the country, big warlord leaders like him can be said to be able to turn their hands into clouds and rain. Even the military must give them some face, and ordinary people dare to offend them easily.

Lame John stood up, his strong muscles clearly exposed, and he stretched his black leather jacket tightly. He only wore a prosthetic leg on his right leg and walked with a slight limp, like a lame man.

He immediately wanted to call Lazio, but then he thought about it. Even if that guy appeared out of nowhere and killed dozens of gangsters and taxi drivers on his own, he would not be able to fight against all Lewandov's men. Armed elite warriors may not be able to get good results.

And it seems pretty good if the arrogant and rude guy like Lewandorf can be made to suffer a small loss. Lame John has been coveting the business of the military factory for a long time, but he was frightened by the brutal and cruel Russians. The means of doing things suppressed the ambition that was ready to move, and did not show it.

"Fuck the Russians!" John spat and continued to sit back and sort out the bills. Apart from the regular army, he could not think of anyone in this country who could shake a small military factory.

Such thoughts continued until seven o'clock in the evening. The gang leader was opening the giant claws of an Alaskan lobster, peeling off the red shell, and chewing the snow-white and crystal-clear tender meat inside.

The phone ringing in the room kept screaming, and Lame John's eyes were full of anger. He wiped the grease on his hands, picked up the phone and said viciously: "How many times have I told you not to eat while you're there?" Please disturb me when you are here!"


The majestic voice reached his ears through the microphone, shocking the angry gang leader. He swallowed back a string of curse words that had already reached his throat like a bucket of cold water poured down on him.

"Mr. Lazio... I didn't know it was you, those damn guys always come to bother me... I'm sorry, Mr. Lazio, I definitely didn't mean to show any disrespect to you..."

"Shut up!" the warlord leader stopped the idiot from nagging like a girl, "Lewandov is dead."

"Lewandorf is dead?" The news was like thunder, causing Lame John to freeze in place. He repeated it subconsciously, and a chill spread upward from his spine.

"There was a bastard in a dark green cloak. He attacked the military factory in Lewandov and took away a box of ring-shaped metal plutonium, which weighed nearly six kilograms. Then I was going to sell it to the Chechen militants! I can exchange for more advanced weapons and countless dollars!"

Lazio, who has always shown a calm look, held the microphone and shouted, with veins popping out on his face, and his fierce eyes were like a hungry wolf, ready to bite people at any time.

"I don't care what method you use, even if you block the entire Latvinia, you have to find that bastard! I have already said hello to the Prime Minister and Mr. Gavin, and the police station will launch a twenty-four-hour alert order - —So John! We must catch that reckless guy and bring my things back!"

Hearing the hoarse roar of the warlord leader, Lame John nodded immediately. After hanging up the phone, he dialed dozens of numbers one after another, including the police chief, senior officials from the city hall, the boss of his casino, and the automobile transportation company. Managers, etc., as if at this moment, the whole city began to boil and noisy, like a machine plugged into the power supply, started with a bang, and the small parts attached to it started to rotate, bursting out terrifying energy.

The TV station's evening news immediately broadcast a top-level wanted order, announcing that a terrorist wearing a dark green cloak had hijacked extremely dangerous items. Therefore, the entire city was under martial law and a large-scale search and arrest operation was launched. The police, who have always been criticized and ridiculed by Latvian people, showed amazing execution ability at this moment. The sound of sirens cut through the night sky, passed through the streets, and echoed throughout the city.

And in the underground world where dragons and snakes are mixed, where three religions and nine sects are entrenched, a bounty list with a bounty of millions is also beginning to spread. On it is a vaguely drawn man wearing a cloak. The huge bounty makes countless gangsters and thugs ready to take action and their blood boils. , they started searching like crazy dogs, hoping to seize this golden opportunity.

In an abandoned tin house located in the suburbs, as the initiator of this huge commotion, Victor Doom was admiring the ring-shaped metal in the box, which was like a rough iron block, weighing 5.3 kilograms and about 11 centimeters in diameter, quietly Displayed in box.

"Dum, why didn't you follow the plan?" A cold voice came into his ears.

That is the consciousness of Skynet, the Eye of Horus overlooking the planet, and no one can escape its surveillance.

"It's too slow." Doom replied hoarsely. "Cooperating with the warlords, and then gradually entering the upper class of Latvinia, gaining the support and trust of the Prime Minister or the old nobles... It takes too much time."

Doctor Doom, who has a new personality, lifts his hood, and the steel mask reflects the cold light. His voice is full of the coldness of metal, cold and cold.

"This country is rotten, from top to bottom, as the master said, I am back here to bring destruction and rebirth - I should first bring down the thunder of destruction."

Doom closed the black box containing weapons-grade plutonium, his empty eyes flashing across the blazing white light. He would become the uncrowned king of Latvinia, in the name of destruction.

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