Sentinel of American Comics

Chapter 252 Doomsday Cult

Umbrella's underground space.

The rumbling sound echoed and vibrated, like a prehistoric beast breathing heavily, the beating heart beating like a big drum, and the flowing blood vessels like the Yangtze River.

A shirtless Sean was doing physical training in a square, empty room. Dr. Otto's artificial suns were mounted on the four walls. They were like four small suns, emitting a violent halo of energy that was dazzling and dazzling.

The young man in the middle had muscles twisting like steel wires, and veins leaping and leaping one by one, like a wild python entangled, bulging into balls, filled with a terrifying sense of power. He seemed to be stuck in a sticky quagmire. It was extremely difficult to raise his hands and feet and make any movement.

This is a gravity room specially created for physical training. It uses artificial gravitational fields to increase the gravity multiplier in the room. If ordinary people step into this special room, they will probably be pulled by heavy gravity in an instant, and their entire body will be pulled. It collapsed and shattered, causing massive internal bleeding and death.

Sean, who did not use the sentinel power to form a protective force field, regarded this place as his own gym, panting and doing bench press training, his heart beating "dong dong", like a drum, and abundant power was flowing around. Between cells and muscles, a large amount of sweat pours from the pores, and is quickly evaporated by the high temperature in the room.

The high-intensity physical exercise lasted for about two hours. The cells in the body slowly absorbed the energy of the artificial sun. The feeling of fatigue gradually disappeared. The whole person seemed to be soaked in a warm hot spring, and there was a sense of comfort all over the body.

Sean turned off the power of the gravity chamber, the light of energy concentrated on him dimmed, the artificial sun stopped operating, and the artificial gravitational field also disappeared suddenly.

He stood there for a few seconds before he dared to take a step. When he first started training, the sudden change in gravity would make Sean quite embarrassed. His body seemed to become lighter all of a sudden, and sometimes he couldn't control it. Without strength, if he took a step, he would hit the wall directly. The concave humanoid outlines on the alloy wall in the underground space were all caused by this.

After taking a few deep breaths and confirming the power to control his body, Sean stepped into the bathroom. The cold water washed over his strong body like a marble statue, and then the water on his body evaporated. He put on a new set of clothes. .

"Victor Doom's ability to cause trouble is top-notch."

Sitting in front of the computer, Sean learned in detail everything that happened in Latvinia. Just last night, the Prime Minister's Palace in the city center was hit by an explosion. It was reduced to ruins along with two nearby blocks. The rising dust drifted away. Over the city, lingering for a long time.

Victor Doom, who planned this horrific incident, was not affected. In addition to his own abilities, Doctor Doom was instilled with a lot of magical knowledge about Kama Taj. Obviously, after he detonated the bomb at the Prime Minister's Palace, he quietly left using the spell of space teleportation.

On the morning of the second day after the explosion, riots broke out in the slums. The old aristocratic mansion that was preparing to establish a new regime was violently attacked by the mob. At 4:50 that day, a large-scale bloody conflict broke out, regardless of whether it was suppressed. Whether it was the police or the rioting civilians, both sides suffered losses. The casualties were heavy and incalculable.

"He is creating chaos, sir. Latvinia has lost its order. The police, gangs, and various factions and political parties are fighting against each other... This country is like a wild horse that has escaped the reins and is gradually heading towards hell."

After hearing Skynet's report, Sean pondered for a while, then asked: "What is Doom doing?"

"In addition to causing greater chaos, Victor Doom took control of two small gangs and occupied the warlord leader's arms factory... Then he distributed the weapons to the thugs in the ghetto."

Sean stopped tapping his fingers on the table. The new personality he created for Victor Doom, both in character and thought, was closer to the "Doctor Doom" he knew.

Therefore, Sean was not surprised by what Doom did. He understood what the other party wanted to do. First, he would get rid of the nominally largest person in power in Latvinia, and then trigger civilian riots and create more conflicts and conflicts. Bloodshed, using anger and blood to brew a fruit of revenge.

The old aristocrats who were lying on their backs must have thought they had a chance to win at this time. They summoned warlords and police to suppress them, and then they couldn't wait to push another puppet to power.

And Doom allowed those mobs to obtain weapons. These ordinary people whose rationality is obscured by desire and anger, their ambitions spread like crazy weeds. When a group is filled with fanaticism, it is like a runaway train, rumbling Break through the rails and head towards the unknown direction.

"It seems that Doctor Doom is preparing to completely shatter the old order in Latvinia. Coups, riots, conflicts, confrontations... all of them are like dominoes, knocking over one piece and all collapsing."

Sean played the blurry video on his computer. It was a group of poor people from the ghetto. They gathered in a circle and knelt at the feet of dark green cloaks, like fanatical believers.

"You see, Doom established a sect named 'Doomsday', attracting more believers from this turbulent and chaotic country. It won't be long before Latvinia will praise the name of Doctor Doom. He is very A religious regime will be created soon, and Victor Doom is the only true god."

Sean closed the computer, just as Doom said, if you want to dominate Latvinia as quickly as possible, you must first defeat its order, create chaos, and then end the chaos.

Among them, Doctor Doom dominates everything. He can both start war and bring peace.

"Skynet, it seems that you will have a new home soon."

Young people have never doubted whether Victor Doom can seize the highest power in Latvinia. Most complex things in the world cannot be simplified, and that is only because he does not have enough power or resources.

Destroy a country, shake the original order, and then establish a new regime... This series of actions may seem complicated and cumbersome, and full of various uncertain factors, but Doctor Doom can easily do it.

He killed Prime Minister Bonucci and used Skynet to publish public opinion on the TV station, claiming that the old aristocracy launched this terrorist attack because the upright and fearless Prime Minister had shaken their dominance and incited people suffering from poverty and disease, prompting The poor turned into mobs, and fanaticism and anger spread like weeds.

What Doom has to do next is just to light a spark and throw it into the boiling pot of oil. Maybe the riot will be suppressed, but those who demand more power and life security, in the constant bloody conflicts, will Become the solid foundation of the Doomsday Cult.

When mortal power fails to enable them to win, the true God, bathed in hope and light, descends.

Obviously, Victor Doom is playing this "god" role.

Sean boarded the elevator, putting aside the religious revival in Latvinia for the moment. He had to attend the dedication ceremony of Stark Tower tonight.

Compared with the wonderful drama directed by Doom, the dangerous game between female agents and scientists attracted this young man even more.

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